Legit WoD Alpha patch notes are up

B..... hunters getting nerfed thats all that matters
If new weapon damage benefit from AP (agility) goes live hunters will be even more horrible:
>Each point of Agility or Strength now grants 1 Attack Power (down from 2). All other sources of Attack Power now grant half as much as before.
>Weapon Damage values on all weapons have been reduced by 20%.
>Attack Power now increases Weapon Damage at a rate of 1 DPS per 3.5 Attack Power (up from 1 DPS per 14 Attack Power).

So now I've got (outside BG) 132 agility > 284 RAP (aspect turned off) and 21 DPS from weapon and 21 DPS from RAP.
With new changes it's 21 DPS*80%=17 DPS from weapon and 132 ag > 132 RAP/3.5=37.7 DPS from RAP.
So before changes it was 42 DPS, after it's 55 DPS. With aspect turned on it will be 68 DPS.

Take into account that:
>Aimed Shot now deals 20% more damage and no longer interrupts Auto Attacks.
And Aimed shot is heavily based on DPS (weapon damage which benefits from RAP actually). So instead of running and jumping we will be probably 1-shoting clothies with Careful Aim - Spell - World of Warcraft

Too long till WOD actual notes hit anyway.
dont worry scumbag huntards, they wont be weak. lowlvl huntards will never be weak
People keep bringing up enh shamans and increased damage. Can somebody point me to that part in the notes? Because all I see is a searing totem buff (read: useless) and the removal of water shield (read: my primary shield). While I definitely think a damage buff is in order I don't see it in the notes.
People keep bringing up enh shamans and increased damage. Can somebody point me to that part in the notes? Because all I see is a searing totem buff (read: useless) and the removal of water shield (read: my primary shield). While I definitely think a damage buff is in order I don't see it in the notes.

Found this. Flametongue Weapon damage has been increased by 40%, and Lava Lash damage has been increased to 280% weapon damage (up from 140%) to compensate. That'll help
So before changes it was 42 DPS, after it's 55 DPS. With aspect turned on it will be 68 DPS.
Don't forget that heals are being buffed, health pools are being buffed and aspect is being removed. :)
People keep bringing up enh shamans and increased damage. Can somebody point me to that part in the notes? Because all I see is a searing totem buff (read: useless) and the removal of water shield (read: my primary shield). While I definitely think a damage buff is in order I don't see it in the notes.

With all expansions there is level swapping of the level req of abilities, should this move stormstrike down a few levels along with the increase of it's damage when lightning shield is active you will see a pretty heavy increase to enhancement damage, however it is also a high chance of that not being the case and in which case things won't really change.

Whhat they could be talking about could also be that while it doesn't get buffed, others get nerfed making enhancement seem more powerful even if it doesn't get buffed because the others get dragged down to their level.
Don't forget that heals are being buffed, health pools are being buffed and aspect is being removed. :)
From my POV heals are being nerfed since no more instahealing and pushback from hunter+pet is huge, those who rolled BE will be able to even interrupt once. Health pool is not being buffed, at least once again from my POV time to bring someone down will be more or less the same, they're changing numbers only. Aspect is being removed but will be included as a passive to other abilities (plain damage increase or passive like +30% RAP), so aspect is not being removed but geting reworked.
From my POV heals are being nerfed since no more instahealing and pushback from hunter+pet is huge, those who rolled BE will be able to even interrupt once. Health pool is not being buffed, at least once again from my POV time to bring someone down will be more or less the same, they're changing numbers only. Aspect is being removed but will be included as a passive to other abilities (plain damage increase or passive like +30% RAP), so aspect is not being removed but geting reworked.
but no more battle fatigue
From my POV heals are being nerfed since no more instahealing and pushback from hunter+pet is huge, those who rolled BE will be able to even interrupt once. Health pool is not being buffed, at least once again from my POV time to bring someone down will be more or less the same, they're changing numbers only. Aspect is being removed but will be included as a passive to other abilities (plain damage increase or passive like +30% RAP), so aspect is not being removed but geting reworked.

The effect from stamina relative to how it is now is being increased by 200%.
The effect from stamina relative to how it is now is being increased by 200%.

Right but the baseline resilience is also being removed (that's the stated goal although they said some may have to remain) so it's about a wash as far as effective health goes. I actually think the crit damage reduction to 150℅ will be more of a net gain for survivability than the stam/resil changes. We'll have to see how it pans out.
but no more battle fatigue
And no more, or close to 0 resilence. If 40% res wast here I would put 2k aimed and 1shotiing clothies and 1shotting+few pet attacks leather classes.

The effect from stamina relative to how it is now is being increased by 200%.
And level based base health is gone.

Why do you guys only see/read notes which appeal to you?
Why do you guys only see/read notes which appeal to you?
Because they appeal to me?? But seriously, I didn't think much about what losing resilience and increasing stamina will do. Then there's the weapon damage and different relationships between primary stats/weapons and output. We mere mortals must simply beg for crumbs from the mighty god Blizzard. Thrall save us!
For our bracket, all we will see is a health increase, damage/heal increase, crits only hit for 150%. That is IF we do not see our item levels change due to the stat squish. All of this is speculation. As stated above, it will probably be a wash for us. We will damage and heal for the same percent of someone's average healthpool.

And no more, or close to 0 resilence. If 40% res wast here I would put 2k aimed and 1shotiing clothies and 1shotting+few pet attacks leather classes.

And level based base health is gone.

Why do you guys only see/read notes which appeal to you?

We don't. It's just that many people are able to guesstimate in their heads that the bracket will end up slightly bulkier and more heal oriented.

Everything at this point is a guess. Very little, if anything, is confirmed.
Among many things, while the patch notes are still alpha, they still confirm what blizz specifically plans to do with hit/expertise:
All players now have a 100% chance to hit, 0% chance to be dodged, 3% chance to be parried, and 0% chance to glance, when fighting creatures up to 3 levels higher (bosses included).


Creatures 4+ levels higher than you still have a chance to avoid your attacks in various ways, so as to discourage you from attempting to fight enemies that are much stronger than you.


Hit and Expertise bonuses on all items and item enhancements (gems, enchants, etc.) have been converted into Critical Strike, Haste, or Mastery.
We still have to wait and see if they follow up on actually converting hit/expertise to different secondary stats (unlike "removing" resistances).

Presuming "creatures" also means players, that would mean problems for F2P WPvP in 25-29+ zones (and similarly for any other twinks).

As for the statements that health will be doubled, and resilience/battle fatigue will be removed (assuming no other changes [which may/will happen], like to base stamina, base healing/damage from abilities, (mana regen?), etc.), numerically that means:
*Effective health (compared to now) will be boosted by a factor of (2/1.4) (changing from h*1.4 to h*2), or increase by approximately 42.857%.
*Removing 60% battle fatigue now is the same as changing healing done from H*(.4) to H, or increasing healing done (compared to now) by 150% (or multiplying your current healing done by 2.5).
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From experience, I've learned never to trust Blizzard's patch notes until they're actually implemented.

Especially with something like Alpha Notes... By releasing those notes, they're essentially just tossing an outline out for people to dissect. Very, very non-committal.

It is extremely likely that the things they've been talking about for months will come to pass, though. Like Experise/Hit changes, skirmishes, removal of resil/BFat.

Even then, don't get hopes up reading something into "Alpha" notes. Lawl.
From experience, I've learned never to trust Blizzard's patch notes until they're actually implemented.

Especially with something like Alpha Notes... By releasing those notes, they're essentially just tossing an outline out for people to dissect. Very, very non-committal.

It is extremely likely that the things they've been talking about for months will come to pass, though. Like Experise/Hit changes, skirmishes, removal of resil/BFat.

Even then, don't get hopes up reading something into "Alpha" notes. Lawl.

That cow looks trustworthy, that's why I beliiiiieve (in) you, Bop.
I would not be too shocked to see cross faction battle grounds in the future. That would certainly lower the queue times in the lower brackets. The technology already exists for them to do it. That would be really nice if they did this.


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