Hey team XpOff,
<Golden Twinkies> Is throwing a massive celebration for our 3rd birthday! To continue celebrating our partnership with this amazing forum! We are welcoming all level 20 players in the community to come participate with us!
We are going to form a massive raid group to kill all...
Attention, twinks and thrill-seekers!
Vicious Terrorists, a newly established horde guild, is on a mission to dominate every facet of World of Warcraft twinking. We’re recruiting level 10s, 20s, and 30s who are eager to bring their A-game and carve their names into twinking history.
This is an...
I Twink for a couple of years now but I'm looking for a twinking guild that does raids & Dungeons!
I dont mind what Realm I can make a new toon I'm on Aerie Peak at the moment. I have a handfull with twinks Shaman & Mage is my main for now
I play twink on the lvl 10, 20 and 30...
<XL> is an established guild on the EU Fresh Era Realm Spineshatter Horde for 19s. We are accepting new members!
We can provide dungeons/quests boosts currently. Regarding fresh rerollers we currently cant fund enchants, one of the rules in guild was to roll your own 60 to fund your own 19 but...
<Strawberry Twinkies> The guild is recruiting! Get your characters “twinkied” out! Let’s get you to that yellow crisp! With extra limited edition strawberry cream!
(This Guild is BRAND NEW!!! Not everything is fully available at this second we are in the process of moving stuff to and from both...
(Bringing the “Golden Era” to Twinking by Uniting EVERY twink!)
The Largest, Most Social, Most Active, & Fun Having Twinking Guild is recruiting all TWINKS!
We're here to gear you up, enchant you, and bring you into the action!
We are the...
I'm an experienced twink who just rerolled to Gehennas horde to twink. I've decided to roll lock as a support class with lots of cc for bg's.
I was wondering if theres a twinking community/guild on Gehennas horde who would like to pick me up in their roster and help support me a little...
Echoes of The Past is a new old content progression raiding guild on alliance bleeding hollow.
We are starting in BC the goal is to clear as much BC end game as possible then move onto Wrath content then Cata content and so on. I have been involved in guilds like since Cataclysm so I am...
Hey! We are a new level 19 twink guild looking to get a good group together. We are accepting all classes and are gladly welcoming new characters and help those gear and level. We are also looking to start a level 29 group as well! If you are looking to start something new or have been in the...
Server: Shazzrah (WoW Classic, PvP, high population)
Faction: Horde
Guild: <Deck Me Out>
Content Focus: main: PvE, secondary: PvP
Deck Me Out* is a group of people who play together because progressing through content in a good atmosphere is the best way to do it!
Our Team 1 clears MC and...
Hello there!
<Tiesto Power Mix> Alliance side on Incendius is currently looking for more players!
Our current roster holds 20+ 29 twinks along with a few 19s and 39s.
We plan to add premades in the 39 bracket in the next several weeks.
We currently run premades in the afternoons/evenings and...
As the title says^
We've got alot of fire power here but we're lacking in other departments. If you're interested in this opportunity shoot me a msg on here or Bnet. #nuttybuddy#11752
-Learn (Kurinnaxx)
Noxxic Twinks is a lvl 20 twink Horde guild on Tichondrius. We'll show you how to get into regular battle grounds as a twink and own the 20-29 bracket. We have all bank tabs with a stock of inventory to help you level up your professions so you can get the most out of your twink. If you're...
Insane Brrst is a brand new 10-29 twink guild. The goal (when we have enough twinks) is to set up 3s, 2s, and...
Alright, some of you may have seen my post about making a 19 hangout, while I'm taking it a step further and I'm making a guild. So, I'm looking for a good guild name that has some reference to everlook or winterspring or the cold in general. Any Ideas?
(For those interested, it's going to be a...
The Pride of Progression is a Horde guild on MoonGuard now inviting anyone interested in starting at vanilla content and clearing all the raids then moving onto the next expansion. This is the plan for every expansion all the way to 120.
You can level with BoAs and can use LFG while leveling...
Hey everyone, quick update.
Due to the changes that Blizz has made to twinking, Insurrection has opted to pursue a main focus in 120's.
We may be accepting 20 f2p and vets in the future as our guild restructures. If you are interested in that or 120 / endgame content, please send me a...
Hiya folks! <Iust now pls> Is a recently formed old progression legacy content guild starting in the expansion The Burning Crusade. (UPDATED)
Server: Tichondrius
Faction: Horde
Level: (70)
We are a great and growing community seeking more members to fill our roster! We allow anyone who...
Hey there, title says it all. I'm looking for an active guild or group of folks that runs level 70-79 twinking on the Alliance. Currently on Illidan however that will likely change due to ally inactivity. Thanks in advance!