EU ilvl 810 relics for 101?

I'm at work so I can't really test my scanner... but are there really only 3 810s up on the entire EU side right now?
Bought 7 lockboxes, went to send 6 of them to an alt with JC to open but forgot to put the connected realm name, so instead I sent them to some randomer.

Decided to open the last one I have left - it contains a shadow relic (the exact one I need) but it won't go to 810 >.>

I hate this game
Bought 7 lockboxes, went to send 6 of them to an alt with JC to open but forgot to put the connected realm name, so instead I sent them to some randomer.

Decided to open the last one I have left - it contains a shadow relic (the exact one I need) but it won't go to 810 >.>

I hate this game

Well, at least theres a pretty good chance that you'll get the mail back in 30 days...
What relic is it for BM? And if you see a Fire or Arcane, snag it for me.
Arcane + Storm
Multishot + Aspect of the Wild

Edit: Here's the breakdown of how many specs use each type of relic:
Shadow: 10
Blood: 9
Iron: 9
Frost: 8
Fire: 8
Life: 7
Storm: 7
Arcane: 6
Holy: 5
Fel: 3

However if you only consider the popular specs at 101, I think Arcane will be the most fought over, followed by Storm/Shadow and maybe Life.
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People are just vendoring the damn Leystone Lockbox's, not bothering with them. So I have been spamming trade and Broken Shore general trying to find them.

Any more research on the ilvl needed to proc the 810?
Can the boxes be opened on a 101 or does it has to be 110? Anyone tried?

looks like some people are taking advantage, was on silvermoon EU

Briaru is my twink and I don't think it's a unfair price considering our realm prices / the cost of getting one. It's my only way of getting an arcane relic for my own twink atleast. If anyone wants to trade an arcane relic for a life on on eu Silvermoon I'm up for it.
Briaru is my twink and I don't think it's a unfair price considering our realm prices / the cost of getting one. It's my only way of getting an arcane relic for my own twink atleast. If anyone wants to trade an arcane relic for a life on on eu Silvermoon I'm up for it.
500K and 900K are absurd prices, not a fair price in any way shape or form.

For those wanting these new 810 Relics, wait. Give it a month or so of Players trying to rape everyone for stupid high prices and not being able to sell them as more and more get listed, or become available. This is the way WoW has always worked. Something new comes out, everyone and their Mother lists it for 10x what it should sell for in hopes that someone is stupid enough, or impatient enough to buy it.
It's not a fair price? There's no one selling it on silvermoon you can not get a relic on silvermoon no matter how much you spam in chat, the fel one is the first one i've seen on our server and it came up right after mine today. Server transfering costs 500k on eu, there might be more people selling them in a couple of months but I don't want to wait a couple of months to have a chance at seeing an increase in them...
@thebearcow If you are able to sell those Relics for 500K and 900K then more power to you. While I doubt you will be able to, the point I made is valid. This is literally exactly what happens in WoW every single time something new comes out. Within a few weeks to few months the prices drop through the floor and us patient folks scoop it up for coppers in comparison.

Just like with the Legion World Epics, where the prices spiked super high then evened out between 5-20K per for the average 835/840, these too will even out in price. My guess is we will see them normally for 5-10K within a short time.
People list items at ridiculously high prices, this really shouldn't be anything new to anyone who has twinked 101 :p I do agree that they are extremely rare and probably a bigger upgrade than most BoEs though.

the fel one is the first one i've seen on our server and it came up right after mine today.
He's gonna struggle to sell that Fel one, regardless of price tag. There's only 3 specs that use Fel relics: Havoc DH, Sub Rogue and Destro Lock, all of which are fairly uncommon at 101.
i have opened 50 Leystone LockBoxes and got ilvl 682 gear. I did get ilvl 825 relic which requires lvl 110.
Alright thanks, might have to level a char to 110 on my hunter's realm to open them then ^^

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