locks - crit or inta

It depends on which spec you are running. As Destro, a crit set is totally viable and with a good team may even be preferable to other gear sets. If you are running Demo or Aff I would suggest sticking with Stam/Int.

Ultimately, find the amount of SP, health, and crit you find to work for you the best. I have like 8 (?) different sets of gears I use for different occasions, so that of course is also something you can consider! However, when just pugging/messing around I've found an even stam/int set (which in full bis gear you still maintain ~12% crit) works perfectly for me.

Have fun man, glad you're enjoying warlock!
thanks for the quick reply :) yeah im destro atm and and i was wondering with bis inta gear what you hit in destro because it seems alright damage (around 250 max conflagrate crits) but maybe with looms it gets better? i like idea of lots of sets just means more work XD
also you lock guide is awsome helped me gear so much thank you for the effort :)
stam/int is the way to go.

in a serious fight(or arena) you will probably be the easiest person to pressure and get loads of ToT on. That Stamina and Int stacking is far more valuable than the RNG burst from Crit Stacking.

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