Legit WoD Alpha patch notes are up

Everything looks fine for me except rogues just ambushing without having to be behind the target .. like wtf that's gotta be the dumbest thing ever. Might as well give rogues unlimited stealth while in combat... smh they are making it easier and easier to play rogue which takes away the fun of the class. Plus that doesn't make sense, ambushing from the front?
And yea hopefully enh gets good so i can play that instead along with mage
Catching a hunter and Druid is gonna be a prob for warriors D:

Here's the scenario:
Warrior: charge-roots hunter for 1.5 sec

Hunter/Druid: Disengage in .75 sec of duration/ Shapeshift (same duration)

Warrior: Uses 2nd charge of Charge (lol charge of charge)

Hunter: is already too far for 2nd root

Druid: Shapeshift

Warrior: gets kites and dies

when they said worlocks were getting a rework... this is not what I had in mind.... guess it's time to dust off my enhancement shaman :/
The class is not neutered, they just nerfed the 20s version of it unpurposely. They adjust the cc situation at 90. Our twink bracket has to take what it gets and I dont think that will change in wod.
All I hear out of your points, is the complain of an overpowered class (big dmg AND good cc AND good movement) fearing to be nerfed to the same level of other classes. In my opinion it was about time to do that.
Looking at warriors now, you can say that they are in the situation of having almost no cc and just dealing dmg, that hunters might be in in wod, but with worse movement.
Everyone should be free to roll an op class, I am doing it myself, but complaining about it being less strong than before is ridiculous.
I know rogues and palas are not the weakest classes either, but do you hear me complaining about rogues loosing shadowstep in mop or hpalas getting 1.5s cast time on word of glory? No.

Also I feel like ambush without any facing requirement is not the biggest buff there ever was.
I agree that hunters need a nerf but removing CC is not my answer. My issue with hunter is that the dmg is too high. I think the way hunters were nerfed in MoP was better than the way they intend to nerf them now.

''do you hear me complaining about rogues loosing shadowstep in mop or hpalas getting 1.5s cast time on word of glory''

I think this is silly because although you didn't complain you still cared and that's pretty much what a complaint is. It's you expressing that you gave a shit.

It doesn't matter that you didn't complain if you cared then it really isn't much different and the fact that you mentioned those examples kind of makes me think you cared.

Anyway, I wouldn't compare the loss of scatter shot to some dinky cooldown. I said it myself: It's like losing your left arm. It's kind of essential hunter tool.

Yes, I have heard multiple people complain about the loss of shadowstep.
Anyway, I wouldn't compare the loss of scatter shot to some dinky cooldown. I said it myself: It's like losing your left arm. It's kind of essential hunter tool.

We lost Intimidation and we are doing fine now arent we? Sure scatter shot is one of if not the most important ability for us but who cares.. Everyone who plays a hunt for the class and not to faceroll as the OP class (so like 15 hunts in this bracket) will just reroll MM and 1 shot everything while having to actually worry about positioning.

Our class just got dumbed down to the level of all the other classes at this level, we'll finally see how stupidly easy it'll be to play a class at the "max" skill cap while literally using 3-5 buttons like everyone else. Just be happy like 10 of our binds will be able to be deleted finally will all the crap they are removing.
Will there be any point to backstrafe anymore with position requirements removed?

Also changes look interesting :> i hope locks can get dem soulburn abilities

Edit- i really wish blizz let us get some more aoe abilities like blizzard or flamestrike
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I'm surprised how much you guys are speculating. We're not going to have any idea until they release some sort of updated talent calculator for WoD that includes the new spells@levels.

Until then, 100% of what we're talking about is going to be speculation - especially since this is only alpha notes.
Will there be any point to backstrafe anymore with position requirements removed?

you can't dodge, block or parry unless you're facing the enemy.

if they're removing the positional requirements for amush, can it now be dodged or parried?
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Oh lawdy, I might just play my F2P rogue a bit more.

Also, my FC tactics are ruined because of ambush restrictions being removed. :<
More mage info:

"Frost Armor is now available only to Frost Mages and is now a passive effect."
"Frost Armor now grants 15% chance to Multistrike instead of 7% Haste.."
"Shatter now multiplies Critical Strike chance by 1.5 (down from 2)."
"Shatter is now available only to Frost Mages."
Sorry fire
"The Frost Armor and Shatter changes increase the amount of Haste/Critical chance that they can acquire on gear before they start hitting soft caps. The Shatter change also lowers the value of Critical Strike for a bit."
"Evanesce: Fade into the nether, avoiding all attacks against you for 3 seconds. This spell may be cast while a cast-time spell is in progress and is not on the global cooldown. Replaces Ice Block. 45-second cooldown."
I don't think they offer talents to replace spells unless you already have the spell. We'll probably have Ice Block.
sounded like they buffed all dmg then remove aspect making aspect passive and serpent sting getting applied from arc shot.
Didnt see this part:
>Serpent Spread has been renamed Serpent Sting, and remains a passive for Survival Hunters. It causes Multi-Shot and Arcane Shot to also apply the Serpent Sting poison, which does instant and periodic damage.
Thought at the moment serpent spread is a 68lvl :3

As for aspect
>We decided to cut Aspect of the Hawk, and bake in its benefit to the other abilities.
This really depends on their way of implementing. If it will be like +% buff to all damaging abilities, then the same, if it will increase damage of only some abilities and for example they are beyound 20lvl this is a plain nerf for f2p hunts but the same overall damage for 90.
Catching a hunter and Druid is gonna be a prob for warriors D:

Here's the scenario:
Warrior: charge-roots hunter for 1.5 sec

Hunter/Druid: Disengage in .75 sec of duration/ Shapeshift (same duration)

Warrior: Uses 2nd charge of Charge (lol charge of charge)

Hunter: is already too far for 2nd root

Druid: Shapeshift

Warrior: gets kites and dies


well we get hamstring with MS apparently

and in a lot of cases you can just mount in, saving the first charge
you can't dodge, block or parry unless you're facing the enemy.

if they're removing the positional requirements for amush, can it now be dodged or parried?

Oh i thought the dodge block parry counted as a position requirement.

And if im not mistaken cant moves that are done in stealth not be dodged etc?
"X% Multistrike means: Each ability has two separate (X/2)% chances to hit each target an additional time for 30% damage. Multistrikes count as hitting the same target twice with one cast, not multiple casts. (i.e. Mind Blast won't generate 2 shadow orbs) Multistrike is split into two (X/2)% chances, so that you can occasionally get a triple-hit (fun!), and the cap is 200%, not 100%."

So what does that mean? Well assuming multistirke won't be on gear at this level, which it probably won't, Frost Armor provides (2) 7.5% chances to hit the target again for 30% of the damage of the first hit. All hits count as one cast. So it's nice but rare. Lucky RNG could make a FB/Ice Lance shatter 1 hit someone QQ. Lets take a look...

Frozen target:
FB (crit)
Ice Lance(crit)
Multistike FB(7.5% chance to proc. 30% damage of original crit FB)
Multistike FB(7.5% chance to proc. 30% damage of original crit FB)
Multistrike Ice Lance(7.5% chance to proc. 30% damage of original crit IL)
Multistrike Ice Lance(7.5% chance to proc. 30% damage of original crit IL)

So that's 6 hits instant all with insane crit damage.

God damn Blizzard, why you make me want to play this game still.
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