guild recruitment

  1. US [H] New all level twink guild formed <Twinks> - Barthilas

    Hey all, A new guild has been formed on Barthilas for everyone who enjoys twinking and the communities that come with it. Having the guild name <Twinks> gives it a nice little added touch. If you are interested in joining chuck me a /whisper - Lolurnoob-Barthilas. Since this is a new guild we...
  2. Warlord Daboo

    US Warlords of Warsong resurrection

    For the past few months I have been very busy with real life, moving into my own place out of my dads for the first time made me more busy and consumed than I thought it would. I am still busy working daily and taking classes for my trade twice a week but I am ready to revive The Greatest twink...
  3. Nostros

    US <Angels in the Outlands> TBC 70 Cap Alliance Guild

    <Angels in the Outlands> Is a FRESH out of the 2007 oven ALLIANCE-Guild formed on Wyrmrest Accord-RP US server! I am Nostros and seek to bring back the long lost art of legacy twinking (I don't see Legacy set bonus removal as a rend in legacy twinking. I see it as a hardmode advantage!) There...
  4. Gift


    Synergy is a hardcore lvl 19 twinking guild on Draenor. We are not looking to become the largest twink guild on our server, we just want to get a community of active members who are looking at taking part in war games, arenas and bg's. We aim to be competing in the twink cup 2019 and will have...
  5. Regresser

    US Horde Twinks - Kil'jaeden

    If anyone is about a horde based twink guild on Kil'jaeden let me know and I'll grab a charter. Would like to recruit twinks of all levels. Post here or add/PM me in game if interested. Tag is Regresser#1869.
  6. US Illidan Guild Recruitment COT 20-29's

    All twinks welcome! Mostly 20-29 twinks in the guild tho Add WidowMAker 11355 For an invite
  7. EU <Filthy Animals> Silvermoon, now recruiting!

    Hi all, <Filthy Animals> a newly formed twinking guild on the Alliance side of Silvermoon EU is now recruiting, we welcome all ages and all classes and skill levels if your new to twinking we don't mind helping you out or offering advice either! I've been twinking on and off for a number of...
  8. ChrisZept

    EU [19 Twink] LF Active Guild // *Update*

    Hi everyone, Names Chris'Zept - Been a veteran in the 19 Twink community since the days of Twink.Info - I've returned to World of Warcraft in the search of an active 19 Twink Guild on the EU. Horde/Alliance - I don't mind, also, if anyone in general in the 19 twink community is active, I'd...
  9. US <Warsong Outriders> BH Horde 20-29

    <Warsong Outriders> 20-29 Guild, we are looking into making a team for wargames vs other guilds, and arenas. We can fund most of the pieces like the rock and the neck, if you guys are interested in joining add Craftyfc#1271 or message Gaspedalyo-Bleeding for inv.
  10. US Risky Twinkness : New 19 Twink Guild!

    Risky Twinkness is a new level 19 twink guild on the Bleeding Hollow server Alliance side! We are looking for more active members to join us! If you don't have a twink on our server no problem! we will help you level and gear your character! I look forward to playing this game with everyone...
  11. US Risky Twinkness : Bleeding Hollow Server!

    Risky Twinkness is a new level 19 twink guild on the Bleeding Hollow server Alliance side! We are looking for more active members to join us! If you don't have a twink on our server no problem! we will help you level and gear your character! I look forward to playing this game with everyone! Thanks!