Hello all. I've been following this community for about a year and been playing WoW for many years. To get right to it, recent changes to WoW have me seriously considering leaving WoW and never returning. So I'm debating two options: (1) Make a new alt and PvP from 1 to 120 as a last hurrah...
Hello all
With the recent changes to the twink community I am looking for any people interested in doing level 80 content. If i get enough feedback here I will create a guild or join a guild if there is already one formed.
I am Horde on the Illidan server.
Please respond here or add me on...
Hey guys, getting back into PvE twinking at level 20 and the threat nerfs are very noticeable. I'm simply not holding aggro in dungeons the way I used to. It's almost (almost) Vanilla-ish, lol.
I'm thinking of building a threat+ set and seeing if that helps. What items / consumables / enchants...
Wondering what is currently the best Vet class to solo instances, say for instance RFC, and if it's even still possible due to the scaling factor.
Thoughts appreciated, cheers.
Hey so looking to 70 twink again but curious to which server is more active in terms of people to do stuff with (raids, hcs, chat, pvp, duels, mog farm etc) Im from the UK so EU would make sense but due to work i can be anytime of day/night, so server has no problem for me, especially as ive...
Hi there, I'm pretty new to twinking.
I have a level 60 prot warrior that has been level locked for a while for the sake of helping friends with dungeons. Lately I've been wanting to gear her out, as I don't want to keep using heirlooms.
I'm a bit confused about what my stat priority should be...
Assassination: The Most Toxic Specialization
Hello and welcome to my guide. I am Eonsy, of Ante Amanthe, and I have been playing on/off at 70 since late Wrath of the Lich King. I have had 3 different rogues at 70 with this rogue being the latest who started his 70 journey back in Warlords of...
Some of my thoughts:
Primary stats are now way more important for Prot Warriors, Prot Paladins, and Brewmasters. Stagger now scales with Agility while Armor scales with Strength. Prot warriors also scale their Stamina.
This also means Landslide is no longer a good enchant for Brewmasters. I'm...
I've already got a 101 Twink that works wonders, but I'm interested in a PvE-focused Twink (presumably 60) that I can literally just use to play with my friends who are leveling alts. Does anyone here who has a 60 Twink find that random dungeons are actually significantly easier with a 60 Twink...
Are there many other active 69s out there?
I've capped my dk and my pvp/pve dam is insane.
I go for stacking haste in pve with bc gear and full wrath 155/heirlooms for pvp.
maybe it's cause I'm dk? Idk just wondering if there...
I did Black Temple on my 79 twink, and actually ended up pretty lucky with 3 pieces of loot whereas 2 of them had a socket. This got me thinking a bit, did anyone else do Black Temple on your twinks? Did anyone get any warforged/titanforged? I know that from the dungeons the warforged did'nt...
Hello, for those of you who don't know me I am Towerz the Night Elf Druid along with several other alts. I have been looking for more interested people for raid like content. I have found a few bosses and areas throughout azeroth that are fairly consistent with raid like difficulty. Many places...
As you all know, with 7.2.5 Black Temple received significant changes, primarily in the form of large health increases for all enemies, and some number tuning. Black Temple now also scales with the amount of players you bring, with a minimum of 10 players. This allows us to bring a lot more...
Hello everybody! I have seen some life in level ones and walked down the memory lane.
This video 6 years back was one of my first level one experiences and also my first twinking experiences. I will never forget the moment i found this great community on YouTube and watched what they did and i...
I'm just asking some opinions from the 20 - 29 community. What do you think is the overall best tanking class for 20's? I'm looking for an all-rounder PvE and PvP tank class.
I've only ever twinked a 20 Prot Warrior. Prot Warrior's are fairly decent in PvP with a stun, charge and slow and ok...
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Last updated 23/07/2017
This list is out of date, I'm working on it. It's still a reasonable guideline but by no means BiS gearsets.
This list aims to provide players with an easy reference when looking to build a character for instanced PvE at level 70. The gear sets...