F2P Casual Chat

I don't play lacross, but possibly the greatest surprise attack of the French and Indian War was staged during a lacrosse match. Pontiac and the Chippewas completely wiped out Fort Mackinaw.

Incidentally, the French won just about every battle of consequence for nearly ten years running. They destroyed the British at every turn, but lost the war anyway, because the corruption in Montreal was so out of control. The bureaucrats stole so much that France was nearly bankrupted, and had to withdraw because they could no longer afford the war effort.

Edit: some more about lacrosse, the field of play was MUCH larger than it is in the modern game - sometimes up to a mile long - and there were up to a hundred participants in the larger matches. It was also an extremely violent game. Broken bones were commonplace, and death was not uncommon.

If you know anything about Michigan, you know that the strait at Mackinaw is an extremely strategic location, since whoever controls the strait controls all traffic to and from Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. The fort was originally a French settlement used to control the flow of goods and furs, but the British had taken over.

For the attack at Michilimackinac, Pontiac challenged the British soldiers garrisoned there to a friendly match as a gesture of peace. Since the game's participants pretty much played buck naked, with only a bit of cloth to secure their manhood, the commander of the fort figured no harm would come. What he wasn't counting on was all the women stashing weapons under their robes.

At Pontiac's signal, the women threw off their robes and threw the weapons to the men. The massacre commenced in short order. Most of the British were captured or killed. The French that were there were spared.

And now there's a state park there. And the squirrels that live there are black. 0,o

Edit2: because I'm on a roll. It's crazy when you think about travel and transportation back then. To get the cannons to Mackinaw, and these were BIG cannons, since they had to be able to shoot ships nearly five miles off, they first had to be sailed up the St Lawrence Seaway, across Lake Ontario, and then PORTAGED AROUND NIAGARA FALLS, before being loaded back onto ships and sailed across Lake Erie, then Lake Huron. that job SUCKED. I don't know about any of you all, but lugging some thousand pound chunk of iron eighty miles through the woods with nine of my closest friends is not my idea of a good time. Oh yeah, and Lake Erie is a real bitch. The whole thing is only about fifty feet deep, but that means when it storms, the waves are absolutely out of control.

I'll probably edit this again when I think of something else...

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Wazzup Homie G? Teach meh how ya talk like a gangsta Dawg . . I aint trippin just teach meh how ya swaggin in da hood
Ok kid you know who you are, 1550 (or not even that) who has never even played endgame stick to being a BG hero

Lets see what have i done

-halfway to goldcapped
- Do decent in arenas
-100k HKS
-multiboxed different comps when i was a clicker bg hero
-made a couple of wow friends who wont fucking sell me out for a pair of hotshots or 50k gold

Now how about you, still stuck in that f2p world huh,now while Im off to make the greatest f2p ( if it will work).

how about u stay small in your WSG and why dont you keep queing everyday and get shit on by awful 24s who (irony) only win because of the chants, Keep repeating the same dull thing to yourself along the lines of, "Its okay im better than him he only beats me because he has better gear".

Stay f2p
How do you put someone on ignore? I'm tired of seeing inoobupro's diarrhea spewed all over the place.

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Oh man i gotta get these off my chest, yes they're old





For those what have no idea whats going on

-zoned in around 17 minutes and its 1/2 in the favor of the AP premade vs an assortment of alliance

-A bunch of alliance leaves and gets replaced by hunters and druids

-We have 2 Brazilians and 3x rogue that only sit in stealth ambushing ppl at 20% hp.

I guess i was ''totally useless'' and it was an 8vs10 when i had to bear the brunt of those hunters . Its unfortunate my teammates couldnt differentiate that its the 17k damage done BR hunters/8k damage done rogues are the ones who are actually gimping the team

Every time you think ''I know i can give you all another chance you'all are reasonable human beings that can at least use some sense''. Sike!


why would you even bother to use such a word when its a BR(who is in his own little world) and most likely has no idea what ''bro '' means. Heck 80% of americans prlly have no idea what that means.

You would think ppl who have been in this bracket for years would already know BR servers...ahahahahaha

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