Is this really bannable??

Ppl get ban :mad:
Ppl claim no xpdebuff nonsense :mad:
Blizz big mad????
ME not ban cuz bestest. :)
I did xpdebuff shenanigans, sure, didnt use the macro script though, just clever use of blizzard queue system.

If they banned me for reason: exploiting, I'd take the L a lot easier and accept it, I mean, I still don't think it deserves a PERM BAN though....

Just annoys me they've claimed I used hack clients which I clearly did not.

What is more worrying is the guy who claimed he simply just played his twink in dungeons and nothing else, but still got banned. That scares me enough to not even try again. Feel like I got lucky they didnt include my 20+ year main account which I was boosting chars on.

I'm more sad about the fun being over than the twink account being banned if I'm honest. I was having a blast.
There are many things i find fun and braindamaging about this "community" but gy farming the falling is not my shtick.
You say you didn't use the script. Alright. something else then that triggered it for you. Try recreate your patterns for past 6 month and think what it could be.
While it is possible to get entire bnet account closed the chances of it being a mistake or for meme sake while withstanding appeal are very low and usually a combination of things and/or behavior patterns.

Today it is you tomorrow it is me or anyone else here. I am at peace with the fact. At any point any account can be closed for no given reason.
We all living under a loaded barrel and as time goes by it is very easy to forget the fact that you or i do not own anything when running this spynet by the name of bnet. Just like conq can someday comeback here and hold all this stated thoughts hostage for another 15 dolla donation so can lizzard delete us all if line god wont go up high enough.

Try learn out of this experience you got and mitigate future damage if you planning to go again.
on top of suggestions stated earlier (if yall this serious about boosting / multi boxing and got means & space for it)
  • Get 1 or 2 laptops to physically run it as separate things to minimize the risk. Do not use 5 accounts on one machine.
  • Play wow on private servers.
  • Run wow locally as your own thing and invest your effort and time in that.
  • Play something else.

nvidia app or any other thing is enough to trigger flag if something goes wrong or interacts with wows memory.
People been banned for having cuda running and while it was not confirmed the assumption was that.
I wasnt playin last 6 moths. I got back after a very-very long break. And it is just wow ban. Checkmate. Thats why im so surprised to get ban just for clearing tbc dungeons with legacy loot for gearing my toon. But i unerstand that out twink community is in dangers at any moment. Very sad, that's all.
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I wasnt playin last 6 moths. I got back after a very-very long break. And it is just wow ban. Checkmate. Thats why im so surprised to get ban just for clearing tbc dungeons with legacy loot for gearing my toon. But i unerstand that out twink community is in dangers at any moment. Very sad, that's all.
it is sad. Agreed.
Te-hee, my warlock ran at 228% speed before ban. Is it you who reported me to get rid of concurrents, huh?:KEKW:
Brother, my lock does 250% with Fel Rush. Rogue and druid 233%, shaman 253% in wolf. And these are without farming consumables (phial + fish add another 13-15%) and incomplete gear sets that I'm still improving. Give this a rest already, will ya?
Id take that with a grain of salt. Every time someone eats a ban but "I was just playing normally" it comes out eventually that they were doing something fishy.
i have done the exact same thing for years. especialy boosting friends through dungeons by queuing together and coordinating the queue pop on discord. except this time blizzard seems to have updated the algorythm to make it a bannable offense? no bluepost about it, no warnings, nothing. straight permaban
I got my account back :p
Brother, my lock does 250% with Fel Rush. Rogue and druid 233%, shaman 253% in wolf. And these are without farming consumables (phial + fish add another 13-15%) and incomplete gear sets that I'm still improving. Give this a rest already, will ya?
You are so cool! Dont take it so serious bruh, it looks like you need to touch the grass
i have done the exact same thing for years. especialy boosting friends through dungeons by queuing together and coordinating the queue pop on discord. except this time blizzard seems to have updated the algorythm to make it a bannable offense? no bluepost about it, no warnings, nothing. straight permaban
so you knew you were engaging in behavior to get around an intended limitation in the game and youre shocked you got a ban because it just took them a while to get around to it?
so you knew you were engaging in behavior to get around an intended limitation in the game and youre shocked you got a ban because it just took them a while to get around to it?
this makes no sense whatsoever. what isnt intended is grouping up to do activities other then the dungeon. if the intention is to xpoff everyone that ends up with a group with you then blizzard should adjust its mechanics to allow for that circumstance or clarify that its not ok. neither of which were done ever
if the intention is to xpoff everyone that ends up with a group with you then blizzard should adjust its mechanics to allow for that circumstance or clarify that its not ok. neither of which were done ever
Thats the intention because thats what happens normally when you group with a player that has XP Off. It doesnt happen in the random dungeon finder because its not fair to random dungeon goers to eat an XP debuff if a twink just random ends up in their group.

Im sure you encountered these intended mechanics as they were intended and then decided "what if we cheesed the random dungeon finder tool to get around the xp debuff?"

Whether the timing of the enforcement makes sense to you or not, you knew exactly what you were doing.

Though I agree, blizzard should 100% just streamline this shit and make it way more obvious what they intend for this game... by just outright removing the xp eliminator NPCs entirely. But thats another soapbox
I did not get banned (yet) but i'm gonna add a perspective here:

One day i queued with my level 80 into a TW with a 11 fury warrior and kinda was frustrated with the situation, i used to boost myself before pandaria remix even, i have multiple lvl 11's on different accounts and i know how both sides of the coin approach this

People who don't wanna deal with twinks feel frustrated by the system and start reporting, because when you are the twink on the group you're just playing a single-player game and no one but yourself signed for it, so they report (and they can get salty about it). As soon as i realized this, i just queue with my accounts, i fill 5 slots of the group with a few starter edition accounts and do it all myself (basically private runs), if multiboxing was the issue i'd probably be banned by now (i hope i dont get banned at least, but it seems this wave didnt reached me yet)

So, i think its a combination of spamming 1 button for 3 hours, running dungeons in very outlier range (they see only data, so they see people's average run times and see your run time and they see like 10 minutes lower, your account may be flagged by any automation system they came up with)

My theory is that is a combination of number of reports, speed of median timewalk runs and hotkey-pressing pattern

i've stacked about 12 years of bans because i botted all my way up to 5 million gold on the BFA brutosaur fever across 3 bnet accounts (i'm not innocent in this field) but the fact that i get banned that many times gave me insight on how these things work and i'm just glad at this point that i'm still on, my plans are: i'm just gonna transfer most of my gold to my warbank and hope for the best (while not running TW dungeons anymore as i wait for communiation) let's see how this goes

Did anyone that was doing private runs only got banned?

---- EDIT -----
i have a friend multiboxer in my friendlist, and was talking to him just now, he claims he leveled 100 toons to level 80 across 5 accounts (idk, but i trust him, hes always logged in 5 accounts, every account with the expansion levels 71+) with the level 11 and queue dodging method, he did not get banned as i'm seeing he online right now, he always does private runs too
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First off let me say I am so sorry for all the innocent people that have been banned.
Second, @ chops, you are such a cancer. i have no idea why you have to be such an ass all the time. i have seen countless threads you have turned into multiple page diatribes for no good reason. You are just like all the other Blizzard fan boys with your "you know what you were doing, you deserve it crap". None of these people were banned for the little exploits you keep pointing to. They were banned for hacking-using third party programs botting, most likely triggered by others reporting them as bots, but I of course like everyone else don't know exactly what triggered it.
I can tell you Blizzard is not perfect and is in fact stupid and incredibly bad with customer service. At the start of the expansion i got a 3 day ban for exploiting (a normal first time ban length for an exploit). My exploit consisted of me playing the game so much that my renown was over whatever arbitrary number they decided was too much due to people that actually did exploit it. So, I got banned for playing too much without any recourse. I tried the ticket system receiving generic responses until the last one which was pretty much a cease-and-desist letter.
My suggestion and what i do, but certainly no guarantee
1)Let the group know you are a human. I have a macro where i ask up front "Is it ok if we go fast". If's not i leave. I have had exactly one in hundreds/thousands(who knows) of runs that i was asked to leave
2)Don't make the instance your own. Include the group, let them catch up and actually hit the boss. Not that it matters
3)have another macro or addon or whatever thats says Thanks all or whatever at the end. Of course, according to chops this will get you another ban for hacking-using third party programs because one key press hit T h x A l l

Again, sorry to all those that lost accounts i hope you get them back. My experience with Blizzard customer service is that there is none
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Second, @ chops, you are such a cancer. i have no idea why you have to be such an ass all the time. i have seen countless threads you have turned into multiple page diatribes for no good reason. You are just like all the other Blizzard fan boys with your "you know what you were doing, you deserve it crap". None of the people were banned for the little exploits you keep pointing to. They were banned for hacking-using third party programs botting, most likely triggered by others reporting them as bots, but I of course like everyone else don't know exactly what triggered it.
hey man, serious question here

can you read?
well, you have called me illiterate several times so obviously not. I am just here with all the other stupid people. And i asked you a serious question first

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