That is why you complain, it's Blizzard, you can't go; "It's just beta" and then a month later go "it's just PTR" and nothing has changed. You do realize the next step after PTR is "it's just live" right? Got to moan now so they "fix" it, if it really was unintended.
Blizzard basically broke their promises of unlocked quest rewards, either by their laziness or by a bug, yet they haven't made a reply to it in more than a month and they clearly didn't fix it for the PTR.
Nothing gets fixed unless you whine like a giant baby on US forums, unfortunately I don't have US account, but still.
Also about the druid wearing cloth, even though you might not need that anymore, I have a ton of unobtainable/very rare cloth on my shaman/druid, even though I have it and can equip it, it isn't unlocked in my wardrobe because they're not cloth-classes. It's stupid.