First time 20 Twink, any help would be great!

What is the Best 20 Twink right now?


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So I currently have a bis 11 Twink(wind walker monk) and just finished up the last item on my 10 Twink(arcane mage)
Love those toons but its time to move on to a new challenge and have a bit of fun while im doing it!
Obviously besides scaling, what class/spec I choose for 10/11 twinks is limited to what spells you get, class mobility, and for 11 twinks what that first talent is is important.

But for 20s.... whatever I choose, I would have a handful of talents to pick from therefore my choices really open up, which is something I'm happy about!

So I've attached a poll, what spec makes the best 20 twinks?
Open to anything, but big dps and talents and spells that work well together would be amazing
(Not monk or Arcane tho as I already have 10/11 in those classes)
People are vouching strongly for Resto Shaman, Prot Paladins and Prot Warriors. Bear in mind that you won't be PvP'ing much anymore because of the xp-off lockout and the 29s. Instead, you'll mostly be PvE'ing with the massive ammount of content you have to play and thus the definition of what makes a good 20 changed. Soloability is the new threshhold and on that camp, tanks like Prot Warr and Pally, and healers with really good DPS like Resto Shammy and i think Holy Priest are really, really, REALLY good.
People are vouching strongly for Resto Shaman, Prot Paladins and Prot Warriors. Bear in mind that you won't be PvP'ing much anymore because of the xp-off lockout and the 29s. Instead, you'll mostly be PvE'ing with the massive ammount of content you have to play and thus the definition of what makes a good 20 changed. Soloability is the new threshhold and on that camp, tanks like Prot Warr and Pally, and healers with really good DPS like Resto Shammy and i think Holy Priest are really, really, REALLY good.
Thank you this information really helps!
Prob won't go holy priest, but deffo open to tank or shaman hmm, what about 20 hunters? hmm
Thank you this information really helps!
Prob won't go holy priest, but deffo open to tank or shaman hmm, what about 20 hunters? hmm
From what little info i got, most classes seem to be good, and you can actually play everything but some of them will start to show more progress when you get your gear down. I highly recommend reading the F2P Baseline guide to see the whole gearing process. I think Hunters are fine, fantastic even, but they require a bit more management since your pet tends to lose more threat now, i don't know why. I've seen some hunter dungeon soloing videos for this xpac and in most of them the Hunter loses threat and has to play smart. With classes like Prot/Resto, you'll be facetanking and that's relatively easier than managing threat. I think you use a lot of Misdirection, but i'm assuming here since i don't play a Hunter. Better ask someone more informed.

Here's the guide:
The absolute top tier PVE-wise are Survival Hunter, MM Hunter, Resto Shaman and Guardian Druid.
They all have amazing damage and utility.
Surv and MM hunters have insane single-target damage, Feign Death, their pet to tank and a heal for said pets but AOE is lacking for both specs.
Guardian Druid has arguably one of the best AOE damage toolkit at level 20 if not the best. They can stealth and have good self-healing tho you generally won't really need it. Single target is a bit less good but still plenty strong enough and way superior to many other classes. Also travel form is sooo convenient in general.
Resto Shaman has -in my humble opinion- the best overall damage (as in in both AOE and single target) with hard hitting but relatively long cast time spells (<2sec). It can't stealth or drop aggro without the gorum ring but it has ghost wolf for a nice 50% speed increase allowing for faster runs overall (stacks with speed stat too which is awesome).

All that said all classes (except rogue) are plenty good enough for PVE at level 20 and I'm curious to try out BM monk after the 10.1.5 buffs, I'll just have to wait a week for my sub to end I suppose haha.
If you want the opinion of several of us on all specs this thread has you covered. Some buffs/nerfs happened since then so it might not be 100% accurate but it'll still give you a good idea.

All that said, play whatever you like, even rogue it doesn't matter as long as you have fun.
Top DPS: Surv Hunter
Top Healers: R sham/Holy Priest
Top Tank: Guard Druid/Prot Pally/Veng DH

Veng DH is debatable because people say that Pallies and G Druids are better. But if you spam Fracture (Talent) and Soul Cleave, you can pretty much solo any content your level. R sham and Holy Priest have massive burst potential at 20 with 3 Insta Holy Fires through Empyreal Blaze and Rsham's Stormkeeper
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Resto shaman and bear druid are exceptional, you can walk into the dungeon with no gear and reliably solo it. IF you want a challenge rogue which requires the slime trinket to solo things.
I'm a big fan of guardian druid, lots of fun utility and movement and very easy to get to grips with for solo content. One great thing I liked about starting with an S tier class like Resto or Guardian as f2p is it made farming gear an effective gold farm at the same time. Now with most heirlooms purchased, getting a new 20 leveled up and rolling on some warforged tbc items is a breeze.
I'm a big fan of guardian druid, lots of fun utility and movement and very easy to get to grips with for solo content. One great thing I liked about starting with an S tier class like Resto or Guardian as f2p is it made farming gear an effective gold farm at the same time. Now with most heirlooms purchased, getting a new 20 leveled up and rolling on some warforged tbc items is a breeze.

Yeah, I think 10.1.5 actually made G Druid S Tier. My previous ranking would have been Veng DH/Prot Pally/G Druid, but after actually playing G Druid on 10.1.5, I think G Druid is actually top tier. One Dream of Cenarius proc can easily heal your entire health pool now, and is an absolute banger of a talent. My main problem with druids previously was that it was just too much form-switching to be a chill OP tank to play. But now that you can insta-cast Regrowth in Bear form, it is probably the best tank out there.

I will say though, that it is not as invincible as Prot Pally or Veng DH and the lack of an interrupt is kinda jarring
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Yeah, I think 10.1.5 actually made G Druid S Tier. My previous ranking would have been Veng DH/Prot Pally/G Druid, but after actually playing G Druid on 10.1.5, I think G Druid is actually top tier. One Dream of Cenarius proc can easily heal your entire health pool now, and is an absolute banger of a talent. My main problem with druids previously was that it was just too much form-switching to be a chill OP tank to play. But now that you can insta-cast Regrowth in Bear form, it is probably the best tank out there.

I will say though, that it is not as invincible as Prot Pally or Veng DH and the lack of an interrupt is kinda jarring
Will have to take a G-Druid out for a spin?!
For my money Prot Pally is not just the best tank, but the best PVE Twink, Full Stop. Not half bad in Arena either.
They are not the damage sponge that a Gdruid is, & they're only slightly more mobile than a DK; so Warrior, DH & Monks have em' there;
but one of em in whites & quest greens can solo dungeons, & fully-kitted is capable of challenging for top DPS & Heals at the same time. NO other tank can do that.
Now... in a world with Broken trinks, level 10 & 11 Shammies & monks that can 1-pull whole instances, none of that really matters, but still...
For me, they're just loads of fun. I love the 'Bang-Clang' of the spec & just 'feel' powerful playing one.
Will have to take a G-Druid out for a spin?!
For my money Prot Pally is not just the best tank, but the best PVE Twink, Full Stop. Not half bad in Arena either.
They are not the damage sponge that a Gdruid is, & they're only slightly more mobile than a DK; so Warrior, DH & Monks have em' there;
but one of em in whites & quest greens can solo dungeons, & fully-kitted is capable of challenging for top DPS & Heals at the same time. NO other tank can do that.
Now... in a world with Broken trinks, level 10 & 11 Shammies & monks that can 1-pull whole instances, none of that really matters, but still...
For me, they're just loads of fun. I love the 'Bang-Clang' of the spec & just 'feel' powerful playing one.

Yeah, they are pretty awesome with the talent now. Takes slightly more button presses than Prot Pally and DH tho. I think you can't really go wrong any hybrid classes, having played a F2P druid for quite a long time, but I also would agree that Pallies are a decent twink choice because of how many "Oh crap" buttons you get to press, their insta-heals, and the fact that plate mogs look better than leather.
Yeah, I think 10.1.5 actually made G Druid S Tier. My previous ranking would have been Veng DH/Prot Pally/G Druid, but after actually playing G Druid on 10.1.5, I think G Druid is actually top tier. One Dream of Cenarius proc can easily heal your entire health pool now, and is an absolute banger of a talent. My main problem with druids previously was that it was just too much form-switching to be a chill OP tank to play. But now that you can insta-cast Regrowth in Bear form, it is probably the best tank out there.

I will say though, that it is not as invincible as Prot Pally or Veng DH and the lack of an interrupt is kinda jarring
You can have an interrupt if you spec into Maim, and even an extra stun, while stealthed, with Rake.

That said, IMO, Guardian is Top S tier for 20 PVE twinking, specially for F2P.
You can have an interrupt if you spec into Maim, and even an extra stun, while stealthed, with Rake.

That said, IMO, Guardian is Top S tier for 20 PVE twinking, specially for F2P.

Yeah, this is what I was talking about earlier about form-switching etc. It's kinda too much work when compared to other tanks, with Prot Pal, you can just throw a HoJ or Rebuke, same with DH, so it's essentially just one GCD. As G Druid, You'd have to swap to Cat, build 1 combo point, and then Maim. I still have to swap out of bear sometimes to pop a Swiftmend, but the talent is really helps. In group content, swapping out of forms is okay because you have a healer, but in solo content, soloing dungeons, doing large pulls etc., its alot harder
I was thinking of rerolling Prot Pally because while Shaman is enjoyable and Mail have good mogs, Plate looks great and the casttimes for Resto are honestly kinda bumming me out. If Maelstrom-Resto was good, i would be all over that.

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