Turn on wow sound so u can hear the popThat is a pain. I am looking for addon to notify queue popup on mobile. Seems there was one https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/wow-notifier but not working anymore. Any other option?
Turn on wow sound so u can hear the pop
Connect some headphones to your pc
Wear them around the house
I bet you play chesshave AI program a script that picks up the queue pop sound, sending that signal to your vibrator which you keep snug in place at all times
Thanks Embu, this is a great initiative. Gave me a reason to go back through some old screenshots. Lots of good memories, found some 24 & 29 friends I used to bg & arena with. Such fun times.
Corrected for you..... don't forget the green & gold!
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My screenshot is from 2015, around the time when I started to really get into 20's. This picture is entitled 'Dreaming'.
Iceháwk, all decked out in leather, while on his crusade to explore worlds not previously known to him, stumbled across this farm in Pandaria. He dreamed of a day when he could one day learn to plow the fields like a Tiller, and eat of the land and cook like a Pandaren........
Who says dreams don't come true......![]()
And there's is more, like the Pirates Fireplace.Where most people have Alts I have Extras. I'm leveling up a goblin and a gnome extra and I found this Easter egg on Exiles Reach. It made me chuckle.
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