Arena is like the worst pvp format.
I've never understood the barrier of entry into arenas.
Haha. I'm just insulting those kids who say arenas are way better than bgs and they say they have so much skill.
This is new so not sure if you guys saw or not and since it pertains to f2p gonna post.. if u already know then ignore and have good day but seems hunter are getting disengage x 2 in 5.4
Arcane Shot had its damage and focus cost increased by 50%.
Counter Shot is now a baseline interrupt ability learned by all Hunters at level 22.
Deterrence now has 2 charges.
Disengage now has 2 charges.
Explosive Trap had its overall damage decreased by 30%. Proportionately, more damage has been removed from the initial damage than the periodic effect.
Hunter's Mark now has a duration of 20 seconds while in PvP combat (down from 30 seconds).
- Readiness has been removed.
Revive Pet no longer requires the Hunter to have line-of-sight to their pet.
Stampede damage dealt by pets when the ability is used outside of an Arena or Battleground is no longer reduced by 75%
Aspect of the Iron Hawk now reduces all damage taken by 10%, down from 15%.
Narrow Escape's root effect is now a nature spell (was a physical spell).
Silencing Shot is no longer a talent and is now an ability that replaces Counter Shot for Marksman Hunters.
Spirit Bond now regenerates 3% of total health every 2 seconds while the Hunter's pet is active (up from 2%).
Wyvern Sting now has a range of 40 yards (up from 35 yards).
I'm actually very interested in doing arenas, sadly no one is online on AP when I play because of time zone differences.
Name of your twink ??I'm actually very interested in doing arenas, sadly no one is online on AP when I play because of time zone differences.
Are you sure these Savage defense/Shield block charges changes are not only a tooltip update? Also spell details on the ptr.wowdb page of Thunderstorm still says "Give % of Total Power. Power Given: 15% Mana", so is it possible that 60% mana change is a tooltip error?
too bad every 2 secs hunters will have u at 40% health oO lol but it will be more like cata hunter vs paladins