DV's Confirmed 5.4 Information for F2P

Ice Lance damage has been increased by 48%
Coz we all know 800 x2 is not good nuff.

Ice Floes now has 3 charges (up from 2 charges), and has a 20-second cooldown (down from 45 seconds).
Dont get the point of this but sure gonna be fun.
Arcane Shot weapon damage increased to 165%, up from 150%. Base damage increased by 21%.
Steady Shot weapon damage increased to 66%, up from 60%. Base damage increased by 21%.
Arcane Shot weapon damage increased to 165%, up from 150%. Base damage increased by 21%.
Steady Shot weapon damage increased to 66%, up from 60%. Base damage increased by 21%.


Looks like f2p WoW 5.4 is going to be a shooter
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Arcane Shot weapon damage increased to 165%, up from 150%. Base damage increased by 21%.
Steady Shot weapon damage increased to 66%, up from 60%. Base damage increased by 21%.

Good, Hunters with almost Mortal Strike like power on no CD, only costing 30 focus and doing a shitton damage.

I don´t see Hunters complaining about this buff, strangely.

Thunderstorm once again restores 15% mana, down from 60%.

Well there goes some of the fun.



  • Harvest Life no longer replaces Drain Life. Harvest Life is now a passive talent that increases Drain Life damage by 50%, and healing by 150%. The talent no longer turns the ability into an area-of-effect spell.

  • For Affliction Warlocks, the Soulburn empowered version of Drain Soul also receives a 50% increase to damage and 150% increase to healing.


Thank you to Dax for pointing out some erroneous information here.

Harvest life was pretty much a DPS loss in the long run. Why didn´t they just buff it instead? They buffed Hunters over and over.
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  • Judgment for Holy Paladins now costs 12% of base mana to cast (up from 5% of base mana).


  • Psyfiend health has been reduced by 75%, but fixed a bug where Psyfiend wasn't being affected by base Resilience.


  • Drain Soul no longer energizes Soul Shards from the pets and guardians of players, and now deals 40% less damage. If other periodic Affliction damage effects are triggered by Drain Soul, they now deal 60% of their normal damage (down from 100%).

I dont get the Drain soul nerf (it's a nerf right?). Does it mean you can actually energizes Soul shards when you use the spell against for example a Water elemental, but it'll no longer be the case when 5.4 hits so Drain soul will only energize soul shards when used againsts players?
So in 5.4 if someone rolls a 24 hunter, apart from the large boost in dps thanks to the new enchant system, they will have perm slow, scatter, counter shot and a pet stun/silence. I think even healers are going to have problems with that.
I'm trying to look on the bright side that the population of 24's are low but I'm hoping that it doesn't become such a faceroll that others starting coming to the bracket rolling 24's.

This isn't just a hunter bash. I haven't tested what rogues are capable of yet but I'm guessing a lot of bust from stealth.
"Death Gate now returns the Death Knight to a location near their original departure point when the spell is cast while in Ebon Hold."

That is kinda useful for everyone still grinding achievements

o.0, that and Moonwell are now up to the awesomeness of the monk one.
Any healer can survive a hunter but a hybrid will have a tougher time.

Get a hunter with his swiss army knife set to moth -> big dps dump on you, scatter shot and then having their moth lock you for 4 sec. That will take care of alot of healers.
I'm depressed about the warbringer nerf and harvest life nerf . Both were talents I used . Harvest life because it takes any stealthy In Area out of stealth as well as building lots of demo furry and doing great aoe damage . And warbringer because I don't need 2 charges as a warrior when I am a worgen running around at 90% movement speed . The slam buff is nice though I guess for that cleave effect . To bad howl of terror is at lvl 30 ATM . Working on an ele shaman ATM but getting boas on them at lvl is a lil slower than other classes . Come 5.4 I may actually find a love for resto Druid again to deal with all these hunters that will pop up . Idk that's where I stand now. I really like the new Mage version of icy flows though , but blazing speed might be needed to get away from the hunts .
Okay they can't just buff hunters more. This and the nerf on the exchange rate between honor and jp justseem to be targeting this bracket. There's no way I'm going to be able to play a ret in this environment. I might just quit straight up or work on reps and stuff.

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