
  1. Wereßear

    EU+US Insane 400+ ilvl gear for Legion

    I have been looking for potential ilvl gear for Legion and have come across these items as lootable by any level. Legion database hub does not have a level restriction on these items as of yet. In theory, they should work as things stand. They drop from open world creatures from Warlords of...
  2. EU+US Does anyone know BiS for lvl 29 Prot Warr?

    Looking for someone who can tell me BiS for my Lvl 29 Prot Warr :D
  3. EU+US 29s in Legion

    Hi folks, I'm curious about current thinking about the bracket in Legion. Will it remain relevant? Will people be satisfied with a negligible or non-existent stat advantage? Will people gravitate to different, maybe higher brackets? For curiosity's sake, I tried to see what I could get for an...
  4. EU+US Newcomer needs some help :-)

    Hi y'all twynklegends! I am going to start twynking a rogue. I am completely new to this and last time I twynked was in Vanilla. Now I am going b@lls deep on this twynk. Faction Changing and all that shidazzle! I don't care about the cost. I am going as Combat Rogue full burst but I wanna get...
  5. Donaldtramp


    Yo i just got this item in drop and it was then i found out that this item was a VERY rare drop from blackfathom dephts, and it looks like bis for ele/resto shamans & holy palas to me, or what u think? If intrested in buying this item add my btag...
  6. Donaldtramp

    EU+US BiS Retri?

    Hey! i am looking for an BiS retribution paladin armory, either balanced or glasscannon, really appriciate comments/tips!