Ilvl 54 artifact weapon nerf inc

How absolutely hilarious would it be if the Devs are purposely creating Bugs that they have to "fix" just so Bobby doesn't fire them for another $30 mil pay raise/bonus.

Trust me, in a large scale development, such as WoW, bugs will happen whether you want them to or not. There's so many people working on different features and fixes where a lot of them also become dependent on another. Although, at some points (i.e. when they did the scaling way back in BFA), it was so fucking easy to see how lazy they were. All the scaling bugs and glitches came from them just having a base logic and apply it to every item, which meant that in edge-case scenarios, the logic would break. That then becomes a needle in a haystack to fix, because you now have no clue what those edge-cases are anymore.

on the current ptr, it seems like artifact relics dont do anything but change the items cosmetic tooltip. the item still allows gale force enchant to be applied and also proc. the weap gives 6crit 5 mastery as shown in character stats.

on my level 50, my 71 ilvl weapon (85 int, 20 crit, 19 mastery) only gives me 74 int, 17 crit, 16 mastery.

"Internal Bag Error" when trying to wrap a relic in many locations. Nothing changed with doing regular items atm.
Whats wrong, didn't like the fact others could be on a level playing field with your ilvl49?
You realize the ilvl49s are nerfed too and this puts everyone without a bramble on the same level and I dont have a bramble on either of my warriors, right? I'm actually worse off now, compared to relatively new warriors who got a bramble.

Chops the grandfatherd who wants the levellers to himself.
ah, yes. thats why ive played exactly 0 random bgs in like the past 2-3 months.

Swing and a miss, champ!
You realize the ilvl49s are nerfed too and this puts everyone without a bramble on the same level and I dont have a bramble on either of my warriors, right? I'm actually worse off now, compared to relatively new warriors who got a bramble.

ah, yes. thats why ive played exactly 0 random bgs in like the past 2-3 months.

Swing and a miss, champ!
Well , if 49 is hit too then fair enough, hats off to you if you think thats a good chance while being the owner of one.
Every artifact got squished to have stats as ilvl24 weapon (at 20). You cant wrap relic anymore (ptr.)
Just checked the PTR, all my Lvl 45 Legion twinks have had their Artifact weapons nerfed. Blizzard really needed to nerf the weapons at 10 and 20 but there was no reason to nerf them for level 45's, I don't pvp on those toons, never abused giftwrap bs but now 45's get to suffer for it too.
yea, there are at least a few people left who hope for the betterment of the bracket and not just their own personal, selfish gain
Yea I thought incorrectly you you were happy with the 54 nerf while keeping a 49, I apologies.
[doublepost=1629574542,1629574412][/doublepost]I hope relics remain in some capacity, just scaled correctly. It was a great system in its era and had alot of game design attached to it, for them to waste all that effort just to correct this bug is a damaging overaction.

Reminds me of the artifact power items, they still drop from world quests just useless grey vendor trash.

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