First 2200 this season, rank 1 29 bracket & all brackets EZ Clap

you niggas can hate all you want
these niggas shook everyone and pissed people off

Lmao this is US though it was EU fun shit, if i see this actually brings more twinks to Q arenas i might even Q them myself.
[doublepost=1543808702,1543808618][/doublepost]Nvm this guys EU am retarded.
if i were any of these ppl i'd prob just uninstall
View attachment 9382

are they on xpoff?
I know Báked is, not sure about the other two but they were twink geared.

Báked is currently 80/20 as far as I can see, he has alts as well at a higher rank he goes by the name of Bakedaf I believe.

Considering the fact it was 2v3 with no healer we were at a huge disadvantage.

Either way, it was a great game KKona Clap.
ppl dont even care about end game arena ne more and u nerds are bragging about a fake twink rating system? good god this game is deader than dead
@Grimsheéper Were you leveling a mage through BGs the other day around 70? I saw a backpedaling mage on Bleeding Hollow in a temple of koto with your name.
Nah the only level 70 I have is a priest on Quel'thalas, haven't logged it since 4.3.4.

Was a level 76 fire mage or something, would have roasted the fuck out of you if that was your character.

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