I didn’t watch the TC but clarify me if I’m wrong didn’t you play one game ? mr self proclaimed best fc.
Ahh yes out strategized, just like your O and D strat you lost with the other day against a lock team, you preaching not even the distinguished 19 leaders have an answer for XD
Whether you had a strategy or not against SR the win would have been imminent for your team, don’t act like the playing ground was remotely even.
Pls don’t come @ me with information mr informer, unless it’s an informed date on ur cata server
ahh sry typo meant to put ashley not stabilt, honest slip will correct thxzz
You’re marching in here with guild acronyms like they’re note worthy
I recall your name though back when I played on EU (bless brother ridwane for extra account) and IF I’m correct you would be the druid to run awkward rooftop shenanigan strats with phonebook into a loss.
We stomped out every premade organized 3-0. The most memorable part for me was getting tiger lusts below the gy containment area and getting 5 man fear bombs.
lowkey remember melding 3-4 HoJ's back to back games on my priest vs DA