<Eighty Nation> (Cata Classic - Pagle Alliance) - guilds first Halion Heroic kill completed tonight 8/19! First guild kill since cata release full 80 twinks! Guild raids/pvp events still running weekly! Come join the fun!
9/14 - (Cataclysm Classic/Pagle-Alliance 80 Twink only) Guild hosting ICC25H This Saturday full 80 twink run! Raids being hosted 2-3x a week with our main scheduled guild raids Wednesdays and Saturdays! Interested or just curious? Feel free to reach out anytime! Have a great Sunday everyone
Another ICC10 12/12 Heroic clear for guilds 8/9 80 twink raid! Nice job everyone! Continuing to see anywhere from 5-10 new 80s/joins a week! Come join the fun! https://xpoff.com/forums/80s-cata.471/
80 Twink - Full 80s ICC25H <Eighty Nation> Guild run TONIGHT!!! We have the numbers needed to push. Looking forward to seeing some of you then! Anyone interested feel free to reach out! Growing twink bracket daily on Cataclysm Classic
<Eighty Nation> Pagle-Alliance (Cata) FULL 80 Twink ICC25H scheduled this Saturday 7pm ST!! Last week was 12/12H 10M speed clear. Anyone looking for 80 twink content please don't hesitate to reach out! All are welcome and free funding/gearing is available. https://discord.gg/VDCMndUJxP
7/27 <Eighty Nation> 80 Twink Guilds' Saturday ICC10H clear was a success with 12/12H 0 wipes and remaining achievements done for those last few missed from last weeks achievement run. Looking for fun? Join us for 80 bracket cataclysm classic! Bracket continues to grow each week https://xpoff.com/threads/80-twink-weekly-scheduled-raiding-and-arena-events.100232/
<Eighty Nation> (80 Twink bracket classic) on Pagle Alliance hosting weekly guild and xserver arena wargame events along with our recent scheduled 80-only guild raids weekly! Come join the fun and be sure to check out the forums for more info!
<Eighty Nation> (80 bracket) on Pagle Alliance hosting weekly guild and xserver arena wargame events along with our recent scheduled 80-only guild raids weekly! Be sure to check 80 bracket forums for more info if interested!
<Eighty Nation> - Pagle (Former <Dedicated Few> recruiting alliance 80 twinks for continued organized events! Bracket continues to see supportive bg activity, both horde and alliance guilds hosting arena events/full 80 raids/etc. Come join the fun!