
  1. Starter Set

    I would like to know what items should I give to my alts. for example if I got a rouge I will mail a Fiery weapon and if I got a mage I will mail a Lesser Magic Wand. This thread should help others to figure out what to send in the future and boost there alts without doing the research.
  2. humantrafikr

    If you put rules and regulations on a twink or xpoff player whatever you wanna call it!

    you're a panzee and you don't belong in my games. if you think twinking is about fair games and equality. Leave my bracket. WGS that follow rules aren't twinks, they are straight wasting my time. Middle finger in your twink wanna be fudge pack. Ban me for ganking you as a 20.
  3. Survival twink 20 (link ur twink)

    Hai! Im new to twink, and want to try to make a surival twink, before i close my playtime and gear it up. I cant find any of the twink armorys in here, because the links are dead, or blizzard havent updated since weekly reset. Can someone link me theirs, or tell me what items to get? or...
  4. Zpectre

    LvL 11 or LvL 20 character

    Question: Which is more fun to play PVE? As of now I have a Druid, warrior, monk and mage @ LvL 10/11, but I am curious if it makes any sense to level them to 20? Note: I do not wish to take part in any pvp activities
  5. Mage, Priest, or Warlock for best of both worlds (PVP/PVE) at level 20?

    Howdy, I'l really into the caster classes (mainly cloth but willing to compromise) and I want to know which of these is the best all rounder at level 20? thanks and sorry for my many threads and questions!
  6. Goodfellows

    What do you use your twink(s) for?

    Hey all :-D In these times/State of WOW, what you use or do with your twink(s)? Share ideas, tips or come up with new ways to play or use your characters!!! Have a FANTASTIC summer out there //Goodfellow
  7. Nelthax

    [New] Newer to the 20 Scene, Looking for some Guidance (PVE Oriented)

    Hello everyone, New to the F2P PvE 20 PVE Scene. I was wondering if I could get a little help with some things, and help choosing what's the best way to go. The account I'll be playing on is completely new and trial account/F2P account, meaning no game time will ever have been activated on it...
  8. 30s Solo PvE Question - "Conan, what is Best in Slot?"

    "To outheal the dungeon boss, mitigate 90% of its damage and reflect its targeted spells back at it." Greetings and well met... twinkers? Is that a term? I have recently returned to twinking 30s (the late Legion stat squish killed my interest in it) after learning about Blizzard "normalizing"...
  9. Paroag

    f2p PvE guardian druid in-depth stats analysis

    Here is a guide no one ever asked for. Let's dive in. Introduction Guardian druid is a very strong spec at 20, combining very good damage output, very good damage mitigation, and good self healing capabilities. How to best optimize your stats to make the most out of your druid ? If you made...
  10. scrow666

    20s F2P achivments, fishing and more.

    Generally i want to ask your ideas of what can we do f2p with our 20lvl twinks other than PVP and gear up. In my case i farm some of the world events (even the micro ones i think they are the best) and with farm i mean that i gather some pets, mounts and achievements. I do the Anglers rep for...
  11. Znipp

    30 Outlaw Rogue - Low DPS?

    Hey fellow twinks, Whenever I LFG a random Dungeon my DPS is terrible, I've been outDPSed by (low level) levelers... Is it because Outlaw has a ramp up time? My gear is a mix of ICC heroic and TBC. a 5 minute DPS rotation on a dummy gives about ~230DPS. Character can be found here...
  12. Berrybush


    Hi guys. Where do you grind stuff other than dungeons and 20-30 areas? I read people here say you can do tons of stuff on f2p WoW now but what exactly are those tons of stuff? Fishing cooking herblore tailoring enchanting engineering ? Do you farm these somewhere else? Am I missing...
  13. [EU] [A] [Gandling] deer<Oh Deer> Fresh Guild for TBC

    <Oh Deer> Is a guild formed from the ashes and experience of the past. Building a new home for the players, where everyone can be. If you are new, a veteran, or a long-lost wandering player seeking for old time’s sake. We welcome everyone that wants to be part of this adventure. We strive to...
  14. 20 Twink Solo Classic Dungeonmaster & PVE Guide

    20 Twink Solo Classic Dungeonmaster & PVE Guide So you want to build a level 20 twink and test your might in PVE? You ran in groups with other players and squished all the content easily, kind of boring eh? Than you had a thought....what if I....SOLOED this? Can it be done? Is hunter really the...
  15. Solo PVE twinking thread!

    Hey guys, I wanted to create a thread where people who are doing solo twink stuff (and other pve twinking!) can come to discuss, ask questions, or offer input about what they are doing. I know I have several threads up about the various Classic Dungeonmaster challenges, but they are all class...
  16. Nkopala

    US Quel’Thalas: The highest level 20 population in Latin America.

    Greetings, I am Nko, a player from Quel’thalas, the Latin American server, I have played to Starter Edition since 2011 (9 years ago) where I have always been interested to contribute to the starter community. Between 2011 and 2020 this ‘game mode’ have had many changes. Nowadays, we, the active...
  17. Mythic Al

    <Dun Morogh Ding> - Pagle [US]

    Hello, XPOff! I have created a guild for some forum friends on the US PvE Realm: Pagle. We are most likely just casually leveling to 60, as majority of us are still dedicated to our F2P/Veteran retail characters. If you made a Classic character on Pagle, we would love to have you as a part of...
  18. tyr3d

    EU+US Fabulous title

    Is this possible on f2p? I've got two or three Fashionistas, but is there enough gear out there for 20s?
  19. jackblood

    EU+US Rate my PvE Twink :D

    IgnoreBrain ~ Level 20 Protection Warrior Strictly for PvE dungeon carries. Missing one piece (Returning Champion), but I think this is about as BiS as I can get without farming epics. 3004 HP & 23% Versatility when fully buffed. 0% Haste because Into The Fray gives me 15% Haste at all...
  20. jackblood

    EU+US Does the proc from Darkwater Talwar increase the chances for Crusader procs?

    What the title says. I'm confused about how older enchants like Crusader work. Does having more events occurring raise its proc chance? I'm currently weapon-swapping to fish for more. This is for a level 20 PvE dungeon-carrying Twink btw.