**If you came here to find OP iLvL kind of exploity Gear, this is the wrong Thread for you**
- Level 1 Guide by @Jonnes HERE. It has many of the same things in common with 10's
- Level 14 Guide by @ShinyHero is... waiting for him to make it
- Level 19 Guide by @DigitalChemyst HERE. Also has things in common with 10's
- Level 20 Guide by @DigitalChemyst HERE. F2P/Vets/20's all have things in common with 10's
- If you have a high Level Character to boost your 10's for Dungeon drops, use THIS Guide by @zazzyfraz
- Enchant Scaling Thread by @Swoops HERE
First let me say that I'm approaching gear in Shadowlands for my 10's the way we used to back in TBC/WotLK. To that point I'm looking at Stat layout numerically. A brief history of Twinking had Characters trying to get ONE better. 1 Stat, 1 Armor, 1 Health, etc. This Guide will be based off of standardized iLvL 14 gear for Level 10's.
Currently in Pre-Patch, Level 10's with full iLvL 14 Blues and the base iLvL 20 Artifact Weapon, no Gems, no Enchants, no Buffs, etc, are stupidly OP. We're nearly back to the scaling levels of WotLK. Once any 10 gets full BiS (based off your Armor type) you'll be as close to God Tier as any Twink Level will likely get in Shadowlands.
A quick point on Tertiary Stats which are Speed, Leech, Avoidance and Indestructible. Certain Classes/Specs like Hunter get Leech as part of that Spec so I would prioritize Speed above all on those Specs. If you have a Class/Spec that doesn't gain any inherent Leech, I'd try for 1-2 pcs max, then Speed for the rest. Leech scales poorly at 10, something like 0.62% per 1 Stat. I haven't yet tested Avoidance but as nearly unkillable as 10's are I doubt it would gain enough added Mitigation to give up Speed, unless you're building a pure Miti-Tank for Level 10 Raids against say, SL Elites once they're out and older World Bosses or even Raiding Suramar's Zone. Indestructible is useless, repairs at 10 are barely noticeable.
To the Tankers out there, Dodge scales horribly at 10. 1 Dodge = 0.31% I will keep updating this with Stat scaling as I figure them out. Also, credit to @Twinkit for verifying that the bonus 5% Main Stat doesn't start until Level 27, so wear whatever works best for your Toon.
Lets look at what actually drops for Level 10's in Shadowlands:
- Uncommon (Green): iLvL 12 [Quest rewards only]
- Superior (Blue): iLvL 14 [This is our 'Base' iLvL]
- Epic (Purple): iLvL 15/16
- Legendary (Orange): iLvL unk [would only be Legion World Bosses IF they scale]
- Artifact (Weapon only): iLvL 20 base + 4 with both Relics (with Epic Relics)
Drops by Armor slot and weight. As far as we've found here are the basic rules to getting one of these to drop and for which Level:
- Character Levels 1-10 = Level 7 / iLvL 17
- Character Levels 11-15 = Level 12 / iLvL 21
- Character Levels 16-19 = Level 17 / iLvL ?
- Character Level 20 = Level 20 / iLvL 28
- Cloth - Serrinne's Maleficent Habit
- Leather - N/A
- Mail - Gorrog's Serene Gaze
- Plate - Welded Hardskin Helmet
- Cloth - Cyno's Mantle of Sin
- Leather - Boughs of Archdruid Van-Yali
- Mail -N/A
- Plate - N/A
- Cloth - N/A
- Leather - Cainen's Preeminent Chestguard
- Mail - N/A
- Plate - Aethrynn's Everwarm Chestplate
- Cloth - N/A
- Leather - Mavanah's Shifting Wristguards
- Mail - N/A
- Plate - N/A
- Cloth - Mir's Enthralling Grasp
- Leather - N/A
- Mail - N/A
- Plate - Fists of Thane Kray-Tan
- Cloth - Telubis' Binding of Patience
- Leather - N/A
- Mail - Shokell's Grim Cinch
- Plate - N/A
- Cloth - N/A
- Leather - Samnoh's Exceptional Leggings
- Mail - Ulfgor's Greaves of Bravery
- Plate - N/A
- Cloth - N/A
- Leather - N/A
- Mail - Geta of Tay'Shute
- Plate - Claud's War-Ravaged Boots
- Intellect - Eyasu's Mulligan
- Agility - Six-Feather Fan
- Strength - Marfisi's Giant Censer
- 2H Mace - Athrog's Dethhamma
- iLvL 14 Best itemization = 3/4/3/3 for 13 Stats
- BiS#1 Plate/Mail/Leather = WotLK Utgarde Keep Meta + Socket for 19/20 Stats + Meta effect
- BiS#1 (Plate/Leather additional) = WotLK The Nexus, same as above
- BiS Cloth = Spellpower Goggles Extreme Plus (throughput) / Master Engineer's Goggles (PvP, survivability) / Rose Colored Goggles (middle ground)
- BiS#2 Plate/Leather = TBC Zangarmarsh (Quest) Saving the Sporeloks for 19 Stats
- BiS#3 = BfA Helm with Socket + Tertiary proc for 17 Stats (with 2/2 Gem)
- BiS (alternate) = Legion BoE Epic LvL 7 / iLvL 17 with Socket + Tertiary proc for 17 Stats
- ENCHANT = None
- iLvL 14 = 2/3/7 for 12 Stats
- BiS = BfA Neck with Socket + Tertiary for 16 Stats (2/2 Gem)
- BiS (alt) = Legion BoE Epic with Socket + Tertiary for 14 Stats
- ENCHANT = Mark of the Hidden Satyr (for most Classes/Specs)
- iLvL 14 = 2/3/3/1? for 9 Stats (possibly a 2/3/3/3 for 11 Stats)
- BiS Plate = TBC Underbog 2x Sockets for 17* Stats with Socket Bonus
- *Doomplate set gives 17 Stats, +4 for 2-set bonus
- BiS = TBC Slave Pens (Cloth/Mail) 2x Sockets for 15/18* Stats
- *Mana-Etched set (Cloth) gives 15 Stats, +5 for 2-set Bonus
- *Desolation set (Mail) gives 18 Stats [no 2nd pc available at 10]
- BiS (alt) = BfA/Legion BoE Epic with Socket + Tertiary for 13 Stats
- ENCHANT = Cataclysm Inscription Level 50 for 1/1 (level after LW)
- iLvL 14 = 2/2/1/1 for 6 Stats (3 exceptions so far listed in 'Honorable Mentions' for 8 Stats)
- BiS = BfA/Legion Epic Boe with Socket + Tertiary for 10 Stats
- ENCHANT = Varies by Class
- iLvL 14 = 3/4/3/3 for 13 Stats
- BiS Mail = TBC Underbog Shamblehide Chestguard for 26 Stats
- BiS Leather = TBC Blood Furnace 3x Sockets for 20* Stats
- *Wastewalker set gives 20 Stats, +5 for 2-set Bonus
- BiS Leather (alt) = TBC Underbog Tunic of the Nightwatcher for 23 Stats
- BiS Cloth = TBC Blood Furnace Raiments of Divine Authority for 24 Stats
- BiS Plate = TBC Slave Pens for 23 Stats
- BiS (alt) = BfA/Legion BoE Epic with Socket + Tertiary for17 Stats
- ENCHANT = +1 Stats (2/3/4 do not work at 10) or +2 Versa
- iLvL 14 = 2/2/3/1 for 8 Stats
- BiS = BfA/Legion Epic BoE with Socket + Tertiary for 12 Stats
- BiS (Plate alt) = Krom'gar Legionnaire's Plate Bracers for 7 Stats (+1 Armor over iLvL 14) You gain access to this from the QM after doing the Quests in the Mine below, in Stonetalon Mountains [Horde].
- ENCHANT = +1 Stats or +2 Versa
- iLvL 14 = 2/3/3/1 for 9 Stats (possibly a 2/3/3/3 for 11 Stats)
- BiS Leather = TBC Slave Pens Deft Handguards for 15 Stats
- BiS Cloth = TBC Hellfire Ramparts 2x Sockets for 15* Stats
- *Mana-Etched set gives 15 Stats, +5 for 2-set Bonus
- BiS Mail = TBC Hellfire Ramparts Bloodstained Ravager Gauntlets for 15 stats
- BiS Plate = TBC Blood Furnace 2x Sockets for 14* Stats
- *Doomplate gives 14 Stats, +4 for 2 set Bonus
- BiS (alt) = BfA/Legion Epic BoE with Socket + Tertiary for 13 Stats
- ENCHANT = +2 Stat Main/Secondary
- iLvL 14 = 2/3/3/3 for 11 Stats
- BiS = TBC Dungeons 2x Sockets for 16/17 Stats
- BiS (alt) = BfA/Legion Epic BoE with Socket + Tertiary for 15 Stats
- ENCHANT = Engineering Tinkers only
- iLvL 14 = 3/4/3/3 for 13 Stats
- BiS = TBC Dungeons 3x Sockets* for up to 26 Stats
- *BiS [Hunter/Shaman] = Moonchild Leggegs instead of Mail
- BiS (alt) = BfA/Legion Epic BoE with Socket + Tertiary for 17 Stats
- ENCHANT = Pandaria Leatherworking Level 1 for 1/1 (do this before Cata Inscription)
- iLvL 14 = 2/3/3/1 for 9 Stats (possibly 2/3/3/3 for 11 Stats)
- BiS Plate = TBC Hellfire Ramparts Ironsole Clompers for 17 Stats
- BiS Mail = WotLK The Nexus Dragon Slayer's Sabatons for 18 Stats
- BiS = BfA/Legion Epic BoE with Socket + Tertiary for 13 Stats
- BiS (alt) = TBC Zangarmarsh Quest for 13* Stats
- *Alliance = The Terror of Marshlight Lake
- *Horde = Pursuing Terrorclaw
- ENCHANT = Generally use one of the +Speed/1 Stat or Minor Speed
- iLvL 14 = 2/3/7 for 12 Stats
- BiS = BfA/Legion Epic BoE with Socket + Tertiary for 16 Stats
- ENCHANT = +1 Secondary Stat
- There are way too many Trinkets to list, but some good ones are Proc'd ones from WoD
- BiS (alt) = BfA/Legion Epic BoE with Socket + Tertiary
- GF'd on Nov 24th* = Frostwolf Insignia Rank X / Stormpike Insignia Rank X
- ENCHANT = None
- *See Post #62,
it appears HonoredRank 6 is the version you want if you need high Dodge. - Frostwolf Insignia Rank 1 (verified accurate on a 10)
- Frostwolf Insignia Rank 2 [Friendly] (verified accurate on a 10)
- Frostwolf Insignia Rank 3 [Honored] (Verified accurate on a 10)
- Frostowlf Insignia Rank 4 [Revered] (Verified accurate on a 10)
- Frostwolf Insignia Rank 5 [Exalted] (Verified accurate on a 10)
- Frostwolf Insignia Rank 6 Immediate turn in after Exalted (Verified accurate on a 10)
- BiS = Artifact Weapon iLvL 20 base, 24 with Epic Relics
- BiS? (alt) = TBC Underbog 3x Socketed 2H Mace Hatebringer
- ENCHANT = Mostly Crusader or Elemental Force
- PROTIP: Enchanting while Leveling/Gearing, DE the Soulbound gear, send mats to your Enchanter
- Main = Engineering -OR- Alchemy (Eng for Utility, Alch for Stats)
- Secondary = Panda LW 1st then Cata Inscription 2nd (you MUST keep Inscription)
- Mageweave - Heals for 800, get someone with Tailoring to make them or buy off AH
- BiS = Nightmare Tear for +3 Stats (Unique, 1 only)
- BiS (optional) = Steady Talasite for 4/6 Armor/Stamina
- You can choose either 2/2 Secondaries or 3 Main/Secondary Stat but 2/2 will outperform in most cases
- For 2/2 Gems, the easiest to get are from TBC JC, the base Gem drops like candy in BT/SWP
- Crediting @Jonnes Level 1 Compendium for some of this info
- World drops are now in Post #2
Legion end Zone Quests' Pillars of Creation award iLvL 50 (4 pcs) for 47/47/53/61 Stats respectively to Gloves/Belt/Legs/Chest. While these honestly shouldn't be touched since EVERYONE can get them, I'm confident Blizz will bow to crybabies and nerf them. NERFED
- There are some Vendor Gems sold by Aether-tech Adept in TBC Blade's Edge Mountains that require 40 Apexis Shards and the Assault on Bash'ir's Landing Event
- Talisman of the Breaker [TBC Blood Furnace] 20% Silence/Interrupt reduction
- Band of Many Prisms [TBC Ramparts] +1 all Resistances (not certain that's a thing anymore)
- Silent-Strider Kneeboots [TBC Ramparts] +1 to effectiveness of Stealth
- Hatebringer [TBC Underbog] 3x Sockets 2H, possible contender with Arty
- Master Engineer's Goggles [Vanilla] for 26 Stats (no Sockets or Meta)
- Brysngamen, Torc of Helheim [Legion MoS] adds Movement Speed while Dead
- Figurehead of the Naglfar [Legion] another AOE option
- Electromagnetic Gigaflux Reactivator [Vanilla Gnomer] just an interesting item
- Hydrocane [Vanilla Gnomer] Staff with Underwater Breathing
- Toxic Revenger [Vanilla Gnomer] 1H with an AOE Proc
- Heart of Noxxion [Vanilla Mara] Trinket with on-Use to remove 1 Poison effect
- Blade of Eternal Darkness [Vanilla Mara] 1H Epic with damage proc
- Fist of Stone [Vanilla Mara] 1H with Healing proc to restore 97 Mana
- Grovekeeper's drape [Vanilla Mara] highest Stat count I've found so far for Cloak
- Also Glowing Lizardscale Cloak [Vanilla WC] same Stat count as above
- Also Bogstrok Scale Cloak [TBC Pens] same Stat count as above but 3 Dodge
- Armsmaster's Sealed Locket [Vanilla Halls] Neck with 9 Versa
- Soulrender Greatcloak [Vanilla Monastery] Cloak with 3 Versa
- Also Mok'Nathal Wildercloak [TBC Ramps] Cloak with 3 Versa
- All but Int (Horde) / Agi (Alliance) of the +7 Stat Hellfire Peninsula Vendor Gems scale down to 2 or 3 once Socketed at 10
- ALL Stone Statues from JC only give +1 Health per tick
- Mithril Spurs doesn't stack with Light-Step Hoofplates (Mount Equipment)
- Assassin's Step does not stack with Pathfinding, Cunning Hunter Pet, Minor Speed does
- Riding Skill does not stack with Light-Step Hoofplates
- Armsman [WotLK] +1 Parry portion isn't functioning
- Breath Enchants to Cloak [WoD] show as +1 on the Cloak but don't give any Stats
- Blurred Speed doesn't stack with anything / +1 Agility
- Superior Mana [Vanilla] TT shows 17, only gives 6
- Major Mana [Vanilla] TT shows 42, only gives 15
- Exceptional Mana [WotLK] TT shows 42, only gives 14
- Enchant Weapon: Major Spellpower [TBC] TT show 14, only gives 5
- Exceptional Spellpower [WotLK] TT shows 4, only gives 1
- Major Spellpower [TBC] TT shows 5, only gives 2
- Major Healing [TBC] TT shows 5, only gives 2
- ALL Intellect > Bracer Enchants are +1
WIP (These values are before DR kicks in)
- Speed = 1.29% per 1 (except the Cloak Proc gives 1% exactly)
- Leech = ~0.62% per 1
- Avoidance = ~
- Dodge = ~0.32% per 1 / 0.05% per 1 Agi [DR kicks in ~14%, then 0.25% per 1]
- Parry = ~0.29% per 1
- Block = ~
- Armor = ~0.54% per 1
- Crit = ~
- Haste = ~0.39% per 1
- Versatility = ~
- Mastery = ~
- Main Stat = 1 MS is equal to 2 Versatility in Dmg/Heal increase
- MOST Tool Tips are wrong, below are tested & working -
NECK- Mark of the Hidden Satyr [Legion] = Highest dmg output so far
- Shadow Armor [WotLK] = 2 Agility / 4 Armor
- Wisdom [WotLK] = 1 Versatility & 2% Reduced Threat
- Minor Power [WotLK] = 2 Primary Stat
- PvP Power [TBC] = 2 Primary Stat
- Stealth [TBC] - 1 Agility / 1 Dodge
- ALL Dodge only Enchants give only 1 Stat
- Word/Binding [Legion] are all 1 Primary Stat
- Gift of [WoD] 1 Secondary Stat / 2% Movement Speed
- Cata Inscription (Prof Level 50) for 1/1 - You MUST keep this Prof, do it last
- Mighty Versatility [MoP] = 2 Versatility
- Exceptional Versatility [Cata] = 2 Versatility
- Major Versatility [TBC] = 2 Versatility
- Versatility Prime [TBC] = 2 Versatility
- Major Mana [Vanilla] = 15 Mana
- ALL Dodge Enchants give only 1 Stat
- ALL Stats Enchants give only 1 Primary / 1 Stamina (most don't even work at 10)
- Superior Versatility [Vanilla] = 2 Versatility
- Super Strength [MoP] = 2 Strength
- Mighty Strength [Cata] = 2 Strength
- Exceptional Strength [Cata] = 2 Strength
- Precision [WotLK] = 2 Critical Strike
- Precise Strikes [TBC] = 2 Critical Strike
- Superior Haste [MoP] = 2 Haste
- Greater Haste [MoP] = 2 Haste
- Greater Haste [Cata] = 2 Haste
- Haste [Cata] = 2 Haste
- Superior Mastery [MoP] = 2 Mastery
- Greater Mastery [Cata] = 2 Mastery
- Mastery [Cata] = 2 Mastery
- Major Agility [WotLK] = 2 Agility
- Crusher [WotLK] = 2 Attack Power
- Greater Assault [WotLK] = 2 Attack Power
- Assault [TBC] = 2 Attack Power
- Major Spellpower [TBC] = 2 Spellpower
- Major Healing [TBC] = 2 Spellpower
- MoP LW (Prof Level 1) for 1/1 Str/Crit & Agi/Crit or 2/1 Stam/Dodge - You can drop this after Embossing
- Vitality [Vanilla] = 2/2 Versatility/Stamina
- Major Intellect [MoP] = 2 Intellect
- Minor Speed [Vanilla] = 10% Movement Speed, stacks with everything
- Breath/Gift [WoD] + Word/Binding [Legion] are all 1 Stat
*The above Enchants are the highest Stats of each Slot, no +1's listed unless it's the highest*
- Abyssal-Fried Rissole [BfA] = 5 Mastery
World Drops I'm hoping will scale to 10, listing items from places 10's have access to now.
- Skullflame Shield ~0.01% from SM
- Chromatic Sword ~0.7% from Scale Belly Rare in STV
- Teebu's Blazing Longsword ~0% from Heavy Junkbox (Scales at least as low as 4, confirmed)
- Duskbringer ~0% from SFK
- Serpent's Kiss ~41% from Trigore the Lasher Rare in the cave before WC
- Black Malice ~0.05% from SFK
- Shadowfang ~0.01% from SFK
- Searing Blade ~0-0.4% from multiple Zones (Scales at least as low as 9, confirmed)
- Skeletal Club ~0.05% from multiple Zones and Stocks (scales at least as low as 9, confirmed)
- Night Reaver ~0.04% from SFK
- Killmaim ~0.05% from multiple Zones and Gnomer [confirmed scales to 10]
- Grimclaw ~0-0.18% from BFD
- Sword of Corruption ~0-0.2% from multiple Zones, Gnomer and SM
- Blackvenom Blade ~0.01% from Battered Junkbox (Pickpocketing)
- Vibroblade ~0.05% from Gnomer
- Supercharger Battle Axe ~0.08% from Gnomer
I would like to credit @ShinyHero and @Winterly for pst'ing me items they got as drops for me to verify certain scaling with item types like Legion Epic BoEs. If anyone finds outstanding Gear that beats what I have listed (and isn't something bound to be nerfed) please reply and I'll add it.
What I will not add is iLvL 44 WoD Rare drops, Garrison Gloves/Ring Mission rewards and the Lumbermill Trinket unless it's been a hot minute and Blizz decided NOT to nerf them. The Legion end Zone Quest rewards are now listed under the Honorable Mention section.
Also, we need to figure out how to get Legion Epic BoE's to scale TO Level 10. I've seen them Level 7, then Level 12 but nothing in between:

EDIT1: Credit @Sponsor Get out there and test World Bosses from various XPacs to see if anything scales down to Level 10.
EDIT2: Tool Tips from Professions to Vendors are in many cases completely wrong. There is a lot of testing to be done to determine what CAN and what can NOT be used at 10 from either source. I added a section for Tested-Failed.
EDIT3: I can now confirm that at least some World drops now scale with Level. I found Light-Sealed Casque on various Realms' AH all at different Character Levels.
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