Search results

  1. Aty leaving WoW for now

    Gl and hf in SWTOR
  2. Know Your F2P Twink

    tits or gtfo
  3. Talking to high level characters....

    There's a spam filter and every1>60 can't see what you're writing AFAIK
  4. Peace Guys

    So another random scrub leaving?Meh...
  5. F2P Twinking - Extras Guide

    Add the TCG things please.
  6. First f2p twink to reach 50k HK

    Afaik he made his trial like 4 years ago and he is f2p.
  7. First f2p twink to reach 50k HK

    Well I don't like Kale much because he never finishes a BG but that's pretty darn impressive!
  8. The Official Arena League 2.0

    Count me in Ikeelyo.Just need a partner.
  9. Fury war boa?

    Damage of Bloodthirst is based on attack power so I'd say skull and pvp sword.
  10. Fury war boa?

    For DW you can use Skullforge and honor sword.IMHO you should get shoulders first then chest and finally weps and trinkets.
  11. My Wishlist for Balanced Low level PvP

    If you've seen Spryless you wouldn't think lock is underpowered-he's almost always done most damage.There was an AB which Horde was like 4-5 huntards,2-3 of them 24 and some 24 heals behind them and every ally had stats like 2/10 but Spryless-he was top dmg and 5/2.So yeah dont say lock's...
  12. F2P Twinking - Extras Guide

    How exactly are we going to kill the Headless Horseman when he's lvl 80 and has 126k HP?
  13. "LF Team/Players for the 2v2 Arena Tournament!" - thread

    Alliance - Human - Fury Warrior Armory link: Ikeelyo @ Aerie Peak Looking for partner preferably a healer
  14. War Games. Interested?

    Count me in.Whenever you say
  15. Twink Names!

    Ikeelyo-Ally on Aerie Peak