You're not a saint? Are you serious? Not even worth my time then..
You so nasty!!
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You're not a saint? Are you serious? Not even worth my time then..
If anyone has facebook check at these epic troll pictures
Fuck that guy. Fucking asshole.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Trolls grow stronger as you feed them
whoa ok you need to chill out with the caps its how even offtopic threads get closed.
I didn't post random screenshots that I cherry picked those were fresh from today solo queing 5 bgs. And even before said ferals dks rets rogues were OP if you were to check my suggestions to a forum user over at the 85s thread.
Hunter just happens to be the easiest one to faceroll with that's all but it doenst stop ferals/rogues from having retarded burst/control/mobility to the point where they will always win 1vs1 no matter what
I may have went overboard with the screenshots but hey I had to use your own backwards logic against you
And i have to ask you how to play alliance ,I get it, you're the de facto senior hunter/ alliance only player between us so maybe know give me some protips
Yeah, rogues have great mobility/ 90!)