
Your average GM cannot do so and he will not escalate it to his seniors because it is something they do not approve of and thus do not provide. I have heard that its actually impossible for senior blue staff as it would "break" the character. I can certainly understand this since blizzard would never design their engine to do this. Some players have had their character remade at a lower level by blizzard before, but only in very specific and extreme cases.
If you can pursuade a GM it is not your fault at all (like when u could level after leaving bg and falling through the world etc). Allso you chanses are better if you do not mention wanting to twink but mention that now you will miss part of the leveling experience.

Always stay polite.

It is rare to happen but Good Luck!
They will say they can't but they can. They just don't want you to. Ive been a bitch with a GM and he finally told me yes he could but that he won't delevel my mage lol even if its not my fault at all.
I just can't do this, sorry.

Well Sorry, I'm over 100% sure you can.

Well, it's not something we would do.

GM already did to some others, don't tell me that.

It's only under extreme case and I doubt it was your situation, really sorry.

Is there anything I can help you with?


Gotta love GMs.
Most definitely possible. The most famous case was with Athene when WOTLK hit. He got to 79 using a powerleveling exploit, was disconnected by a GM. When they allowed him back into the game he was level 70.
Donteventrii said:
Most definitely possible. The most famous case was with Athene when WOTLK hit. He got to 79 using a powerleveling exploit, was disconnected by a GM. When they allowed him back into the game he was level 70.

Its a little bit different than that. See he had gone all 9 levels without logging off and very very quickly. The server keeps backups of your character periodically. thats how if you delete a character, the cached version is often what gets restored. When he was reverted back to 70 he was actually just being punished by blizzard by reverting to the cached version of his character.
Donteventrii said:
Most definitely possible. The most famous case was with Athene when WOTLK hit. He got to 79 using a powerleveling exploit, was disconnected by a GM. When they allowed him back into the game he was level 70.

Not trying to troll, but I dont think it was an exploit, because he had gotten conformation from a GM that it was thoughtful strategy? Correct me if im wrong here.
Loveshack said:
Not trying to troll, but I dont think it was an exploit, because he had gotten conformation from a GM that it was thoughtful strategy? Correct me if im wrong here.

You are correct in that he asked a GM whether he could tag mobs and have others kill them. But he used an instance glitch in would leave the party, tag mobs, have his friends kill them, and be invited back before being kicked from the instance. That was the exploit part, and why he was deleveled.
Donteventrii said:
You are correct in that he asked a GM whether he could tag mobs and have others kill them. But he used an instance glitch in would leave the party, tag mobs, have his friends kill them, and be invited back before being kicked from the instance. That was the exploit part, and why he was deleveled.

Ahhh right, thanks. My bad.
In the case of twinks where no punishment is being issued, I know its possible from first hand experience.

Leveled my 39 Hunter to 42-ish (was going to 60s at the time)

Petitioned a GM

Gave him a sob story

Sanitarium said:
In the case of twinks where no punishment is being issued, I know its possible from first hand experience.

Leveled my 39 Hunter to 42-ish (was going to 60s at the time)

Petitioned a GM

Gave him a sob story


I thought you used the Crimson Deathcharger reins which was 100% and could be used with the elementary riding skill. Guess I was mistaken?

Any chance you made a copy of the dialogue from that chat? Would be nice to have for future reference.
Donteventrii said:
I thought you used the Crimson Deathcharger reins which was 100% and could be used with the elementary riding skill. Guess I was mistaken?

Any chance you made a copy of the dialogue from that chat? Would be nice to have for future reference.

nay, never had a Deathcharger as much as I would have loved one.

don't have a copy of the dialogue either :\

I really just gave him the biggest sob story I could come up with. All the time spent pvping on the toon, doing achievements etc. He said it was a 1 in a million thing that I was able to get de-leveled so I don't suggest anyone tries this for the sole purpose of getting gear/mounts from the next bracket or whatever.
Sanitarium said:
nay, never had a Deathcharger as much as I would have loved one.

don't have a copy of the dialogue either :\

I really just gave him the biggest sob story I could come up with. All the time spent pvping on the toon, doing achievements etc. He said it was a 1 in a million thing that I was able to get de-leveled so I don't suggest anyone tries this for the sole purpose of getting gear/mounts from the next bracket or whatever.

I sure would love to farm up a Deathcharger for my 29!

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