War Games. Interested?


Hey guys, Sydow here...

So battlegrounds have gotten very boring and I am ready to start doing 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 and WSG/AB war games. Me and a few people from Aerie Peak have done some 2v2s and overall it was very fun and I am looking forward to BGs, 3v3 and 5v5 war games.

How many people here are interested in doing war games and when is a good time? (Use ST on Aerie Peak)
I'm up for anything, I can give away 2 or 3 Spotify invites to the winners (depending if 2v2 or 3v3).

It came out in US yesterday if you wondering.

Atychiphobia, ally - Aerie Peak US
Drünk should be ready soon to join up - likely by this weekend.
Just a quick update, I can maybe make get the price even higher.

I got 3 20s in stock (NOTE: Not geared) which I can giveaway to winners, all of different accounts and all are on the server Aerie Peak US.

Let's make this more interesting =)
I would like to do some War Games this Thursday at 2pm ST on Aerie Peak, not a contest, just for fun. If you want to join just show up and PM Sydow or maybe Medanx. Hope to see many of you there!
Thursday at 2pm ST on Aerie Peak US.

Be there, whisper ingame or PM Aydale (Sydow), Hiidden (Atychiphobia), Invictusa or Medanx.

If you wondering, that's 23:00 paris time. We want to make this event EU and US friendly.

I can give out some epic prices to winners.

EDIT: Both factions are welcome!
sounds good, but a couple of questions about wargames:

alliance toons have a definite gear advantage; should I make an alliance instead of a horde? Should rerolls be encouraged to roll alliance only so that gear can be relatively even? Since wargames can be fought between same faction teams does that make the most sense?

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