Peace Guys

Yep, definitely seeking attention.

Don't blame others for you quitting if your rl is shitty. If you hate them so much to the pint where you're quitting, reroll the opposite faction and gank the fuck out of them. I don't see why this is so difficult.

Tl;Dr find new friends

you dont get it. i dont actually hate the people who've left me out to dry. i'd give anything to continue to have a good relationship with them, but seeing as they dont, that cant happen.

edit: now that im sitting here actually thinking about it before i get off, "they" is really only like, 1 person for sure and maybe like 5 people at max. lollol im dumb.
Leave then, no need for a thread if you've already manlde up your mind
Leave then, no need for a thread if you've already manlde up your mind

ive made up my mind, your right. im going to stay. i associated the "community" with a handful of people who disliked what i was doing, and a few of the people i play with on a day to day basis made up the "community" in my short-sighted mind.

ive now realised that there is a hell of alot more people to this community who still want me around and enjoy being with me, and thats why im staying.

sorry for being such a drama queen these last 2 days guys, im done with that now.

my gametime runs out on the 20th and i'll probably be making an actual f2p in the near future. sucks i wont get to partake in AB weekend though.
so basically what i said was what you needed to hear... thanks for calling my nose disgusting. jerk.
so basically what i said was what you needed to hear... thanks for calling my nose disgusting. jerk.

if you'd like to take credit, you can haha.

but i was in the shower as was just thinking about it all. the "community" to me was the people i played with. not everyone else.
Turned on you, left you out to dry... let's get back to the part where you claim you were taking responsibility for what you've done?

This is starting to annoy me... I think I've been very patient with you and given you every chance to own up to what YOU did, and the circumstances you now find yourself in are a direct result of YOUR actions and attitudes. Nobody turned on you, man... you sold yourself out.

You seemed like a good person, but then you started treating everyone, including your own friends, like they owed you something. Even now you continue to try to play the victim, the persecuted one, and completely ignore your responsibility for your own actions and their inevitable consequences. It is equivalent to driving recklessly down the street and running people off the road, and then when the cops pull you over, you act like they're just singling you out for police harrassment.

Own your mistakes! I don't agree with Naeomie; I don't think it is too late for you to show some maturity and some genuine remorse for the way you -continue- to treat people here. I am, however, starting to really doubt whether or not you have sufficient motivation or sufficient emotional fortitude to quit playing the victim, and restore your name by doing the right thing.

I feel like we've given you every possible opportunity to make this right. It's up to you now.
Turned on you, left you out to dry... let's get back to the part where you claim you were taking responsibility for what you've done?

This is starting to annoy me... I think I've been very patient with you and given you every chance to own up to what YOU did, and the circumstances you now find yourself in are a direct result of YOUR actions and attitudes. Nobody turned on you, man... you sold yourself out.

You seemed like a good person, but then you started treating everyone, including your own friends, like they owed you something. Even now you continue to try to play the victim, the persecuted one, and completely ignore your responsibility for your own actions and their inevitable consequences. It is equivalent to driving recklessly down the street and running people off the road, and then when the cops pull you over, you act like they're just singling you out for police harrassment.

Own your mistakes! I don't agree with Naeomie; I don't think it is too late for you to show some maturity and some genuine remorse for the way you -continue- to treat people here. I am, however, starting to really doubt whether or not you have sufficient motivation or sufficient emotional fortitude to quit playing the victim, and restore your name by doing the right thing.

I feel like we've given you every possible opportunity to make this right. It's up to you now.

you can ask earl, i told him i would apoligize to the community along side him but i was still ousted. but yes, i understand what i've done. what do you want me to do? write a wall of text saying sorry x1276865 times?

i can say im sorry all i want, but i have to PROVE myself again, and that will be done in-game. yes, i told alot of people off, and im sorry, but there isnt much more i can say.
That sounds good to me. I will reserve judgment. I don't think it's entirely fair that you're still saying that you were turned against and hung out to dry, though. If you can demonstrate that you don't really believe that, and that you know that you were responsible for what happened to you, then I assure you I will have no issues with you at all. I do think you're a good player and a good person, outside of this recent conflagration.
this is why I am a nice guy to everyone
its easier to be easy going than opinionated, opinions are like assholes, almost everyone has them, appart from the from jellyfish... be a jellyfish brah! Float along doin what you do!
Everybody just needs kiss and make up, this is getting ridiculous. It's annoying coming on TI looking for advice/help but what i find instead is a bunch of people fighting and complaining. I'm neutral in all of this, and I'm not taking any sides; I just want everybody to get along.
good god why does everyone feel the need to make a thread when they quit? i leveled my p2p 20 out without making a thread about it, i missed out on my shot at attention
TheGameSupply said:
This place is like one big ass guild site, I get it now.


Shift I've never had any problems with you, I don't play very much though. I hope I can get to know you and everyone else better soon though.
Damn man, right when I'm almost done with my shammy (pre-BoAs at least). I was really looking forward to playing with you more. Come back as an anonymous f2p and let's wreck shit.

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