
  1. Bóóbóókit

    US L1 PvE TWINK RAID #3!

    DURNHOLDE KEEP Level 1 PvE Raid SUNDAY, March 5th 2017, 1:00pm PST Durnholde keep, in Hillsbrad Foothills has a long and sordid history. From the old glory days of the Alliance, through its history as an internment camp and prison of the great Thrall, to it's occupation by The Syndicate...
  2. Lf 49,60,70,80 & 85 twinks for Pve/Pvp

    Active player looking for people who still have some enthusiasm in these brackets. I'm down for any world pvp, bgs, raids, dungeon rep and tmog farming. My guild is: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/guild/jubeithos/Prune_Brothers/ Every character in there is mine I also have an 80 orc sham (Poppopbam...
  3. Waves

    US [A] <Scuffed Guild> Stormrage

    <Scuffed Guild> is a semi-hardcore raiding guild on Alliance looking to effectively and efficiently complete current raiding content while having fun. We are searching for a few more talented raiders to fill our mythic roster so we can start mythic progression and go into Nighthold with a strong...
  4. US I put together 70 raids constantly! Alliance Side

    Hey there, I've owned multiple Alliance 70 guilds and really, i'm done with guilds. I'm done having people level up, gear up, and do everything on a new server when they already have a character ready. I just want to get going and do random shit. I'd like to down Sunwell, but who knows. If...
  5. EU+US Big Game Hunting: Looking for high level elites to solo.

    So far have soloed Runed Giant, Any suggestions ( most actually be soloable). LvL 75 Health 15354 Hit me for about 3k = 1 shot or almost 1 shot.
  6. Aelobin

    EU+US 100-109 Soloing & PvE thread

    A while ago I made a soloing thread in the 80-89 forum for people interested in PvE twinking. It was quite active so I figured I'd make one for this bracket too, in the hope there are others who enjoy forging their own progression paths through the content. If you have a video or screenshot...
  7. US Starting a Legacy PvE guild!

    We will start in cata, Proudmoore-US! This is for purely fun and to kill time before Legion, and into Hopefully Rules : All classes, its for fun...play what you want No Heirlooms in raids No getting carried through raids Only use gear of current raid tier...
  8. DeLindsay

    EU+US Invasion 10's, post your highest DPS

    To qualify, you need to be in a party with a 100 (this first SS is with my 99 Twink, not sure how much difference 1 Level makes). You use the Level 100's Recount and it shows all Party Member's DPS scaled UP to the Level 100 while in an Invasion. This will be a good test to see which Classes do...
  9. Bóóbóókit

    US L1 PvE Raid #2!

    This raid is planned for Sunday, July 17th, 2016 at 12:15 PM Pacific standard time. The progression will be in the following order: 1. Morbidius the Tomb Guardian (Duskwood), 25 Elite -3,940 Health, Abilities: Mortal Strike Looking for a cleaner kill here where we're not wiping and running...
  10. US <Theorycraft> Level 70 Burning Crusade Guild!

    Hey everyone, we're Theorycraft on Sargeras! We've merged with another guild and have multiple groups going. Progression based, which will mean we will level to 70, do heroics, and then start gearing in Karazahn all the way to SWP to down Kil'Jaiden. Then Challenge, which will be 5 man raids...
  11. US Level 70 Burning Crusade Guild on Chromaggus!

    Hey guys, me and my buddy owned a pretty large twinking guild a couple months back named <Thrust Issues>, it's an alliance guild we got 4/9 BT before schedules conflicted. We're looking to start it back up again! We highly prefer you join us on this server or a sister server of chromaggus for a...
  12. Bóóbóókit

    US Level 1 Raid Results :D (pics)

    Greetings, Out of the 8 people scheduled to participate, we had 5 show up. 3 Alliance and 2 Horde participated in this cross-faction PvE event: Ohnee (Boobookit) Ally Hunter-Tank XTwink (Xtwink) Ally Rogue-DPS Stammers (Despiler) Ally Warrior-DPS-Offtank Bestone (JêroyLenkins) Horde Rogue-DPS...
  13. Gamoff

    US Level 80 PVE [H - Dalaran]

    Evening everyone, <Classics> has been revived after many years of dormancy. Our objective is to provide an exciting and fun outlet for new and returning players to experience old content. Because of the many changes in recent patches we expect to run with reduced raid parties, which allows for...
  14. Aelobin

    EU+US Level 80 & 85 Soloing

    This thread is to showcase what soloing feats people have managed to achieve on their 80 and 85 twinks. If you have a video/screenshot you'd like to have included in the list, just post it as a reply. The links in itallics are screenshots and the rest are videos. Solos marked with an...