Ilvl 54 artifact weapon nerf inc

"slap a Level 30, 40, etc requirements on it"
"Remove Relics from the Game"
"nerf everything down"

And here lies the singular problem with today's Twinks, YOU ARE ALL PUSSIES. "waaaaaaaaah, I didn't get a thing so instead of fixing that exact broken thing, Blizz should NERF EVERYTHING, even the 99.99% of Players who didn't abuse the system like us Twinks do". Get fucked. There's still enough of us here old enough that spent hundreds of hours ON FUCKING FOOT to get 1 goddamn Agility point from a thing that literally everyone else had access to, all to prove we could.

Today's Twinks are lazy as shit. Only the 1's and some of the 10's group still have their heads screwed on right, the 20's "Twinks" are fucking whiny ass crybabies that only serve to attempt to ruin everything for everyone else, including non-Twinks. Go crawl back under that rock in your Mommies basement you goddamn mouth breathers.

For the record, yes, I have ONE 10 with ONE iLvL 49 Weapon (that I NEVER use in Group play) and ZERO Twinks with the iLvL 54 weapons. And yet I never go out and scream at Blizz to nerf everything because I'm bad at the Game like you morons are. Get a fucking life, jesus christ.
here lies the singular problem with today's Twinks, YOU ... ALL ... have ... a ... d ... d ... you goddamn mouth breathers.

For the record, yes, I have... ZERO Twinks with the iLvL 54 weapons... because I'm bad at the Game...
don't be so hard on yourself, dude, you're getting a Del...
HOA is also married to bfa questing and story, yet level cap was put on that.

laziness on blizzard for not scaling them properly.

I hope artis get level capped because it would be an overall buff for my specific character ;)
"slap a Level 30, 40, etc requirements on it"
"Remove Relics from the Game"
"nerf everything down"

And here lies the singular problem with today's Twinks, YOU ARE ALL PUSSIES. "waaaaaaaaah, I didn't get a thing so instead of fixing that exact broken thing, Blizz should NERF EVERYTHING, even the 99.99% of Players who didn't abuse the system like us Twinks do". Get fucked. There's still enough of us here old enough that spent hundreds of hours ON FUCKING FOOT to get 1 goddamn Agility point from a thing that literally everyone else had access to, all to prove we could.

Today's Twinks are lazy as shit. Only the 1's and some of the 10's group still have their heads screwed on right, the 20's "Twinks" are fucking whiny ass crybabies that only serve to attempt to ruin everything for everyone else, including non-Twinks. Go crawl back under that rock in your Mommies basement you goddamn mouth breathers.

For the record, yes, I have ONE 10 with ONE iLvL 49 Weapon (that I NEVER use in Group play) and ZERO Twinks with the iLvL 54 weapons. And yet I never go out and scream at Blizz to nerf everything because I'm bad at the Game like you morons are. Get a fucking life, jesus christ.
lmao...mouth know they are loud and strugglin for air to like they did a 100 yard dash....damn f2p scum foggin up the windows with all that heavy mouth breathing. Cheetos residue all over their keyboards, diet soda cans strewed about
its like a collection of internet insults from 2004...
but """"like""""""... thats not at all whats going on here. ...its """"" like"""""" a collection of internet insults from 2004... <---early 90s teen grammar.
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jokes aside, though...
middle ground: fix wrapping glitch & level lock relic slot #2.
GFed artifacts become either 34 or 37 (which isn't as egregious as 49 or 54). all the pixel junkies get to keep their street cred, and non-arti weapons become a fun/viable part of character building for newcomers whose other choice is ilvl 27/26/25 arti.
Fixed NOT Nerfed, there's a massive difference.

Nerfed = look how lazy we are as a Development team that we can't even fix something we broke in our Game so now NOBODY gets access to the entire group of that thing.
Fixed = we realize something we did caused an issue, here's how we fixed that one issue without breaking the Game further.

I know it's a hard concept to understand.
They should nerf it because its breaking the bracket (and the game, really). Not because "boohoo its hard to get" or "whaaaa someone has a better weapon". Its actually really easy to get. Anyone who doesnt have an ilvl 54 at this point made a choice.

Theres nothing wrong with wanting the game to work as advertised. Wanting your bracket to be healthy and provide a low barrier to entry is good, actually. And we all know this glitch will get fixed and the worry is that ilvl 54s become GF'd, creating an even larger disincentive for new people to try twinking. Imagine wanting to get into this bracket only to find everyone has a weapon almost 30 ilvls higher than you're able to acquire.

but """"like""""""... thats not at all whats going on here. ...its """"" like"""""" a collection of internet insults from 2004... <---early 90s teen grammar.
I bet you walk into stuff alot
Fixed/nerf...Like the 1 and only WoD item sweep that nerf bramble/apexis for those that already looted. But you could still loot the bramble staff after this sweep on a fresh toon. Blizzard priorities are a joke. China hasn't said nerf gift wrap so it hasn't been nerf/fixed yet.

its simple just remove the bramble staff mob and remove gift wrap paper.

The wrap isnt an exploit by definition because we the player are doing nothing but what is intended for the item. wrapping an item and opening it is literally what gift wrap is meant for.
Shit coding and rollout of a "masking" scaling system. scaling is just a mask over the true ilvl/mob level. We wont get fixed because the system is garbage. I want to eat my words though...I wish we had normal gear as bis.
With whats going on these past weeks, the devs can hardly keep the main game/end-game stable. Let alone actually fix stuff properly that slipped through the craves and only some niche community exploit it. But Blizzard is really unpredictable as of lately so who knows? 1 bug is fixed, 12 more are added. 12 Bugs are fixed, 22 more are added. Its goes on and on.
With whats going on these past weeks, the devs can hardly keep the main game/end-game stable. Let alone actually fix stuff properly that slipped through the craves and only some niche community exploit it. But Blizzard is really unpredictable as of lately so who knows? 1 bug is fixed, 12 more are added. 12 Bugs are fixed, 22 more are added. Its goes on and on.
Yup, i swear its intentional ..job security
I bet you walk into stuff alot
walk out of it as well ....cup cake
Yup, i swear its intentional ..job security
How absolutely hilarious would it be if the Devs are purposely creating Bugs that they have to "fix" just so Bobby doesn't fire them for another $30 mil pay raise/bonus.

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