20s Dragonflight enchants

Post launch means after 15th. With the new item level scaling, it will be applicable and our go to

I wish I could answer that. But I've mostly been a p2p pleb, and full time since SL launch.
But if you feel iffy about it, I'd say its safe to say that Satyr is like Ele force and will always be a great choice for almost any class.
Same cannot be said for enchants that give flat stat, when it comes to permanent outcome. Since they do tend to change alot with every squish or new introductions to TW-content.

I usually would not use an argument like that as my reasoning for why someone should make a choice, but given the 'permanent' type of situation we got going, I felt it was okay to put it out there :PeepoGlad:

On another topic, some have said the Rank 2s at least for Trained Solider still are dropping but not if on a F2P or not. The biggest F2P issue pre-11-15 is getting enough Chaos Crystals without a Legion time-walking to turn in tokens for enchantment mats or trying to grind Legion JC or grinding mobs for Legion purples. At least it seems the odd bug with getting BFA enchanting mats instead of Legion enchanting mats periodically seems to be fixed. That was so annoying to disenchant a unwanted Legion purple or blue and get BFA mats :O
Anyone know if Mark of the Trained Solider Rank 2 still drops for a F2P 20?

Been farming the PVP mobs in Stormheim/Highmountian since last patch and not seen it drop yet. Learnt Rank 1 and my DK character does not have Rank 3 in inventory.
It does drop, I got it yesterday on a pure f2p. Just keep farming Dark Ranger Jess.
If anyone hasn't done leg enchants yet, there's still time, just head to Pandaria leatherworker trainer: https://www.wowhead.com/npc=65121/clean-pelt .. leg enchants are available immediately and best of all don't require leatherworking to remain active.
If you need shoulder enchants, head to Dalaran and learn inscription. It's fairly cheap and fast to get inscription to 25 with mats off the AH. If you're F2P (i.e. not subbed) not sure how long it would take to farm the mats, but I'm sure it's feasible to still do. The shoulder enchants require you to keep Northrend Inscription (25) to remain active.
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I cannot apply the leatherworking leg enhancement even onto ilvl 52 green legs on the PTR... "target is too high level".

Fudge, but I have reenforced most of my plate pants I had but the 3 socketed one in Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad Foothills has yet to drop.
Get what you can done, the difference between the pants is mostly minor... none of this is gonna be forever anyway, surely another squish will come and change everyone's level not too far in the distant future. :FrogeTorch:
What chant should i use for my hunter on an ilvl 87 bow? seems like i can't chant stuff since the date posted, but i was too lazy to sub. Got free game time instead. Can't use sniper scope since its too high ilvl
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What chant should i use for my hunter on an ilvl 87 bow? seems like i can't chant stuff since the date posted, but i was too lazy to sub. Got free game time instead. Can't use sniper scope since its too high ilvl
Huh? You can't use the engi-scopes? Rings some alarm bells in my head. My 87 crossbow also has no enchant rn, only my 61 Bfa Bow and the now useless Dragon Crossbow (47).

Am also curious about most enchant slots now, as we can't use stuff like northrend enchants anymore, capped at ilvl 50.
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Huh? You can't use the engi-scopes? Rings some alarm bells in my head. My 87 crossbow also has no enchant rn, only my 61 Bfa Bow and the now useless Dragon Crossbow (47).

Am also curious about most enchant slots now, as we can't use stuff like northrend enchants anymore, capped at ilvl 50.
Looks like it. Should have just placed one on it =/
You can use Gale Force and Force Multiplier on ranged weapons. I'm not sure if it's better than +dmg or not though.
It's too late for +damage, what's the ilvl requirement for gale force? Just spitballing for these guys that didnt scope.
Just wanted to mention that before pre-patch we could only get the Goblin Glider engineering tinker for slow fall on cloak. Currently we can also apply the Flexweave Underlay on higher ilvl cloaks, which is preferable due to shorter CD, and goblin glider has shared CD with glider kits that any engineer can use anyways.

I will also say this -- go and apply any enchants that are upgrades right now -- if the item level is reduced in a patch they could easily become grandfathered. Make sure to apply +4 crit to rings as well!

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