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  1. 85 Protection Paladin

    I wasn't talking about at 85.
  2. I quit, and I wanna sell my account

    Not sure if this is the correct section but, I'm quitting and I would like to sell my account. The account includes a lot of time and hard work in it so I'd rather not get ripped off.. Does anyone have any good websites or anything I could use? The account has: 85 feral 85 rogue...
  3. 85 Protection Paladin

    Prot is fucking lame, throwing your shield at shit and getting rid of half of your opponents HP is so fun! Might as well play a rogue, at least ambush doesnt silence everything
  4. Have you heard?

    TTU#1 loltenchars
  5. BiS Warrior?

    this is the 70 backet, not 19s
  6. WTS Formal Dangui

    Make an offer!
  7. WTS Formal Dangui

    Shameless bump
  8. WTS Formal Dangui

    US sorry :P
  9. WTS Formal Dangui

    I have a Formal Dangui on stormscale horde side. Lemme know if you are interested.
  10. Deleveling

    Its a little bit different than that. See he had gone all 9 levels without logging off and very very quickly. The server keeps backups of your character periodically. thats how if you delete a character, the cached version is often what gets restored. When he was reverted back to 70 he was...
  11. BiS 39 rogue?

    Ignoring my cape and ranged weapon i'm pretty close to BiS Explain @ Undermine - Game - World of Warcraft
  12. Revelosh Gloves of the Monkey?

    so do we.. i did it ze other day no problem
  13. Revelosh Gloves of the Monkey?

    YouTube - Farming Revelosh Solo as a 39 rogue twink. My guide for farming rev as a rogue!
  14. Wargames @ 70

    I believe its 85 only
  15. Pizza's 19 Hunter

    Aw man what happened to pizza hut :(
  16. Ret AoE on one button

    hahahaahhahah nice one!
  17. LF a new computer

    Asus makes a damn good laptop for $900
  18. PVP brackets shifting to X5 from X9?

    He was still wrong... its not x5 so uhhh yeah...
  19. WTS Formal Dangui

    Stormscale Horde side, not asking for a lot but be reasonable. I'm not transferring.
  20. PVP brackets shifting to X5 from X9?

    I don't even understand wtf your saying. WHy would they change brackets? Because they are lowering instance levels and therefore lowering the ilevels of the weapons and loot dropped from there? They arent changing shit in pvp