Talking to high level characters....


So I was followed around for a while by this pore 85 in outland, who apparently wanted very much to know what I was doing there... but because of the chat restrictions and them not whispering me I wasn't able to tell them D: (The poor guy even resorted to asking in chinese... lol) anyone had experiences like this or know how to acheive communication?
I have found myself in many similar predicaments, it can be quite frustrating - especially if you need them to help you (e.g clear mobs around a fishing pool while fishing for sea turtle)
you can only respond to their whispers. and default emotes work. you would think that /talk would give them a clue, but so far i haven't had much luck with it. they usually just /wave back at me. :/

whenever ANYONE whispers you, add them as a friend.
It seems it has become necessary to test this. We need to gather a few people based on the conclusions, which are are similar but different, and test among ourselves. We should gather an 85, something in between 60 and 85, a sub 60 (lvl 58 dk for example), a 20, a 21, and possibly a 30. Then we can go about testing /say, default and custom emotes, then if they can't see default emotes we can test and see i they can see us waving, but not the emote, or something like that. To make sure of accuracy, the gathered people should be removed from the trials friends list and likewise for the p2p to ensure accuracy.
I think the lvl restriction is less than 60. I've had a lvl 3 and a lvl 20 f2p couldn't see my /say. I think they have to be within a certain lvl difference to see, like 10 lvls.

And yes, I've had that situation happen in the outlands. Finally the guy left and I guess it was still bugging him because he finally whispered me.

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