10's Shadowlands Gear Guide


**If you came here to find OP iLvL kind of exploity Gear, this is the wrong Thread for you**

  • Level 1 Guide by @Jonnes HERE. It has many of the same things in common with 10's
  • Level 14 Guide by @ShinyHero is... waiting for him to make it ;)
  • Level 19 Guide by @DigitalChemyst HERE. Also has things in common with 10's
  • Level 20 Guide by @DigitalChemyst HERE. F2P/Vets/20's all have things in common with 10's
  • If you have a high Level Character to boost your 10's for Dungeon drops, use THIS Guide by @zazzyfraz
  • Enchant Scaling Thread by @Swoops HERE

First let me say that I'm approaching gear in Shadowlands for my 10's the way we used to back in TBC/WotLK. To that point I'm looking at Stat layout numerically. A brief history of Twinking had Characters trying to get ONE better. 1 Stat, 1 Armor, 1 Health, etc. This Guide will be based off of standardized iLvL 14 gear for Level 10's.

Currently in Pre-Patch, Level 10's with full iLvL 14 Blues and the base iLvL 20 Artifact Weapon, no Gems, no Enchants, no Buffs, etc, are stupidly OP. We're nearly back to the scaling levels of WotLK. Once any 10 gets full BiS (based off your Armor type) you'll be as close to God Tier as any Twink Level will likely get in Shadowlands.

A quick point on Tertiary Stats which are Speed, Leech, Avoidance and Indestructible. Certain Classes/Specs like Hunter get Leech as part of that Spec so I would prioritize Speed above all on those Specs. If you have a Class/Spec that doesn't gain any inherent Leech, I'd try for 1-2 pcs max, then Speed for the rest. Leech scales poorly at 10, something like 0.62% per 1 Stat. I haven't yet tested Avoidance but as nearly unkillable as 10's are I doubt it would gain enough added Mitigation to give up Speed, unless you're building a pure Miti-Tank for Level 10 Raids against say, SL Elites once they're out and older World Bosses or even Raiding Suramar's Zone. Indestructible is useless, repairs at 10 are barely noticeable.

To the Tankers out there, Dodge scales horribly at 10. 1 Dodge = 0.31% I will keep updating this with Stat scaling as I figure them out. Also, credit to @Twinkit for verifying that the bonus 5% Main Stat doesn't start until Level 27, so wear whatever works best for your Toon.

Lets look at what actually drops for Level 10's in Shadowlands:
  • Uncommon (Green): iLvL 12 [Quest rewards only]
  • Superior (Blue): iLvL 14 [This is our 'Base' iLvL]
  • Epic (Purple): iLvL 15/16
  • Legendary (Orange): iLvL unk [would only be Legion World Bosses IF they scale]
  • Artifact (Weapon only): iLvL 20 base + 4 with both Relics (with Epic Relics)
Taking into account what the Stat itemization is (numerically) for an iLvL 14 Blue for each Armor slot, I have devised a reasonable BiS list by Expansion not by specific item. Bear in mind there are literally thousand of items in the Game and no way I could possibly catch every single thing, including Quest rewards, so take this list with a grain of salt. Lets do this.

Drops by Armor slot and weight. As far as we've found here are the basic rules to getting one of these to drop and for which Level:
  • Character Levels 1-10 = Level 7 / iLvL 17
  • Character Levels 11-15 = Level 12 / iLvL 21
  • Character Levels 16-19 = Level 17 / iLvL ?
  • Character Level 20 = Level 20 / iLvL 28
We're still trying to farm these on a variety of Character Levels so the above could certainly change. Now onto what drops (I think this is the full list, hard to be certain) and bear in mind we believe the double Socket listing is incorrect. Most of us that had 98/99/101's in Legion only ever got Socket + Tertiary.

  • iLvL 14 Best itemization = 3/4/3/3 for 13 Stats
  • BiS#1 Plate/Mail/Leather = WotLK Utgarde Keep Meta + Socket for 19/20 Stats + Meta effect
  • BiS#1 (Plate/Leather additional) = WotLK The Nexus, same as above
  • BiS Cloth = Spellpower Goggles Extreme Plus (throughput) / Master Engineer's Goggles (PvP, survivability) / Rose Colored Goggles (middle ground)
  • BiS#2 Plate/Leather = TBC Zangarmarsh (Quest) Saving the Sporeloks for 19 Stats
  • BiS#3 = BfA Helm with Socket + Tertiary proc for 17 Stats (with 2/2 Gem)
  • BiS (alternate) = Legion BoE Epic LvL 7 / iLvL 17 with Socket + Tertiary proc for 17 Stats
  • ENCHANT = None
  • iLvL 14 = 2/3/7 for 12 Stats
  • BiS = BfA Neck with Socket + Tertiary for 16 Stats (2/2 Gem)
  • BiS (alt) = Legion BoE Epic with Socket + Tertiary for 14 Stats
  • ENCHANT = Mark of the Hidden Satyr (for most Classes/Specs)
  • iLvL 14 = 2/3/3/1? for 9 Stats (possibly a 2/3/3/3 for 11 Stats)
  • BiS Plate = TBC Underbog 2x Sockets for 17* Stats with Socket Bonus
  • *Doomplate set gives 17 Stats, +4 for 2-set bonus
  • BiS = TBC Slave Pens (Cloth/Mail) 2x Sockets for 15/18* Stats
  • *Mana-Etched set (Cloth) gives 15 Stats, +5 for 2-set Bonus
  • *Desolation set (Mail) gives 18 Stats [no 2nd pc available at 10]
  • BiS (alt) = BfA/Legion BoE Epic with Socket + Tertiary for 13 Stats
  • ENCHANT = Cataclysm Inscription Level 50 for 1/1 (level after LW)
  • iLvL 14 = 2/2/1/1 for 6 Stats (3 exceptions so far listed in 'Honorable Mentions' for 8 Stats)
  • BiS = BfA/Legion Epic Boe with Socket + Tertiary for 10 Stats
  • ENCHANT = Varies by Class
  • iLvL 14 = 3/4/3/3 for 13 Stats
  • BiS Mail = TBC Underbog Shamblehide Chestguard for 26 Stats
  • BiS Leather = TBC Blood Furnace 3x Sockets for 20* Stats
  • *Wastewalker set gives 20 Stats, +5 for 2-set Bonus
  • BiS Leather (alt) = TBC Underbog Tunic of the Nightwatcher for 23 Stats
  • BiS Cloth = TBC Blood Furnace Raiments of Divine Authority for 24 Stats
  • BiS Plate = TBC Slave Pens for 23 Stats
  • BiS (alt) = BfA/Legion BoE Epic with Socket + Tertiary for17 Stats
  • ENCHANT = +1 Stats (2/3/4 do not work at 10) or +2 Versa
  • iLvL 14 = 2/2/3/1 for 8 Stats
  • BiS = BfA/Legion Epic BoE with Socket + Tertiary for 12 Stats
  • BiS (Plate alt) = Krom'gar Legionnaire's Plate Bracers for 7 Stats (+1 Armor over iLvL 14) You gain access to this from the QM after doing the Quests in the Mine below, in Stonetalon Mountains [Horde].
  • ENCHANT = +1 Stats or +2 Versa
  • iLvL 14 = 2/3/3/1 for 9 Stats (possibly a 2/3/3/3 for 11 Stats)
  • BiS Leather = TBC Slave Pens Deft Handguards for 15 Stats
  • BiS Cloth = TBC Hellfire Ramparts 2x Sockets for 15* Stats
  • *Mana-Etched set gives 15 Stats, +5 for 2-set Bonus
  • BiS Mail = TBC Hellfire Ramparts Bloodstained Ravager Gauntlets for 15 stats
  • BiS Plate = TBC Blood Furnace 2x Sockets for 14* Stats
  • *Doomplate gives 14 Stats, +4 for 2 set Bonus
  • BiS (alt) = BfA/Legion Epic BoE with Socket + Tertiary for 13 Stats
  • ENCHANT = +2 Stat Main/Secondary
  • iLvL 14 = 2/3/3/3 for 11 Stats
  • BiS = TBC Dungeons 2x Sockets for 16/17 Stats
  • BiS (alt) = BfA/Legion Epic BoE with Socket + Tertiary for 15 Stats
  • ENCHANT = Engineering Tinkers only
  • iLvL 14 = 3/4/3/3 for 13 Stats
  • BiS = TBC Dungeons 3x Sockets* for up to 26 Stats
  • *BiS [Hunter/Shaman] = Moonchild Leggegs instead of Mail
  • BiS (alt) = BfA/Legion Epic BoE with Socket + Tertiary for 17 Stats
  • ENCHANT = Pandaria Leatherworking Level 1 for 1/1 (do this before Cata Inscription)
  • iLvL 14 = 2/3/7 for 12 Stats
  • BiS = BfA/Legion Epic BoE with Socket + Tertiary for 16 Stats
  • ENCHANT = +1 Secondary Stat
  • PROTIP: Enchanting while Leveling/Gearing, DE the Soulbound gear, send mats to your Enchanter
  • Main = Engineering -OR- Alchemy (Eng for Utility, Alch for Stats)
  • Secondary = Panda LW 1st then Cata Inscription 2nd (you MUST keep Inscription)
  • Mageweave - Heals for 800, get someone with Tailoring to make them or buy off AH
  • BiS = Nightmare Tear for +3 Stats (Unique, 1 only)
  • BiS (optional) = Steady Talasite for 4/6 Armor/Stamina
  • You can choose either 2/2 Secondaries or 3 Main/Secondary Stat but 2/2 will outperform in most cases
  • For 2/2 Gems, the easiest to get are from TBC JC, the base Gem drops like candy in BT/SWP
  • Crediting @Jonnes Level 1 Compendium for some of this info
WIP (These values are before DR kicks in)
  • Speed = 1.29% per 1 (except the Cloak Proc gives 1% exactly)
  • Leech = ~0.62% per 1
  • Avoidance = ~
  • Dodge = ~0.32% per 1 / 0.05% per 1 Agi [DR kicks in ~14%, then 0.25% per 1]
  • Parry = ~0.29% per 1
  • Block = ~
  • Armor = ~0.54% per 1
  • Crit = ~
  • Haste = ~0.39% per 1
  • Versatility = ~
  • Mastery = ~
  • Main Stat = 1 MS is equal to 2 Versatility in Dmg/Heal increase
- MOST Tool Tips are wrong, below are tested & working -
  • Shadow Armor [WotLK] = 2 Agility / 4 Armor
  • Wisdom [WotLK] = 1 Versatility & 2% Reduced Threat
  • Minor Power [WotLK] = 2 Primary Stat
  • PvP Power [TBC] = 2 Primary Stat
  • Stealth [TBC] - 1 Agility / 1 Dodge
  • ALL Dodge only Enchants give only 1 Stat
  • Word/Binding [Legion] are all 1 Primary Stat
  • Gift of [WoD] 1 Secondary Stat / 2% Movement Speed
  • Cata Inscription (Prof Level 50) for 1/1 - You MUST keep this Prof, do it last
  • MoP LW (Prof Level 1) for 1/1 Str/Crit & Agi/Crit or 2/1 Stam/Dodge - You can drop this after Embossing
  • Vitality [Vanilla] = 2/2 Versatility/Stamina
  • Minor Speed [Vanilla] = 10% Movement Speed, stacks with everything
  • Breath/Gift [WoD] + Word/Binding [Legion] are all 1 Stat
*The above Enchants are the highest Stats of each Slot, no +1's listed unless it's the highest*​
World Drops I'm hoping will scale to 10, listing items from places 10's have access to now.
I'm certain there's more but my eyes are bleeding from staring at the screen for hours trying to find this shit.

I would like to credit @ShinyHero and @Winterly for pst'ing me items they got as drops for me to verify certain scaling with item types like Legion Epic BoEs. If anyone finds outstanding Gear that beats what I have listed (and isn't something bound to be nerfed) please reply and I'll add it.

What I will not add is iLvL 44 WoD Rare drops, Garrison Gloves/Ring Mission rewards and the Lumbermill Trinket unless it's been a hot minute and Blizz decided NOT to nerf them. The Legion end Zone Quest rewards are now listed under the Honorable Mention section.

Also, we need to figure out how to get Legion Epic BoE's to scale TO Level 10. I've seen them Level 7, then Level 12 but nothing in between:
Mavannah's Shifting Waistguards.jpg Sameed's Vision Ring.jpg

EDIT1: Credit @Sponsor Get out there and test World Bosses from various XPacs to see if anything scales down to Level 10.

EDIT2: Tool Tips from Professions to Vendors are in many cases completely wrong. There is a lot of testing to be done to determine what CAN and what can NOT be used at 10 from either source. I added a section for Tested-Failed.

EDIT3: I can now confirm that at least some World drops now scale with Level. I found Light-Sealed Casque on various Realms' AH all at different Character Levels.
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Theorycrafting here.

Galleon might be lootable on a lvl 10 twink, given he is located in Valley of the Four Winds 15+ zone). In general your player can loot any monster as long as they are 10 levels max higher.

On my level 5, I was able to get gold this week from him (no item sadly).

Adding this to the fact that a rare in Borean Tundra (15+ zone) dropped an ilvl 14 with req lvl 10 on my level 5 hints towards Galleon gear being level 10 req.

His loot table is immense, with head slots proving 1 regular socket and 1 meta. Chest piece with 2 sockets.

Test it out of course, nothing confirmed yet...
Thanks for this post! I think it's mostly correct, but there might be some exceptions where green BoE's have higher stat count.

I found these leather boots yesterday from a quest in Zangarmarch, and they should be BiS with 6/2/5, 13 total stats but 6 main stat and will almost certainly not get nerfed.

Also, there are bracers available that are 2/2/3/1, both from dungeons (Legion) and BoE greens. Atleast the green ones should be able to proc socket when dropped and should be BiS.

Finally, regarding the Artifact weapon. If you complete quests in Legion and get an *epic upgrade* relic, the tooltip will still say +1 Item Levels but will actually give +2. The Artifact weapons only gets improved stats every other level, so a ilvl 23 and ilvl 24 Artifact gives the same stats, while a ilvl 21 and ilvl 22 gives less. Therefore, getting atleast one *epic upgrade* relic is important to get the best possible stats.

@Gholiat Added the Boots Quest (Alliance and Horde) and edited the final Artifact iLvL to 24 with Epic Relics.
[doublepost=1603552386,1603551993][/doublepost]Makes me want to try Doomwalker and other World Bosses as well to see if shit will scale down. Same with Legion World Bosses for a chance that the Legendaries scale also.
Based off it's iLvL and that it's a World drop I'm guessing that's another to add to the list of items that Blizz's algorithm missed when squishing things down. The highest listed drop rate is 0.08% lol.

EDIT: Nope, apparently World drops scale with Level now. I found this Helm on several Realms' AH at various Levels
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@Dragpz Probably, the Meta Gems secondary effect is often times much more DPS/HPS than straight Stats.

EDIT: Updating the OP to add a few of Utgarde Keep's Helms with Meta Sockets.
[doublepost=1603564233,1603563037][/doublepost]Updated to add a few pcs from WotLK Dungeons, because I honestly didn't remember they had Sockets too ;)
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Sauroscale Cloak of Adaptation.jpg Sauroscale Cloak of Adaptation

The Adaptation Proc on this Cloak is complete shit at 10. It gives 1 Stat and can include Indestructible. How is Indestructible still in the Game, srs. Still though, it's a very easy Cloak to get and if yours procs Socket like mine did then bonus I guess.
I was able to loot this as level 15:


So, in theory, we could get a level 10 version.


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Question for all of you who played during BfA and late stage Legion. Is there nothing left for Resistances? What I mean to say is, I've scoured Enchanting and JC (both Toons had literally every Pattern up through Legion) and I can't find any Enchants or Gems for Resistance anymore. I found a limitation to 10 Protadin in HoV, massive incoming Lightning damage. While I CAN still solo it, it's painful. I've got the 2% Spell damage reduction Meta and I know there's a ring from Ramps that's 1 all Resistance but I'd like more.
Question for all of you who played during BfA and late stage Legion. Is there nothing left for Resistances? What I mean to say is, I've scoured Enchanting and JC (both Toons had literally every Pattern up through Legion) and I can't find any Enchants or Gems for Resistance anymore. I found a limitation to 10 Protadin in HoV, massive incoming Lightning damage. While I CAN still solo it, it's painful. I've got the 2% Spell damage reduction Meta and I know there's a ring from Ramps that's 1 all Resistance but I'd like more.
Chants and gems, idk. Used to be a resistance gem...One of the pearls?

What about potions? Still 'Nature damage protection " I only see one ...level 12 req, but only absorbs 309 damage. Typical useless Blizzard.

I've got Cow King's hide...one is level 15 req, with +4 resist to all....same as the level 20 version.
Chromatic sword, +5 nature with level 17 req, but that's 2H. Idk how low these can go, and you'd have to get lucky on AH.

Edit: Void sphere used to have resistance...
Would the Master Engineer's Goggles not fit into the BiS list on the helms? If going for strictly stat points, it would have the most by far for lvl 10, would it not?
I've got them now on my 10 huntard and enjoy the extra stam numbers, and being able to keep 20% versa.
You aren't wrong about it's pure Stat value, however, I'm not certain the loss of a Meta Gem would compensate for the Stam/Versa gain. I will stick it in the 'Honorable Mentions' tab non the less.

Also, is it still a thing that you gain 5% Main Stat for wearing all pcs of your Armor type or did Blizz remove that? If so boo to Leather, Mail and Plate Classes.

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