Revelosh Gloves of the Monkey?


Okay, just a quickie. New drops on Wowhead show no Monkey drops at the moment. This got me wondering, as they are cloth gloves, has the monkey version now disappeared?

Has anyone had a monkey pair drop since The Shattering? Sorry if the answer is somewhere obvious, had a cursory look but couldn`t find any answer. :p
- Trust What information is bugged by the way, link me one thing that is :) You can trust it like the holy bible.

- Don't trust wowhead.

Now if it can ease your mind, I did loot a pair or two of the monkey since shattering, you can sleep in peace...
It probably isn't on wowhead because no one who is using the wowhead client has had it drop yet. It only has like a 6% chance to drop gloves of the monkey (30% for gloves, 20% for monkey). But I'm pretty sure it still drops.
ScatMan103 said:
It probably isn't on wowhead because no one who is using the wowhead client has had it drop yet. It only has like a 6% chance to drop gloves of the monkey (30% for gloves, 20% for monkey). But I'm pretty sure it still drops.

I think you're overestimating the chance for getting a Monkey-drop. It's more like 26% for gloves, 1-3% for Monkey.

Edit: Implying a (0.26 x 0.02 x 100)% of getting a pair of Monkey-gloves.
Tumblz said:
Mind sharing your way of communicating with the RNG-gods?

I actually have a terrible luck... Only tip I can give is to get 1-2 rogues and 1 resto / balance druid to do some quick stealth runs. Takes about 2 mins / run so you don't even need amazing luck ^^
I know, I used to solo it efficiently with only a Rogue before... But two pairs of Rev's of the Monkey? Really?
I made more than 200 solo run post cata, ive seen 2 monkey drop myself, one unperfect and a perfect agi that i alrdy had. So pretty much wasted my time. He had 3k hp before, it's 30k now... and an increase of damage. It has nothing in common... you could one shot him before. Gl whoever is going for it, I don't want to see his face ever again :D

Eazy tip to solo him (as rogue), is to start killing the 2 patrols right behind revelosh in the stairs, they will run right here after you have a fresh reset. Then you engage the boss, I won't teach you your kill order... When you start Revelosh make sure he always have mana left, so you can run behind a pillar when he cast a bolt while you regen, rince and repeat... You can start to melee for good when you feel you have enought hp to take him down which is around when he reaches 12-15k hp. Have to be Combat spec. You can also rush him free style old school, but it's a lot harder, and pretty much not a farming method...

One monkey every 100-120 runs, unless you get very lucky.

Could you be more specific on the tactics how to solo him post 4.0.3 please? I somehow didnt get it. Oh and why combat is a must? Could you link a sample spec pls.

You can probably do it with all specs, but with combat it goes quite faster, as it is the highest pve dps spec (you can hit 2 mobs at once). So for farming purposes combat is adviced.

You can use that for instance : WoW Talent Calculator - Sigrie. Focus on white dps basicly this will smoke anything pve wize. Low level of course, don't forget the white dmg is untouched by the "leveling scaling", so it is full throttle, that's why it is the highest dps pve spec at 39.

So the tactics. Basicly you have Revelosh + one heal + one melee and then you have also theses 2 patrols non elite, yeah they are crap, but if you engage revelosh and u get theses 2 boys on top of it, let's say you have not AGM up or not have it at all, that's 5 mobs on your face, that could mean a wipe (a potential vanish, a potential bug then death).

So I have found a way to swipe the 2 non elite mobs at one point, they meet. You see revelosh, there is stairs at his left, and at his right. If you enter the instance right after a reset, the 2 patrol will be right on the right stairs, when you arrive in stealth, you kill them (wont aggro anything), stealth then go for the boss. I usually sap the heal, do the first melee, then kill the heal, while killing theses 2 revlosh will take some damage from Blade Flurry, then kite revelosh behind pillars till I'm safe enought to kill him face to face. (Recuperate up at all times of course) So before you have finished killing the 2 adds make sure revelosh have some mana don't need to kick him all the times to proove yourself you have skills. He will do less damage with his bolts than melee, so use his mana and casts as a buffer to take less damage if needed AND to be able to move behind a pillar, with him not being able to finish a cast, rince and repeat.

If you need more details, don't hesitate, but you probably better give it a try you will very fast, put all pieces together. If you follow all my steps and talents, get as much hit as possible and a minimum health pool, you can kill him with a starting twink gear. As I could basicly kill him free style without any organisation with my best gear. (that is all 5 mobs at once)

edit: miracle, I'm done editing!
re quide

thanks Donnie for explaining, i am able to beat him now solo so started farming already :p

also noticed that max first aid and netherweave bandage can get you out of trouble if you fall low on health too fast since they heal pretty decent (more healing for those with grandfathered FA)

anyway, thanks again
It dropped for me last night. 8stam/8stam/8agi gloves. Qq it wasn't 9stam one ;(

Could You make another video of u doing this as of patch 4.03? I know it's soloable for Paladins, Warriors, and shamans. Priests could probably do it but I haven't seen it yet, Warlocks, and mages but I don't see how it's very possible to do anymore as a rogue.
Are the Gloves of Holy Might considered better than Revelosh Gloves of the Monkey for a Hunter?

It's 10 Agility + 1,68% crit versus 18 Stamina + 8 Agility. Perhaps if you already have enough stamina, the crit could be more useful but I'm not sure. Any thoughts on this?

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