DV's Confirmed 5.4 Information for F2P

Well, full agi/crit/haste p2p hunter will now easily kill even defensive restores.
So much hate toward hunters in this thread, it's especially fun to hear it from a druid :3
Not sure what's the point of buffing hunters though, probably because arcane is used as "focus dump shot" at 90lvl and devs just want hunters to be a little more free in term of management. Descreasing disengage CD by 5sec? Well, ok, kinda strange anyway and not needed at our lvl.
Btw to all these liars "700crit arcane" - stop telling bullshit, arcane crits ~300 and ~400 with bers (not taking consumables into account) on a full agi/crit/haste BIS hunter.
now rogues have a chance vs hunters. but vs other classes rogues are already hitting like 80+ dodge so its really only a buff vs hunters.

also they removed frostbolt damage increase after sequential frostbolts.
Evasion now increases your dodge chance by 100%, up from 50%.


The only class this is really a significant thing to is warrior... It's not like rogue's didn't hit 80-85% dodge during evasion anyways. All the other class/specs aren't going to have a problem. I'm glad rogue FC just got a little more viable again though.

On a side note: Paladins have almost always had an 8 second bubble that basically says fuck you for 8 seconds. At least you can just hit rogue's from behind and they can't dodge. Most aren't smart enough to strafe while running away.
Some recent changes to the ptr as of july 18th

-Bear Form now increases Stamina contribution from cloth and leather items by 40% (up from 20%)
-Teleport: Moonglade now returns the Druid to a location near their original departure point when the spell is cast while in the Moonglade area.
-Glyph of the Moonbeast's effect is now baseline and has been replaced with Glyph of Guided Stars.(spam rejuv w/o leaving moonkin form)
-Eclipse now energizes the Druid for 50% of their maximum mana when triggered, up from 35%.
-Moonkin Form now increases the Druid's armor by 60%, but no longer reduces all damage taken by 15%.
-Starfire has its mana cost increased by 50%.
-Starsurge has its mana cost increased by 50%.
-Wrath has its mana cost increased by 50%

-Frostbolt no longer causes the target to take an additional damage from Frostbolt.
-Waterbolt damage has been increased by 9%.

-Evasion now increases dodge chance by 100% (was 50%).
-Sinister Strike deals an increased 190% of weapon damage (up from 145%), but now costs 50 Energy (up from 40 Energy).
Some recent changes to the ptr as of july 18th

-Bear Form now increases Stamina contribution from cloth and leather items by 40% (up from 20%)
-Teleport: Moonglade now returns the Druid to a location near their original departure point when the spell is cast while in the Moonglade area.
-Glyph of the Moonbeast's effect is now baseline and has been replaced with Glyph of Guided Stars.(spam rejuv w/o leaving moonkin form)
-Eclipse now energizes the Druid for 50% of their maximum mana when triggered, up from 35%.
-Moonkin Form now increases the Druid's armor by 60%, but no longer reduces all damage taken by 15%.
-Starfire has its mana cost increased by 50%.
-Starsurge has its mana cost increased by 50%.
-Wrath has its mana cost increased by 50%

-Frostbolt no longer causes the target to take an additional damage from Frostbolt.
-Waterbolt damage has been increased by 9%.

-Evasion now increases dodge chance by 100% (was 50%).
-Sinister Strike deals an increased 190% of weapon damage (up from 145%), but now costs 50 Energy (up from 40 Energy).

Where's your source Mr. Brov.
Even now, it's impossible hitting a rogue with my warrior, when they pop evasion. Revving it up to 100% is overkill.

I want to duel you on my belf rogue in 5.4, I won't stealth, I just pop Evasion, deal? ;)

I will not do F2P BGs in 5.4, gg Blizzard
Yes, let's all be arena fags

Why are you talking to me?

On a side-note: Who said I'd do arenas? 50% of #Aggramar is rogues, hunters, druids and holy paladins anyways...
i like both, but you cant deny that arena needs more coordination(position), arrangement and "skill" than random bgs (and im not talking about premade vs premade)
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