Assuming it is going to e the same model as the buff to arcane shot which is the first one you stated . And really arms warriors blow up very we things other than clothiers insde of a charge . Big damage is from tot with massive rage dumps combine with charge after you hit you white hits . Swing timers help with this . Worgen plus swift pot makes thiseven easier .
It allows you to cram in more damage in a shorter amount of time . Frankly I might reroll my warrior as a trol. But that's irelivant . Idk how you fail to see the beauty of the 50% but now I will just be seeing a lot more 1k+ slams .
I know what you're saying, cause that's the obvious intent, but what Fujin0 and I are worried about is that the warrior combo might be skewed due to the increased cost.
In one charge combo, you might miss out on one Slam. In order to get that extra rage, you will need to wait 3.8 seconds after your first white swing, which by then, the 'burst' is over and therefore your window of opportunity to kill someone might already be gone.
You gain 50% damage, and require less GCD, but if your rage can't keep up, then it's actually inferior to the current Slam which plays very smoothly on the F2P rage generation (white hits, mortal strike).
Again, I honestly have no idea (I should probably log in and try it out right now and see) if this is an actual issue, but you can't just theory craft without looking at all the factors. It's like what I was discussing over in the arms warrior thread. How is 23% so much better than 22%? I do not understand that. 20% and 25% are huge land marks due to 1/5 and 1/4 critical, but numbers like 21, 22, 23, 24 are barely an improvement IF we require to sacrifice other equal stats to it (course someone else told me to believe him in these supposed tests and such so whatever). In order for 21% crit to matter more than 20% crit, you would need to hit 100 attacks. That's never going to happen on one target, so essentially that 1% is wasted stat.
TL;DR: The concern is whether or not the new Slam might take up too much rage, and cause you to lose out on extra damage that would only take 1 extra GCD, while requiring to wait nearly 4 seconds in order to catch up.
Funny enough, if the rage requirements margin error is within 10, then Blood Elf all of a sudden becomes more top tier than Orc, due to the ability to gain one extra Slam and therefore adding to the burst.