
  1. Life

    General Hey Team! <<HUGE PARTY>> Celebrating 3 years of Golden Twinkies! 02/28 10pm Est on Friday!!

    Hey team XpOff, <Golden Twinkies> Is throwing a massive celebration for our 3rd birthday! To continue celebrating our partnership with this amazing forum! We are welcoming all level 20 players in the community to come participate with us! We are going to form a massive raid group to kill all...
  2. US Alliance MoP or WoD Level Locked Guilds

    Hello, I am looking for a guild that has locked their levels at the appropriate level to run MoP or WoD raids. I am looking for Alliance and don't have a preference for server as long as its retail.
  3. Solo 30 Raid Progress

    I am pleased to announce the first ever defeat of a RAID BOSS by a level 30 100% Solo! As those of you who followed my progress on the lvl 20 twink bracket know, I am big into solo play and am always pushing the boundaries of what we can pull off here. I will not be doing a write up for...
  4. US [Classic] <Horde Protective Service> Now Recruiting!

    Guild name: Horde Protective Service Faction: Horde Server Type: PvE Raid Times: TBD Loot Distribution: Loot Council among Officers and GM. Discord: About Us: We are a semi-casual guild looking for new members to fill our raid ranks. We are looking to fill our first...

    Hey guys, I know many of you have twinks around the level 60 and level 70 brackets. I offer a legacy boosting service, should any of you want to get a boost through a legacy raid for your twink, add me EU only. both factions. price can be discussed :) Ifireblanks#21710
  6. Mindmasterxd

    EU+US 70 twink raid sunwell

    first time we ever raided out of the blue and it went successful 50 people signed up for the raid and only 20 showed up kind of scuffed but everyone had fun :D 70-79 twink horde u.s community if ur interested in joining
  7. soovage

    US <No Change> Legit P60 moon guard alliance

    <No Change> is a new P60 guild on Moon guard alliance that is not part of the streamer P60 guilds. RULES: -No Heirlooms. -No mounts until level 40. (60% speed at 40, 100% speed at 60.) -No use of talents or glyphs. -No Pandaren, Worgen -No Monks, Death knight and shamans -You may only...
  8. EU Raid Night Saturday 20:00PM

    We are hoping to hold a TBC raid this Saturday 20:00 server time. Not sure which raid yet as it will be driven by numbers / availability. Faction is probably going to be Ally but not set in concrete If you are interested please reply in the thread in the first instance please. Even if you are...
  9. mczizegg

    EU+US Hfc mythic level 100 raid

    Was the first time i joined in a Xpoff Raid group and it was fun. Recorded our Kormrok mythic kill while I was using my Ps4 controller :D It was a bit rough to get some players in target who needed heals but i guess its just a setting thing. Overall it was real fun. Feel free to check it out :)
  10. Embu

    EU+US [Burning League 2017] Raid results

    1. Participants list There has been 19 players who decided to join the expedition: DPS Pellevén @ Magtheridon : Hunter #1 Eartho @ Magtheridon : Druid #1 (manager group) Phlak @ Khaz Modan : Shaman #1 Embusquée @ Rashgarroth : Rogue #1 Çx @ Magtheridon : Mage #1 Ketya @ Confrérie du...
  11. Embu

    EU [Burning League 2017] Raid to Un'goro

    This thread recaps the list of participants for the raid that will unfold on 31th August after the final (the final will start from 10pm London time and from 09pm from Paris time (CEST)). 1. Participant list Here's the players list of those who already confirmed their participation: DPS...
  12. EU+US Black Temple Timewalking loot experience!

    I did Black Temple on my 79 twink, and actually ended up pretty lucky with 3 pieces of loot whereas 2 of them had a socket. This got me thinking a bit, did anyone else do Black Temple on your twinks? Did anyone get any warforged/titanforged? I know that from the dungeons the warforged did'nt...
  13. US 20-29 PvE

    Hello, for those of you who don't know me I am Towerz the Night Elf Druid along with several other alts. I have been looking for more interested people for raid like content. I have found a few bosses and areas throughout azeroth that are fairly consistent with raid like difficulty. Many places...
  14. Nigel Wilmes

    EU+US PvE?

    No posts about PvE for 10s? Why isnt anyone raiding?
  15. Bóóbóókit

    US L1 PvE TWINK RAID #3!

    DURNHOLDE KEEP Level 1 PvE Raid SUNDAY, March 5th 2017, 1:00pm PST Durnholde keep, in Hillsbrad Foothills has a long and sordid history. From the old glory days of the Alliance, through its history as an internment camp and prison of the great Thrall, to it's occupation by The Syndicate...
  16. Beviah

    US <Reprisal> is now recruiting!

    Hello XPOff! Today, I am opening up recruitment for our new project sixty guild Reprisal on Bloodhoof, Horde. Reprisal is being led by vanilla players, who are offering a social and competitive community for those who want to re-experience vanilla World of Warcraft to the fullest extent...
  17. Aelobin

    EU+US 100-109 Soloing & PvE thread

    A while ago I made a soloing thread in the 80-89 forum for people interested in PvE twinking. It was quite active so I figured I'd make one for this bracket too, in the hope there are others who enjoy forging their own progression paths through the content. If you have a video or screenshot...
  18. DeLindsay

    LEAKED - Final Legion Boss revealed!!

    This Expansion's final Raid Boss will take some serious Gear, coordination and a fair bit of Luck to defeat, good luck to you all!!
  19. US Project 70 Raiding Guild in Need of Warlock

    Hello, we are in need of a skilled warlock that is dedicated. We are on Scarlet Crusade Alliance and we raid Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00 pacific time. We need someone who knows their class, will always be on time, and is dedicated to getting sunwell down. We are two weeks into TBC coming off...
  20. Bóóbóókit

    US L1 PvE Raid #2!

    This raid is planned for Sunday, July 17th, 2016 at 12:15 PM Pacific standard time. The progression will be in the following order: 1. Morbidius the Tomb Guardian (Duskwood), 25 Elite -3,940 Health, Abilities: Mortal Strike Looking for a cleaner kill here where we're not wiping and running...