DV's Confirmed 5.4 Information for F2P

I apologize to anyone who has found it difficult to get "into" arenas. But if you're talking about the ultimate pvp challenge, it is certainly arena.

I've never understood the barrier of entry into arenas. Of course it may be difficult to get used to at first, but then once you gain experience you become a better pvper all around.

Nothing against random battlegrounds, of course. But they seem almost like a grind after a while, and much less like a fun thing to do.

Rated (or premade) battlegrounds are, of course, very challenging and fun as well.
This is new so not sure if you guys saw or not and since it pertains to f2p gonna post.. if u already know then ignore and have good day but seems hunter are getting disengage x 2 in 5.4


  • Arcane Shot had its damage and focus cost increased by 50%.
  • Counter Shot is now a baseline interrupt ability learned by all Hunters at level 22.
  • Deterrence now has 2 charges.
  • Disengage now has 2 charges.
  • Explosive Trap had its overall damage decreased by 30%. Proportionately, more damage has been removed from the initial damage than the periodic effect.
  • Hunter's Mark now has a duration of 20 seconds while in PvP combat (down from 30 seconds).
  • Readiness has been removed.
  • Revive Pet no longer requires the Hunter to have line-of-sight to their pet.
  • Stampede damage dealt by pets when the ability is used outside of an Arena or Battleground is no longer reduced by 75%
  • Aspect of the Iron Hawk now reduces all damage taken by 10%, down from 15%.
  • Narrow Escape's root effect is now a nature spell (was a physical spell).
  • Silencing Shot is no longer a talent and is now an ability that replaces Counter Shot for Marksman Hunters.
  • Spirit Bond now regenerates 3% of total health every 2 seconds while the Hunter's pet is active (up from 2%).
  • Wyvern Sting now has a range of 40 yards (up from 35 yards).
This is new so not sure if you guys saw or not and since it pertains to f2p gonna post.. if u already know then ignore and have good day but seems hunter are getting disengage x 2 in 5.4


  • Arcane Shot had its damage and focus cost increased by 50%.
  • Counter Shot is now a baseline interrupt ability learned by all Hunters at level 22.
  • Deterrence now has 2 charges.
  • Disengage now has 2 charges.
  • Explosive Trap had its overall damage decreased by 30%. Proportionately, more damage has been removed from the initial damage than the periodic effect.
  • Hunter's Mark now has a duration of 20 seconds while in PvP combat (down from 30 seconds).
  • Readiness has been removed.
  • Revive Pet no longer requires the Hunter to have line-of-sight to their pet.
  • Stampede damage dealt by pets when the ability is used outside of an Arena or Battleground is no longer reduced by 75%
  • Aspect of the Iron Hawk now reduces all damage taken by 10%, down from 15%.
  • Narrow Escape's root effect is now a nature spell (was a physical spell).
  • Silencing Shot is no longer a talent and is now an ability that replaces Counter Shot for Marksman Hunters.
  • Spirit Bond now regenerates 3% of total health every 2 seconds while the Hunter's pet is active (up from 2%).
  • Wyvern Sting now has a range of 40 yards (up from 35 yards).

Atleast Explosive Trap got finally nerfed. All the other stuff needed buffs already. I mean, being able to do acrobatics and being untouchable for melee only 99.9% of the time is just stupid.
i just hit 2k on my ptr hunter in 2's I didnt use any pve stuff even though those pve trinkets are so OP, well it was my shammy healer who made us win with dem HEALS!
Level 24 hunter's get Silencing Shot=/=Counter Shot. Unless non trials are barred from trial BG's, consider the bracket unplayable.

None of the 24's will have to re-roll because they all have 24 Hunter's from cataclysm. Expect the influx the day 5.4 hits. Happy Twinking. I'm going ot play SWTOR until Blizzard can afford surgery to effectively remove the heads of all the developer's from their own asses.

  • Disengage no longer lists a combat restriction.


  • Ice Floes now has 3 charges with a 20 sec recharge time.
  • Frostbolt no longer increases the damage of any spells. The damage for those spells have been increased instead.
  • Waterbolt damage has been increased by 25%.


  • Thunderstorm now restores 60% mana, up from 15%. **Possible tooltip error, awaiting confirmation.


  • Harvest Life no longer replaces Drain Life. Harvest Life is now a passive talent that increases Drain Life damage by 50%, and healing by 150%. The talent no longer turns the ability into an area-of-effect spell.

  • For Affliction Warlocks, the Soulburn empowered version of Drain Soul also receives a 50% increase to damage and 150% increase to healing.


Thank you to Dax for pointing out some erroneous information here.
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I can confirm disengage out of combat though tool tip does not reflect yet.

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Are you sure these Savage defense/Shield block charges changes are not only a tooltip update? Also spell details on the ptr.wowdb page of Thunderstorm still says "Give % of Total Power. Power Given: 15% Mana", so is it possible that 60% mana change is a tooltip error?

I think you're probably right about the Savage Defense and Shield Block change. Previously the number of charges has been displayed elsewhere but was not mentioned in the tooltip. Thanks for the catch, I'll edit my post.

As far as the Thunderstorm change is concerned I'm not sure, I do see what you're talking about though. I can't personally test it right now as I don't have my shaman copied to the PTR, but if anyone does and could check it out I'd appreciate it. 60% mana does seem a little ridiculous for a 45 second cooldown.
Sorry if this have been mentioned already as I haven't read every page, but I have just been messing around on the PTR and I'm pretty surprised at the healing prot pallys can put out now.

Ok this would be more the P2P pally than the F2P due to enchants, but Guarded by the light giving %15 max mana every two seconds and the enchant Exceptional Mana giving 188 mana for a total of 308. I can spam flash heals in combat and my mana bar just stays full.

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