Pizza's 19 Hunter

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Pizza as always your character is looking good and I know you have various pieces of gear so you can switch it up for different situation. Must say perfect twink you got with a great guild also.
CIHC said:
If your looking for someone to nit-pick at your character's flaws... Allow me to help

Your not hit capped against night elfs. (prob why you have the simple ring in your bags or accuracy pot)

Could use bigger bags / more Disconbobulator Rays. (Pardon my spelling, I'm not a Gnome)

Dark Runes have a use without mana?

Ravager could be a better pet than a Bat.

Your shirt needs to be a different color to match everything else. (this really isn't important, just me nit-picking though)

In all honesty I could stare at your hunter all night and try to point out stupid and very minor things but your bags look good, your armory looks good.

I'll be getting 22 slot bags when I get my BoA helms. Dark Runes can be used to commit suicide to get back on defense quicker.

Rivfader said:
I know you have feet of the lynx so I'm wondering why you're not using them, 4 agi>4 crit imo.

Crit is better.

Dutchman said:
Pizza as always your character is looking good and I know you have various pieces of gear so you can switch it up for different situation. Must say perfect twink you got with a great guild also.

Thanks Dutchman
what sort of d are you running, kiting im guessing? and if your role is cc why no haste then, for faster energy returns and lower gcd?
Grunge said:
what sort of d are you running, kiting im guessing? and if your role is cc why no haste then, for faster energy returns and lower gcd?

Kiting, I won't need much focus.
Aw man what happened to pizza hut :(

Server and name change, that's all.
I just did a few BGs against you today and it seems that every battleground you weren't in - Alliance won. Every battleground you were in - Horde won. Could be coincidence or just the overall teams. But most know that you contribute a lot to your team.. Based on what i saw today, you appear to be very skilled in WSG. I can't seem to get you alone which is pretty annoying but its all part of your game; I'd like to see how you play in arenas. Consider what my buddy posted up above about the 7 agility to boots and Wrynn Halberd. Other than that your character is pretty badass. Hope to see you in some more BGs.
Daviddraiman said:
I just did a few BGs against you today and it seems that every battleground you weren't in - Alliance won. Every battleground you were in - Horde won. Could be coincidence or just the overall teams. But most know that you contribute a lot to your team.. Based on what i saw today, you appear to be very skilled in WSG. I can't seem to get you alone which is pretty annoying but its all part of your game; I'd like to see how you play in arenas. Consider what my buddy posted up above about the 7 agility to boots and Wrynn Halberd. Other than that your character is pretty badass. Hope to see you in some more BGs.

Much respect!
Skill>Gear......I Pwn in OEM parts. BtAs are for dueling 50s that have beaten u twice. Shelve ur BtAs and brag on ur skill. Plus, u cant get as high agi with them(although the crit more than makes up for it in damage). Roll old school ftw. I'll see u and Bull in my sights.

p.s. all cats are not =
Smiiliispet said:
Skill>Gear......I Pwn in OEM parts. BtAs are for dueling 50s that have beaten u twice. Shelve ur BtAs and brag on ur skill. Plus, u cant get as high agi with them(although the crit more than makes up for it in damage). Roll old school ftw. I'll see u and Bull in my sights.

p.s. all cats are not =

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