level 10 twinks post 3.2

lol yep, on my 10 rogue. there were 3 god damn 80's there, but at least they were helping a 19 twink and not just being achievement whores.
Spooksters said:
Oh gawd, if only...a level 10 pally or a feral druid (el o el) with that fishing pole would cause some damage

I don't know why you guys are saying the fishing pole would be that good. [ITEM]Crescent Staff[/ITEM] has higher DPS. Gives Stats. And is Enchant-able. Wouldn't it clearly be a better choice?
Predatot said:
I don't know why you guys are saying the fishing pole would be that good. [ITEM]Crescent Staff[/ITEM] has higher DPS. Gives Stats. And is Enchant-able. Wouldn't it clearly be a better choice?

Pally's can't use the staff, and the main thing with the fishing pole is the crazy nuts crit chance :)
I've just started a lvl 10 twink a couple days ago, after reading this post.


He still needs some work, like new bracers, a couple trinkets, and so on, but my progress on him is pretty good. I plan to hit the fishing tournament in a couple days, in hopes of a hat or boots.

What do you guys think I should grab, a pair of AGM, or BoA trinkets?
FrostShockIsOP said:
I've just started a lvl 10 twink a couple days ago, after reading this post.


He still needs some work, like new bracers, a couple trinkets, and so on, but my progress on him is pretty good. I plan to hit the fishing tournament tomorrow in hopes of a hat or boots.

What do you guys think I should grab, a pair of AGM, or BoA trinkets?

You need stamina man, get acidproof cloak, the rfc q bracers(leather), coral claymore, ring of deliah or something, oh lol you are ahunter, thoguht you were pally for smoe reason. You might wanna get the blue staff from the wingblade quest and yes get AGMs, but you can also get BoAs having more gears on your hands is always nice,.
Just started a level 10 alliance hunter, going to tell you all how shes working out here within the next 5 days
canihascookie said:
Just started a level 10 alliance hunter, going to tell you all how shes working out here within the next 5 days

How many lvl 10s do you have now? Btw how does it workout to fight mostly twinks now as lvl 10?. I hope you'll make a lvl 10 fc druid some day though;)
3 at the moment



and the alli huntar thats unnamed for now ;)

Well, Demetori v Rogue = I usually win, but sometimes I dont

Demetori v Paladin = i Die

Demetori v everything else = i Die

Sickduck v Rogue = I usually win

Sickduck v Everything else = I die

:p I see a connection here.
lvl 10 rogue in a lvl 19 twink BG is somewhat pointless. your dmg is almost as good as the other players...but you lack all the tools + stam.

almost same stands for a hunter.

but still it is fun^^

i have just done 2 chars to see how it works and yes...its a funny way of twink for pvp. they are not maxed out with AGM and hat, but if im not focused -> FUN!



i know which upgrades i would have to do...lazy!


im not playing a belf...it is not possible at all! (dmn that racial helps as a lvl 10 rogue)
I have just finished getting 2 AGM's on my soon to be level 10 tuaren druid. He is level 5 right now and will hopefully be 10 by the end of the night. Ill keep everyone posted to see how it goes.
Currently working on a 10 warrior for a bit of fun, would Lifestealing be a viable enchant for Wingblade? I'm rocking +15 Agility atm but it doesn't seem all that great.
I'm kind of confused, after looking at some of the builds on chadrev and seeing the pretty high 40%-50% crit rates and then looking at my crit rate on my paladin (not fully geared but decent gear) it doesn't seem to match up. After trying to figure out the problem I completely stripped a build on chadrev and the crit rate was STILL higher than my crit rate at level 10. Anyone care to explain?
Poptimus said:
I'm kind of confused, after looking at some of the builds on chadrev and seeing the pretty high 40%-50% crit rates and then looking at my crit rate on my paladin (not fully geared but decent gear) it doesn't seem to match up. After trying to figure out the problem I completely stripped a build on chadrev and the crit rate was STILL higher than my crit rate at level 10. Anyone care to explain?

Mind giving us a link to your chardev/armory? Are you sure you accounted for both haste enchants, if that is what you are using? +20 to 2h and +10 to gloves.
ahh I see. I'm assuming you already know but you'll need +10 haste to gloves, +5 hit rating to boots & counterweight to weapon. then yeah, minor channeling ring, finish 150 engy, drop mining for 225 skinning and you'll be looking good. oh and a cloak enchant. and look for a voice amplification modulator
Is it more beneficial to take the +5 hit rating to boots or minor speed? What's the use of +5 hit rating if you can't catch them :p
It's just good to have multiple boots with different options. I'm rolling with 4 pairs myself. +7 sta/+7 agi/speed/hit. I use hit when I pve.

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