20 Twink Solo Shaman Classic Dungeonmaster Completed!


It is with greatest pleasure that I can announce the completion of the Solo Classic Dungeonmaster Achievment with a level 20 Shaman my friends! Posted below is the write up about the class, it is much shorter than some others :)


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The Write Up!

Main Spec


Main Gear

TBC Gem Quest Gear. As with my warlock, after my initial testing I determined I didn't need to farm much with this class, and got almost exclusively quest gear. I didn't even bother farming socketed gloves or use socketed shoulders even though I had them (except on Rammstein and Magistrate Barthilas).


I used Veiled Shadowsong Amethyst (+2 Int/+2 Crit), and Steady Talasite (+4armor/+6 stam).
I used +11 SP on my weapons, and +3 Int on my shield. I did not use anything atypical for other slots.

Off-set Gear

I did not find much off-set gear during the run. I was fortunate enough (ie I took a break from this challenge) to farm a bugged neck piece from "Love is in the air". I will note you do not need this to complete the challenge, it's just a nice power piece to have in your pocket.

Stat Priority

This is less straightforward than other classes I played. Essentially you need Armor and Stam, however the threshold is lower than in other classes. After that you really need Int, as much Critical as you can muster, and a good burst of mastery. I suggest Haste up to 10% although less is fine. Versatility was not needed at all.

Armor/Stamina Threshold - I suggest about 200 armor and 2100 health as your baseline. For hard hitters like Rammstein you might want to go up to 2500 health.
This might seem low compared to the values I listed for other clases, but remember most of them are tank oriented, and receive at least a 30% bonus to armor and stamina, if not more, so this is roughly where you wind up given that.

Critical - Critical is the key stat you want to stack here. You get extra damage and power heals. In conjunction with Mastery for heals, you are a healing god. My final Critical Rating was around 42.42 with buffs, with procs pushing me close to 50%.

Mastery - Mastery is my next recommended stat for the power heals since this was completed as Resto Spec. I did do elemental a bit, but it's only good for lowbie instances and easy trash packs. Mastery for Resto trades at 1:1 so it is very easy to get decent rating with it. I finished with around 40% mastery as an afterthought. I managed to pull 300 HPS on Magistrate Barthilas which was crazy.

Haste - I recommend enough haste to bring your casts down by at least .1 seconds. By the end of the run I bounced around this and .2 seconds off primary casts and global cd's around 1.32/33.

Versatility - I do not recommend it for the run unless you want to stack initially since it's easy to get. I used very little of it.


I ran Ghost Iron Dragon (2 different ones with different cog setups), and Coin of Blessings (+9 Critical, procs 24 Critical for 20 seconds at least once per minute).


Unleash life is the key to success here. If you pick this you gain a second instant cast heal which is amazing. It strengthens your next heal (healing surge or riptide) by 35% which is incredible.


Sham suffers from a pretty potent weakness at this level, which is it has no AOE damage. I ended up going engi for Northrend engineering to craft Cobalt bombs. I used early level Cata Engi for the belt tinker. These were a normal part of my gameplay, and absolutely necessary for gameplay during a Solo Classic Dungeonmaster challenge.


My primary consumables were Greater Arcane Elixir (+14 Spellpower +4 Critical), Wizard Oil(+11 Intellect), and Juicy Bear Burger (+4 Int for 15 minutes). I used the Love is in the air perfume/colognes for an additional +4 Int while the event endured.

Quality of Life

I used mount shoes (20% speed boost when mounted), Goblin Glider, and Water Walking Potions. Pandaren's on my boots. I was able to enjoy Ghost-Wolf form for a speed boost while in dungeons/in combat, and made good use of reincarnation on a few fights. Resto Shams heals are so off the charts (literally), I could forgo needing as much of some other stats as I needed on other classes.

DPS and Damage Set

I put together a more dps oriented set for clearing trash and doing medium/low-level dungeons out of sidepieces I acquired (not many though). I walked around with 2100 hp and 35% armor, 6% Avoidance and I pulled an average of 180-200dps on fights where I didn't need to heal. The set can heal extremely well, and I was still able to pull 150-180 dps while healing for 150-200hps on many fights.


I discovered two bugs on Shaman while doing this run. One is that you get a bonus to healing versus Baroness. The other is that you need to use Primal Strike on Emperor Dagraan or he will perpetually stun you. Make sure you hit him with a melee attack here and there to stop this.

How did this class stack up to Warlock, Paladin, Druid, and Death Knight?

The class is a great class for anyone to try the challenge with. You do not need as much armor or health (although you must still meet minimum thresholds) with the class because your heals are so incredibly strong. You can literally heal through damage storms, or recover from onslaughts that other classes would struggle with. The class maintains good dps once you build your critical up. Since you have 2 instant heals and easy instant cast damage with frost shock, and a dot with Flame shock, you can keep damage up easily even while on the move. The damage output of the class is definitely anywhere from A to S tier as resto depending on the situation. Automatic Critical damage with Lava burst on Flame Shocked targets is always beautiful. The class has excellent control with Frost Shock slows, Earthbind Totem, and your game against casters is great thanks to Purify Spirit and Wind Shear. You have quality of life similar to a druid (not as good!) that blows most other classes away. This class is not as good for the solo challenge as Warlock or Paladin, but it's not a slouch either, and I would recommend it over Druid or Death Knight.

Final Thoughts

This class is excellent. I rate it at as an A tier class. It is not as blatantly easy/powerful to do the challenge with as Warlock or Paladin, but it holds its own very well. You will be required to kite and use terrain a lot more with this class than with lock/paly. You will need to remove problem targets with priority more so than with the S tier classes. Although it requires a bit more work/skill to perform the challenge with, you won't have to work as hard as a druid or DK with. You do not have to overly gear the class, similar to warlock/paladin which is wonderful. You can do mostly quests to get socket gear and once appropriately socketed you are good to go. I did most of the challenge with a mere 2100+Hp! The class is weak in having no AOE, so expect to struggle here, as noted in the guide. Flamelash was quite hard and he killed me several times. The class excels in power heals. Use Unleash Life, Riptide 2x and you are good most of your fights. When you need to use Healing Surge, it will always powerhouse heal you. You can easily hit 100% crit on Healing surge with the formula I listed 0_0 !!

Well friends as with my other write ups, I hope you all enjoyed this read and found it informative! I am still continuing the challenge with other classes, althoug I am now slowing the pace as I am running out of classes and Real Life demands my attention more. I am now working on the Solo Classic Dungeonmaster Guide for the community, and although it's a bit aways it will be here.
In the meantime, God bless, Good luck, and Happy Gaming guys!

PS. Shout out to Optimus, he stocked me up for this run, which would have been a good deal harder without those nice consumables!
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Whoa, what? Resto Shaman?!

I’ve got to see this write up!
[doublepost=1613018742,1613018693][/doublepost]Edit: You posted the write-up the millisecond I said that, lmao.
When I say who's the Dungeonmaster? You say @Dragynslayer! (Quietly hoping at least one person gets the reference)

Quick question, for the quest gear, do you que with a group or can you solo those dungeons under geared? I think the last time I did a TBC dungeon was when the expansion was current.
@brettqpublic Hey bro, thanks so much lol. To answer your question you can pretty much do everything solo, but I highly recommend at least doing a group or getting a power run from a buddy for the Shadowlabs and Auchenai Crypts stuff. The rest is easily easily soloed. If you get the easy stuff first, and gem up and do full enchants and profs/trinkets, you could probably solo them but you are going to have a rough go of it if you aren't used to it. SL is fun, but the second boss is annoying as all heck. Final boss in AC can be problematic. Just my 2 cents! Keep us posted about your progress man, I'm always interested in progress from other people doing these challenges!
@Vyvenem Lolz, thanks my friend! I really hope once i get the guide built it will help people finish their runs, and shed a lot more light on the intricacies of the pve world of twinking! I used to pvp sooo much back in the day but I just got bored of it. This xpac just breathed so much life back into the game for me. I'm sure you prob feel the same way a bit, no?

P.S. *High Five*!!

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