level 10 twinks post 3.2

my pallys coming along great and ive been playing around with different weapons and chants and found that [item]Tranquillien Flamberge[/item] + feiry is awesome burst and fiery always procs off of my judgements nd does 40-60 damage :3 so white damage+ 11 SoR damage+ 35 proc+ 40-60 fiery= :D~!!!!!!!
farmerjen said:
So how's everyones lvl 10's coming along? Did a bunch of quests the last 2 days after turning of xp. Got my gloves of the moon, beastmaster's girdle and talonstrike. Working on rings now.

Great ^^ I started a hunter :3
Mines still 7, havnt touched him since 3.2.

So many different twinks I want to finish ;_;
Lythe said:
my pallys coming along great and ive been playing around with different weapons and chants and found that [item]Tranquillien Flamberge[/item] + feiry is awesome burst and fiery always procs off of my judgements nd does 40-60 damage :3 so white damage+ 11 SoR damage+ 35 proc+ 40-60 fiery= :D~!!!!!!!

Armory link please:)?
+100 hp chest

Gloves of the Moon

Beast Master's Girdle

Acidproof cloak

Ring of Scorn



Looks gewd, cap 225 mining and skinning or herby.
^^ I hear ya, nobody wanted to help me too. Of course I was doing in the late hours too but anyway my challenge was finding my enchanter friends for gloves and weapon enchant. Anybody else find any good Bop items that our level can obtain. Just got slayers band last night, working on ring of scorn for optional stam.
[item]Beastmaster's Girdle[/item]

[item]Gloves of the Moon[/item]

i jsut got all the quest gear... :*( kinda sad... i liked going around for all that gear lol... maybe ill jsut farm rep on my down time

but i wanna make sure i didnt miss anything so can someoen link all possible gear? i think i got everything but doesnt hurt to recheck :D
[item]Wingblade[/item], [item]Cobalt Buckler[/item], [item]Ward of the Vale[/item], [item]Arcanite Fishing Pole[/item], [item]Darkmoon Chain Shirt[/item], [item]The 1 Ring[/item], [item]Bloodied Arcanite Reaper[/item], [item]Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate[/item], [item]Polished Breastplate of Valor[/item], [item][Brackwater Boots[/item]

This is all I can name off hand :3

now I must leave, gotta a date ;)
arrrgghhh only 2 trinkets away from my AGM.... hoping nobody's there at 3 AM >.<
Haha, on a level 10 rogue? I got mine like 2 days ago ^^ So amazing, used it for my first time on a level 25 paladin I dueled, he was decked in BoE's with enchants too (crusader, stam enchants, armor, agi etc etc) it came down to like 1 second on my AGM and his 20 health xD

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