
  1. Do we have to wait for TBC Timewalking rotation to farm for Level 11 Fury Warrior Plate drops?

    Hi! I'm brand new here. I made my Fury Warrior twink just today, and I can't stop playing! It's been really fun! I've seen that a lot of my best in slot gear comes from instances like Slave Pens and Underbog. We're currently in Cataclysm Timewalking rotation... maybe this is a stupid question...
  2. Dpook

    The War Within 10s & 11s Armory

    Reach out via messages with any feedback or questions. updated: 2/3/25 Special thanks to @pokspell @Conzil @Emelia @Life for your support and commitment to the community <3 PURPOSE To provide the most up to date armories with the current meta gear from TWW. Due to high volume of requests...
  3. Frostscythe of Lord Ahune this bis?

    i farmed the event boss Lord Ahune for his Frostscythe of Lord Ahune yesterday by makeing a character (i chose vulperia right next to exp eliminator) before i would even log into my new character i would mail that new character 10 gold for the exp off then i would put on my heirlooms set up...
  4. Highest burst possible 79s - ele sham

    Hey, I was wondering what the absolute best BiS is for 79 ele shaman for the highest possible burst at all cost? Want to do BGs for fun coming back to WoW after some years and want to see how hard the burst can be if absolutely maxed out in every respect. I'm new to 79 bracket too, so would...
  5. Subtlety Rogue 79 BIS Gearing Guide by Tyntyn (ank)

    1. Introduction First of all, it's not a guide aka "How to play" it's the guide aka "How to build". Dont have to say much about Sub on 79 lvl, most of you already know that rogues are mostly glasscannon class on 79, that can peel and escape fights really good and basically deal a lot of damage...
  6. Fugitivo

    WTS 2x Blade of Wizardry ilvl35 req29 (Items located on Ravencrest EU)

    Heres a screenshot of the items, if u wanna buy it, DM me on Discord: Graet#0713
  7. WTS ilvl5 BIS cloak has/ver/spe + soc Argent Dawn / EU

    BIS cloak for lvl 1 characters that like haste and vers
  8. New Farming Community (US)

    Looking for farmers levels 10 through 25, i've just made this community and i'm looking to branch it out over multiple servers. Not a discord community, simply just in game. Add me on btag Jimmyguapo#1216 or simply reply to this thread. Looking for geared farmers, not full boa farmers. Picky but...
  9. WTS Power of the scourge

    WTS Power of the scourge that is used on Shimmering amice On EU - Firemaw add my discord Sau#3508 or unknown#23627
  10. TBC Gearing Guide (BiS-Chart)

    Best in Slot Chart For those who are wondering what items to get for their Lvl 19's, the above BiS-Chart visualizes several sets and gearconcepts in a spreadsheet. As of yet it is still very...
  11. Alkazar

    DH dungeon glitches for BIS gear

    I would like to share with my fellow Demon Hunters a couple of glitches I used when solo farming BIS BC soket gear. They saved me a ton of time by skipping mob kills, so each run took only 5-7mins. This involve farming these specific items: Starlight Gauntlets Boots of the Shifting Sands...
  12. Meancritz

    Level 22 Dual Destiny Warrior?

    At level 22 you unlock rank 2 whirlwind which removes the rage cost and makes ww generate rage instead. I decided to test out how good a spin to win aoe warrior would be so I made and geared up this twink at lvl 22. So far he’s preforming very well and I think is far superior to my lvl 20 twink...
  13. DeLindsay

    BiS post PTR nerfs, all Twink Levels

    This is literally what I think of every time a new Member asks for the new BiS after the PTR nerfs hit, without bothering to actually check the Forums for Gear Guides, enjoy.
  14. Pendelum

    Spellshock leggings for sale!

    WTS spellshock leggings Mograine horde. 1k euro :)
  15. Jonnes

    PTR Gems to consider if the Socketed greens stay through to live.

    The user @Ferender (in Winterly's thread for Shadowlands Beta) showed that BoE items that follow Legion loot rules can proc having a socket (as well as more secondary stats). @Winterly showed already that you can get greens from any mob scaled down to level 10, and all the leveling legion zones...
  16. Wallhack

    EU WTS Ilvl 28 magefist/thorbia's/darkweaves breech

    Have This: *2 (Sylvanas-EN) ALLY (Sen'jin-DE) ALLY (Minahonda-ES) ALLY (Kazzak-EU) ALLY Accept gold...
  17. BIS Offense Shaman?

    I want to make an offensive shaman as my next 19, but still deciding on a couple pieces. Right now I'm valuing Int highest up until ~1500 mana then Stam/Strength fairly equally, and largely ignoring Agility because I'm of the understanding that the +crit is negligible. This is the Gear Set I've...
  18. EU Epic Foamspittle Staff Stormscale Horde

  19. EU Epic Foamspittle on Stormscale Horde (EU)

    Selling an epic Foamspittle Staff on Stormscale Horde (EU). I will take gold on any server and faction (i've got reputation in the trading discord and can move between servers with ease). I only have 1 but plan on farming a while longer will update if i get more. Pm me for more info
  20. WTS Pendulum of Doom! [Noggenfogger] [EU]

    Selling Pendulum of Doom on Noggenfogger EU - Taking offers. If someone wants to buy it today, 750g