Let's hope Blizz doesn't add BoA belts any time soon.
They might 'finally' add the other heirloom rings besides DPR into the game. Not with 5.4 but after that.
Let's hope Blizz doesn't add BoA belts any time soon.
I have not, but I can't see why they would work..
Counter Shot is now a baseline interrupt ability learned by all Hunters at level 22.
Counter Shot (New) A shot that interrupts spellcasting, preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 3 sec. Requires Ranged Weapon. 40 yd range. Instant. 24 sec cooldown.
Great news! ...right? no? Well at least it isn't 20![]()
They might 'finally' add the other heirloom rings besides DPR into the game. Not with 5.4 but after that.
With Garrosh gone, what's happening with the Dread Head Redemption quest and Garrosh's Pardon? Is the quest still available?
How about Howl of Terror; it was moved to a baseline spell. Any warlocks in PTR that know the level requirement?
Eviscerate now deals 10% less damage.
Hemorrhage now deals 160% weapons damage (up from 140%); 232% weapons damage if a dagger is equipped (up from 203% for daggers).
affliction lock : Unstable Affliction now deals 10% more damage.
Drain Soul now deals 40% less damage, and if other periodic Affliction damage effects are triggered by Drain Soul, they now deal 60% of their normal damage (down from 100%).
- Healing Tide Totem is no longer a talent and is a baseline ability for all Shamans.
evis nerf makes me sad
And level 22 hunter's were'nt already OP
- Counter Shot is now a baseline interrupt ability learned by all Hunters at level 22.
GG hunter pummel
- Healing Tide Totem is no longer a talent and is a baseline ability for all Shamans.
the ability is available to all shamans at lvl 1 as I was on ptr my self and it heals for a great deal. Looking at a 200-300 heal every tick in pvp and for resto should be more
Whoever said this is a baseline at 75 is wrong since the notes don't specify baseline at any lvl but just says "baseline" unlike for hunters counter shot says "baseline at lvl 22"