
  1. Starter Set

    I would like to know what items should I give to my alts. for example if I got a rouge I will mail a Fiery weapon and if I got a mage I will mail a Lesser Magic Wand. This thread should help others to figure out what to send in the future and boost there alts without doing the research.
  2. humantrafikr

    If you put rules and regulations on a twink or xpoff player whatever you wanna call it!

    you're a panzee and you don't belong in my games. if you think twinking is about fair games and equality. Leave my bracket. WGS that follow rules aren't twinks, they are straight wasting my time. Middle finger in your twink wanna be fudge pack. Ban me for ganking you as a 20.
  3. Namexgaming

    Reliving the 80-84 OG Twink days on Classic - Pagle/Faerlina

    Good afternoon all! I know majority of us have been reminiscing on the OG Cataclysm and MoP days of the 80-84 bracket and even those currently enjoying 30-39s on retail! (or what's left that blizz hasn't completely taken over the past 10 years) Granted blizzard continues to do what they can on...
  4. US <Timewalkers> [A] lvl 30 dungeons, raids, PvP

    Guild Name: Timewalkers Server: Kel'Thuzad Faction: Alliance Maximum Level Requirement: 30 Guild objective: Dungeons / Raids / PvP Wargames <Timewalkers> are looking for anyone willing to stay at level 30 in order to enjoy Classic, Burning Crusade, and Wrath of the Lich King content. This...
  5. <True Twinkz> Horde Sulfuras WoW Classic 19,29,39,49,59 twink guild

    <True Twinkz> Horde Sulfuras wow classic True Twinkz is a very active and fun guild that has been around for over a year now, TT is re-emerging as one of the most active twink guilds all of classic wow. We are a R rated adult guild who enjoys smoking some weed, drinking some beers, talking...
  6. 20 Twink Solo Classic Dungeonmaster & PVE Guide

    20 Twink Solo Classic Dungeonmaster & PVE Guide So you want to build a level 20 twink and test your might in PVE? You ran in groups with other players and squished all the content easily, kind of boring eh? Than you had a thought....what if I....SOLOED this? Can it be done? Is hunter really the...
  7. 20 Twink Solo Monk Classic Dungeonmaster Completed!

    Hello friends! I am pleased to announce I have completed the Solo Classic Dungeonmaster run on my monk, Mitsurugi! I will post a few SS's here, and the write up about my experience below!
  8. Solo PVE twinking thread!

    Hey guys, I wanted to create a thread where people who are doing solo twink stuff (and other pve twinking!) can come to discuss, ask questions, or offer input about what they are doing. I know I have several threads up about the various Classic Dungeonmaster challenges, but they are all class...
  9. 20 Twink Solo Shaman Classic Dungeonmaster Completed!

    It is with greatest pleasure that I can announce the completion of the Solo Classic Dungeonmaster Achievment with a level 20 Shaman my friends! Posted below is the write up about the class, it is much shorter than some others :)
  10. 20 Twink Solo Warlock Classic Dungeonmaster Completed!

    I am pleased to announce I have completed the 20 Classic Dungeonmaster run on Warlock. To date this marks the 4th class I've pushed through this run for the first time ever, I'm so stoked! This was a great run for me, warlock is easily S or S+ tier for the runs, and a much needed break after my...
  11. 20 Twink Solo Death Knight Classic Dungeonmaster Run completed!

    Hey guys, I am excited to announce that I have completed every single dungeon at level 20 for the Classic Dungeonmaster Challenge!As with my druid, I am on my main account, so again no nifty "Classic Dungeonmaster" Popup this time around. I really hate that lol. This has been utterly exhausting...
  12. 20 Twink Solo Druid Classic Dungeonmaster Run completed!

    It is with great pleasure that I can announce I have completed running every single dungeon on my 20 Twink in the Classic Dungeonmaster solo! For this run I decided to run with druid, as I felt it had what it took to complete the challenge! Below I have included a write up of my thoughts on the...
  13. Donvan

    [NEW] European Twink Community (Discord)

    Hey all! Have you ever felt hard times organizing war-games against peers from other realms, maybe even realms with other languages? Would you like to exchange peacefully with people from different places about lvl 19 classic twinks? All this in real time (Discord)? We got you covered, join...
  14. EU WoD Apexis rare spawn boosting

    Hi there! I’d be willing to pay 5k for someone to help me obtain the Spires of Arak rare item for my 19 rogue. You need a high level character, preferably with WoD flying. That agi ring would be nice also, I’m up for trading boosts if you...
  15. Warlord Daboo

    The Battle for Gurubashi - Hosted by Warlords of Warsong! September 4th!

    The Battle for Gurubashi - Hosted by Warlords of Warsong Warlords of Warsong and the active 19 Guilds of Mankrik will attend the largest ever WPvP event on September 4th, 2020, in Gurubashi Arena in Stranglethorn Vale. The Battle for Gurubashi is a large scale “War” event, similar to “The...
  16. Jackodawacko

    Pugmade Fridays (Organized BG's)

    Yo! Wanted to share this with the XPOff community since I'm not sure how many people are on the Classic Twinking discord. I've talked to almost all the guilds (Alliance & Horde) and we're in agreement that we will push Fridays for "Pugmades". Every Friday of each battleground holiday weekend...
  17. _Hasted_

    EU delete

  18. _Hasted_


  19. LeetMeep

    WEST CLASSIC TWINKS. Games are imbalanced. Can we still make it interesting?

    Im on west server and its totally dead. If your on west servers, WOULD you be interested in developing some sort of Cross faction code word for a 1v1 fight? Like we all gather in the middle of wsg and just watch people 1v1. honestly at this point im down to try anything to make this interesting...
  20. Samhain

    US Classic (A) 19 Priest looking for competitive guild

    Title says it all, female human defensive priest twink looking for an active competitive 19 twink guild looking to premade horde guilds. I am a classic wow premade experienced player and best in slot.