DV's Confirmed 5.4 Information for F2P

the ability is available to all shamans at lvl 1 as I was on ptr my self and it heals for a great deal. Looking at a 200-300 heal every tick in pvp and for resto should be more

Whoever said this is a baseline at 75 is wrong since the notes don't specify baseline at any lvl but just says "baseline" unlike for hunters counter shot says "baseline at lvl 22"

I like my shaman brethren who put a smile on my face :)
Hemorrhage now deals 160% weapons damage (up from 140%); 232% weapons damage if a dagger is equipped (up from 203% for daggers).

rogue buff for sure
Fuck rogue + hunter buffs... Just fuck that shit. Neither of them need more burst/damage. Evis nerf, kinda nice, but nightstalker and hemo buffs will easily make up for it.

Same for hunter, buffing their arcanespam burst is just a god damn retarded move... But wait! Lets also remove majority of the pet abilities so all you have to do is smash serpent - conc - arcane! And the worst thing is, majority of the (probs 5.3-fotm-)hunters will probably enjoy these changes and other people will roll more hunters due to "they look fun :D I pres arcane :D 700 crits XDDD AJAJAJAJ FOR ARTHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS jeje xd"

Welcome to Cataclysm 2.0 - Now with also spanish hunters!
Fuck rogue + hunter buffs... Just fuck that shit. Neither of them need more burst/damage. Evis nerf, kinda nice, but nightstalker and hemo buffs will easily make up for it.

Same for hunter, buffing their arcanespam burst is just a god damn retarded move... But wait! Lets also remove majority of the pet abilities so all you have to do is smash serpent - conc - arcane! And the worst thing is, majority of the (probs 5.3-fotm-)hunters will probably enjoy these changes and other people will roll more hunters due to "they look fun :D I pres arcane :D 700 crits XDDD AJAJAJAJ FOR ARTHASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS jeje xd"

Welcome to Cataclysm 2.0 - Now with also spanish hunters!

its simply retarded.. blizzard doesnt rly care about lowlvl but THEY KNOW that a few classes dominate the lowlvl, so why not give those classes the buffs / abilities they need at lvl 85+ ?
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Even if it isn't moved, it's a 3m CD that probably won't heal for too much, even if it does a few love taps will put it out of commission before it starts to kick off.
Can't wait for 5.4 to drop <3

There will come a time, dear friends, when the Spanish Arthaass and Xdpalaxds and people like Hixypewpew's hunter reroll will overtake F2P completely;

They will march right into mid and leave the bases alone!
They will fight on the roads instead of taking control points!
They will dominate scoreboards with their l33t backpedal and keyboard turning skillz!
They will be untouchable by your average everyday F2P!

and when that day finally comes, we can all stop wasting time with this game and go on in our lives.
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Can't wait for 5.4 to drop <3

There will come a time, dear friends, when the Spanish Arthaass and Xdpalaxds and people like Hixypewpew's hunter reroll will overtake F2P completely;

They will march right into mid and leave the bases alone!
They will fight on the roads instead of taking control points!
They will dominate scoreboards with their l33t backpedal and keyboard turning skillz!
They will be untouchable by your average everyday F2P!

and when that day finally comes, we can all stop wasting time with this game and go on in our lives.

Did you just describe whole CTA experience in a single post?

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