1. US WTS Sea Dog Boots - Dalaran

  2. Lv. 110 twink for achievements

    Hi everyone! I've been reading the lv 110 twink related guides and posts in the past few days and it makes me very excited to try it, even with separate queues and not being able to use BFA neck/azeritegear after transfering to a legion account. I have a couple questions: is twinking a lv. 110...
  3. Lv. 110 twink for achievements

    Hi everyone! I've been reading the lv 110 twink related guides and posts in the past few days and it makes me very excited to try it, even with separate queues and not being able to use BFA neck/azeritegear after transfering to a legion account. I have a couple questions: is twinking a lv. 110...
  4. Can't play BFA content on Legion account?

    I just dinged 110 today on my new legion account but it seems like I can't do any BFA content for some reason. Is this patched and supposed to be like this or am I missing something?
  5. How do I buy legion to my second account?

    So I've got BFA on my main account but since you can't twink anymore I'd like to try out 110 legion twinking. Been looking on the website and haven't found the Legion expansion. Anyone know how to find it or am I rarted?
  6. EU+US Speed Twink Armory List (110/111)

    Hi all! I thought it might be nice to have like a 'master thread' of links to armories for speed toons in the bracket. There's a few different threads at the moment on this topic but not all that easy to research one class or one slot in particular for example. This should also give info on...
  7. BFA twink transfer to Legion account

    If you transfer your 110 twink to a legion only.account will you be able to equip your bfa stuff still or are you stuck with legion only stuff? I have alot of time into my prot paladin twink and want to battleground with him even if there is longer ques for 110s on legion accounts or not because...
  8. EU+US 110 - List of the "Higher ilvl"

    Hello, I would like to share with you my research, about the higher ilvl 110 twinks (top 40, only +270). I did an intensive search on this forum, the officials forums, the game, and on the net. But maybe you have more efficient search techniques? If you have other characters to add, do not...
  9. New Speed Twink 110 or 111

    Hey y'all it's been a long time. Took a break from wow the last couple of months and now I want to make a new speed demon hunter on the other faction (hi, Horde). Now, while my old dh is decently geared https://worldofwarcraft.com/de-de/character/eu/tarren-mill/ellaswift I'm not yet...
  10. Diibzee

    Free level boost

    So i have a free level boost sitting around on my account from my original BFA purchase I am thinking of finally using. With that being the case what exactly are my choices here? I see 110 twinks, I see 111 twinks and I see 119 twinks.. I know the obvious answer of "well your base stats are...
  11. Cattywompus

    US 300 azerite pieces

    Hey, guys! How long on average did it take you guys to grind out all 7 azerite pieces? I'm trying to map out the best route, and I am severely lacking the motivation to start questing, but I'm just looking for a ballpark. I'm definitely just sticking to the main story and that's it!
  12. Cattywompus

    EU+US Azerite from bgs on legion account?

    Hey, guys! Now that you have to be on a legion account to queue as a 110 with xp on, can you still obtain azerite to level your neck in bgs, or maybe some other way? Let me know! I might have to power level it to 20 or so and then xfer to a legion account.
  13. EU WTB Mythic Antorus (Alliance)

    Any EU boosters here? How much you guys want.
  14. UmrenTV

    How to Get Starting Twink Gear | Best Azerite Traits + BiS suggestions | Spreadshit too!

    Hey! I recently have had a lot of requests on posting more stuffs around here, so other twinks that are not aware of my social media, can get some useful information for twinks. I have built some significant amount of guides so far for twinks, mostly on youtube, so I will start off with the...
  15. US LF twink guild on Eitrigg/Shu'halo

    I'm twinking a 110 Outlaw Rogue and need a guild or at least a community. I'm i247 currently but that's going up fast.
  16. 8.1 Incursions as lvl 111 twink

    Hey fellas! Do you know what will be the ilvl of the upcoming incursion rewards? I have heard that these rewards are the same as warfronts (same item pool) so i think it might be 280 for us, right? The war campaign azerite piece starts from 280 although every other azerite piece has the same...
  17. US Prot Pally Help.

    I'm currently in the process of making a Protection Paladin to run IEs for folks. I was wondering if anyone could help me with possible builds, gear, and best consumables to be taking with me. Any and all help will be GREATLY appreciated!
  18. lulwut

    Class Viability For Selling Islands - Questions

    Hey guys! Loooong term lurker, first time posting really! So I've noticed the uptick in 110s on my server, but most of them seem... pretty average. I want to put together a really beastly 110 to blow the competition out of the water (US-Alliance). Since DH seems to be the meta, I kind of...
  19. No more pilgrimage scrolls quest for 110?

    No confirmed as of yet, but I went thru at least a dozen chests today on a fresh to BFA zones 110 and never picked up the quest... anyone get this quest yet today? Little concerned the fun police made an adjustment.
  20. necroaqua

    110 Quick Start Guide [BfA]

    NOTE - XPOFF brackets have been separated. 110s with xp OFF will probably not get BG queue pops. 110s without BfA will queue with other 110s who don't have legion. If you want to PvP, you may want to look at gearing your 110, then transferring to a second account that does NOT have BfA. Join...