or dont ban anything, its hilirous how many stupid rules people come up with, LET people play the class like its designed who gives a fuck if ur good u can beat it no matter what, or maybe the people playing makes mistake etc,

to much whining

edit* maybe ban feral lol
or dont ban anything, its hilirous how many stupid rules people come up with, LET people play the class like its designed who gives a fuck if ur good u can beat it no matter what, or maybe the people playing makes mistake etc,

to much whining
this but ban feral!
(maybe gear), but banning specific spells from some offspecs is just weird
<B Cleave>
1. <Arenashameng> / <Shaman> / <Resto> / <Aerie Peak>
2. <Brovolicious> / <Hunter> / <BM<> / <
Aerie Peak>
3. <Buudson> / <War> / <Arms> / <
Aerie Peak>
Instead of making them count as heals, could ban water shield for ele if there is another healer on the team? That would make it so they would go oom from healing and would take more of a support role

You just haaad to go there...

*Ferals are BANNED.

*Rejuvenation is BANNED.

You know, No feral was one thing I still had resto spec... but as a resto druid I find not being able to use rejuv rather disarming... Can we reconsider this? Like maybe the healer can actually use, possibly, their most important skill to, I dunno, heal?

Cuz ya know, if we're gonna go down this road: I think priest bubble should also be banned. It's considerably more op than any hot.
Yes now you need to fake cast, life is hard. u still have regrowth and swiftmend you will do fine.
Yes now you need to fake cast, life is hard. u still have regrowth and swiftmend you will do fine.

regrowth barely crits over 1k with a standard setup even with a max intellect set the highest regrowth i've done was 1.1k, now when you factor in the healing debuff that's now a passive to all classes. a standard regrowth will heal 850ish - 900 on a crit and 400-480 non crit. rejuv is the only thing making druids viable.
Well the instant heal on it make it more than viable and u still have swiftmend. [MENTION=12037]Hue[/MENTION]
Well the instant heal on it make it more than viable and u still have swiftmend. Hue

D: i see your point however we may as well play holy paladins then since smiftmend is similar to holyshock but in no way as good as holy shock x)

i'm just a bit bitter lol, hopefully BB meant rejuv is banned for only balance and not resto.
Cristalina Cabra
1. Odoherty / Rogue / Assasination / Aerie Peak
2. Peseta / Paladin / Holy / Aerie Peak
3. Dirtyginallz / Shaman / Elemental / Aerie Peak
[MENTION=12037]Hue[/MENTION] Wait and see. but druids still have alot more mobility than a hpally. And yes rejuv on balance is absurd unless facing a shammy.
Dang, we were just about to get our 3s team set up but then all our spells got banned.

Anyone looking for a shadow priest, ret pally or unspecced 2-handed-weapon-wielding melee druid?
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This isn't really about the tourny but PLEASE change the blue for shammies BB :/ It hurt my eyes while trying to look up comps
lol alright

Dang, we were just about to get our 3s team set up but then all our spells got banned.

Anyone looking for a shadow priest, ret pally or unspecced 2-handed-weapon-wielding melee druid?

Unspecced 2 handed weapon wielding melee druid, noice.

hopefully BB meant rejuv is banned for only balance and not resto.

I did. Sorry for the scare.
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