DV's Confirmed 5.4 Information for F2P

I'm depressed about the warbringer nerf and harvest life nerf . Both were talents I used . Harvest life because it takes any stealthy In Area out of stealth as well as building lots of demo furry and doing great aoe damage . And warbringer because I don't need 2 charges as a warrior when I am a worgen running around at 90% movement speed . The slam buff is nice though I guess for that cleave effect . To bad howl of terror is at lvl 30 ATM . Working on an ele shaman ATM but getting boas on them at lvl is a lil slower than other classes . Come 5.4 I may actually find a love for resto Druid again to deal with all these hunters that will pop up . Idk that's where I stand now. I really like the new Mage version of icy flows though , but blazing speed might be needed to get away from the hunts .

slam cleave is gone D:

Slam now deals 35% of damage dealt against the primary target to all other enemies within 2 yards while Sweeping Strikes is active :(

gg's yesterday.
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I'm depressed about the warbringer nerf and harvest life nerf . Both were talents I used . Harvest life because it takes any stealthy In Area out of stealth as well as building lots of demo furry and doing great aoe damage . And warbringer because I don't need 2 charges as a warrior when I am a worgen running around at 90% movement speed . The slam buff is nice though I guess for that cleave effect . To bad howl of terror is at lvl 30 ATM . Working on an ele shaman ATM but getting boas on them at lvl is a lil slower than other classes . Come 5.4 I may actually find a love for resto Druid again to deal with all these hunters that will pop up . Idk that's where I stand now. I really like the new Mage version of icy flows though , but blazing speed might be needed to get away from the hunts .

Blazing Speed backpedal is OP; don't tell the hunters.
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Has roar of sacrifice been touched on ptr?

To answer myown question, since someone else maybe interested.
Roar of sacrifice still useable at 20 and hunters crit for 700+ on arcane shot in pve.

Enchants scale normally. Sholders and legs enchants scale to 11 stam.
Locks @ 20 do not get new fear since it is a lvl 30 baseline ability.
Deleted. Bad info on my part

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
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No lock fear? Really. Well that really sucks for them. Way to just eliminate a class. They will be sitting on bench with fury war and enhance shaman.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2

I'm not sure what he meant be "new fear", but he must be talking about Mortal Coil, the level 30 talent, not Fear.
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No. The spell that he meant is the lethal Howl of Terror that will be a baseline instead of talent.
Havent heard anything bout fear so it should be fine. Howl of terror causes fear effects.
I dont get the Drain soul nerf (it's a nerf right?). Does it mean you can actually energizes Soul shards when you use the spell against for example a Water elemental, but it'll no longer be the case when 5.4 hits so Drain soul will only energize soul shards when used againsts players?

Yes, it's a nerf to Drain Soul. Yes, we gain shards on pets now using DS, but will not when 5.4 hits.

DOTs are buffed though. And SB + DL w/Harvest Life talent is a huge heal (12.5% per sec for 6 sec is 75% of your life back).
To answer myown question, since someone else maybe interested.
Roar of sacrifice still useable at 20 and hunters crit for 700+ on arcane shot in pve.

Enchants scale normally. Sholders and legs enchants scale to 11 stam.
Locks @ 20 do not get new fear since it is a lvl 30 baseline ability.

It's more or less the same we have now, AS is ~450 in PVE now, +50% damage/focus => ~700 crit. The Only question did they really got AS and Steady Shot +15% damage (check on the last few pages, they increased damage and baseline damage) or was it just some type of mistake? Hope it's only a mistake and we dont get x2 charges on disengage, we're already quite powerfull and can even kill 1v1 semiskillid 24 SP/prot/so on.
BTW any news about mongoose, or it's still ~60agi on proc?
It's more or less the same we have now, AS is ~450 in PVE now, +50% damage/focus => ~700 crit. The Only question did they really got AS and Steady Shot +15% damage (check on the last few pages, they increased damage and baseline damage) or was it just some type of mistake? Hope it's only a mistake and we dont get x2 charges on disengage, we're already quite powerfull and can even kill 1v1 semiskillid 24 SP/prot/so on.
BTW any news about mongoose, or it's still ~60agi on proc?

Steady shot got buffed. at least as far as i feel. get ~ 90 dmg on shot. disengage got 1 charge but useable out of combat and got 20 sec. so basically 10 sec cd with posthaste.

Didnt get my hands on Lord Blastington's Scope of Doom - Item - World of Warcraft yet but i was told it proc 90 agill and kinda often.
Professions still normal so no 400 haste or such.
Steady shot got buffed. at least as far as i feel. get ~ 90 dmg on shot. disengage got 1 charge but useable out of combat and got 20 sec. so basically 10 sec cd with posthaste.

Didnt get my hands on Lord Blastington's Scope of Doom - Item - World of Warcraft yet but i was told it proc 90 agill and kinda often.
Professions still normal so no 400 haste or such.
I was talking about this [p26]:
Arcane Shot weapon damage increased to 165%, up from 150%. Base damage increased by 21%.
Steady Shot weapon damage increased to 66%, up from 60%. Base damage increased by 21%.
Is it like this on PTR now?
The thing that disengage is usable out of combat is quite nice, it was really boring to keep pet in combat with mending.
90agi (does it stack for dual monggose rogues for 180agi?) sucks a lot :(
Elemental force is insane.
its proc chance is insanely high it hits 100's(thats like 2 rogue white hits every attack btw), and the fact that it procs off melee and casted spells means that hemo bleed ticks procs it, and white hits and rogue poisons.
the enchant will literally kill the bracket.

Also the enchant is already stupid cheap on the ah

a rogue stacking haste with 1.7 speed daggers and snd up will literally melt anything that moves.

i dont have any casters, so someone else would have to test it on classes like affliction lock or enh sham.

edit: i tried both with daggers, and its not nearly as good as rogue
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  • Vengeance now grants Attack Power equal to 1.5% of the damage taken, down from 1.8% (The tooltip said 2% but it was actually 1.8%).
  • Tanks no longer receive Vengeance from many persistent area damage effects (standing in the fire) or from missed attacks (dodging and parrying an attack will continue to work as it has before).
  • There are now diminishing returns on Vengeance gains while tanking multiple targets. Each additional target grants progressively less Vengeance.


  • The following Hunter pet abilities no longer cost Focus to use: Dash, Dive, and Charge.


  • Evasion now increases dodge chance by 100% (was 50%), cooldown has been reduced to 2 minutes (down from 3 minutes), and duration has been reduced to 10 seconds (down from 15 seconds).


  • Warrior Stances now have a 1.5-second cooldown (down from 3 seconds).

It may be the end of f2p WoW, but a new f2p WoW will rise from the ashes.

Some people say it's already begun:
Could World of Warcraft be going free-to-play?

World Of Warcraft Going F2P

TL;DR Blizzard is introducing some f2p-mmo-like items in its cash shop, therefore the game will eventually be f2p.

No they already said they like the subscription model. Why? Duh, more dosh. Use your noggin. Also, WoW has 7m+ players, most MMORPG's don't get that outside Asia and go F2P in a few months after release, because why? They suck.

Edit: No this wasn't intended for flaming you, but for the whole public who wants WoW F2P. They simply won't do that.

Also the enchant is already stupid cheap on the ah

Because Elemental Force is such utter shit at 90 that's why its cheap. Be sure to get it for your alts though. Levelling going to be easy, mon.
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