PVP brackets shifting to X5 from X9?

What.... I don't get it... Are you new?


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For the math impared I'll try another way of saying it.

sixteen to twenty-five

twenty-six to thirty-five

thirty-six to fourty-five

and so on.

Srsly, all this love we seem to be getting from blizz lately at random doesnt seem at all suspicious to you?
A change of this magnitude would probably have had a Blizzard announcement already.
Blizzard will never change the lower brackets. If needed, they will adjust the higher level brackets because of a raise in level cap.
they changed 3 items to fit your theory

It's atleast over 10k items from 1-39

all brackets have to changes just becuase of those 3 items

You are stupid.
Guys, if you don't have anything nice to say then don't bother posting. I could see Blizzard possibly doing something like this, arena skirmishes worked this way (ie lvl 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, etc.) and with the massive complaints from level 19s, they may one day change wsg to be 10-15.
Duckhunt said:
Guys, if you don't have anything nice to say then don't bother posting. I could see Blizzard possibly doing something like this, arena skirmishes worked this way (ie lvl 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, etc.) and with the massive complaints from level 19s, they may one day change wsg to be 10-15.

Not saying it wont be implemented, but not any time soon, ie cata.
10-15 Would be so stupid. I see No 15s incoming xD. How could you twink 15 when level 10 get all the scaling possible?
Taitaih said:
A change of this magnitude would probably have had a Blizzard announcement already.

Not true, When the 21-30 bracket went to 20-29 and the 10-19 was formed, it wasn't even pre-announced. Patch came out brackets were changed, AB was added and all our gold was wasted.
Melchizedek said:
Seems the brackets have changed to x0-x4 and x5-x9 now.

I like this change a lot. Will separate the 10s from the 19s. All the x4 brackets won't get pops though, outside of 10-14, 60-64, 70-74 and 80-84.
Pizza said:
Blizzard will never change the lower brackets. If needed, they will adjust the higher level brackets because of a raise in level cap.

Pizza said:
I like this change a lot. Will separate the 10s from the 19s. All the x4 brackets won't get pops though, outside of 10-14, 60-64, 70-74 and 80-84.

Lul Piz...
yes leveling thru PvP will be easier! Also this does help 60 twinks / 70 twinks :p. i think i might make a level 64 twink.

Edit: well Pizza said Blizzard would never do it... But they did. Now Pizza likes the change i mean who wouldn't 10s were kind of annoying most of the time i see them just run in the center with flag and having a healer with them. i would sometimes heal tens only because they were the last man standing or they were FCing.
Khanodruid said:
Lul Piz...

I meant more in terms of making it so 19, 29, 39, 49, ect are not at the top of their bracket.

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