Fury war boa?

Just lookin for opinions on which item to get first, shoulders,chest, or weapons. Also I have seen some wars rolling dual skullforge reavers, from stats it looks like mace is bis, am I mistaken?
humm good question, i am not sure it was an alliance warrior and i could have sworn that she had two of them... maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me
Looked for the char I thought had dual, turns out was skull and alliance pvp sword. So is bis dual maces or skullforge and mace?
BoA in order of importance:

PVE Shoulders (to get rid of excessive hit from the blue ones)

PVE chest or Weapon(s)


Also, I really think skullforge Reaver is the best mainhand for fury.

There can and will be lots of discussion about the Offhand though.

I personally like the extra hit from Razor's Edge, which comes with almost no loss in damage output (both white hits and added AP).

And if wouldn't have access to that one, i'd go for the warrior quest weapon with hit.

The Blue WSG sword is pretty awesome aswell compared to other BoA possibilities.

I would NOT take a BoA offhand over one with strength (blue one).

Enjoy swapping weapons around to see what you like most!
nonsense thanks for such an in depth and comprehensive reply, still working on honor for first BoA but as soon as i have some to spare i will be experimenting with oh combos and will keep you guys updated as best as possible
Being overly hit capped only applies if we make the assumptions that: we're not hit capping for 24s, the player is horde (more +hit from blues), or you're alliance with The Hat (some players will choose not to get it to balance the factions). If you're alliance without The Hat, getting the chest heirlooms allows the hit from the blue quest shoulders to shine.

Dual-wielding isn't necessarily better than using a two-hander for fury at this level, so going for the Bloodied Arcanite Reaper might be a better choice second.
Spryness said:
Being overly hit capped only applies if we make the assumptions that: we're not hit capping for 24s, the player is horde (more +hit from blues), or you're alliance with The Hat (some players will choose not to get it to balance the factions). If you're alliance without The Hat, getting the chest heirlooms allows the hit from the blue quest shoulders to shine.

First: Alliance has more hit from quest rewards, if you pick the useable BiS items. -> 18 hit rating, horde gets 15.


I know you didn't take the eye-patch, but that's no reason to say horde gets more hit from blues.

A fury warrior needs around 7 hit rating to reach the pvp hit cap vs. level 20's...

Since dual wielding fury warriors can sit around the 8% hit (around 11 rating) mark easily without any fancy gear;

I think it's safe to say that the BoA shoulders are easily better then the blue ones. strength > hit when capped.

And about the 1h vs 2h discussion;

It's your choice if you want your white hits to be more consistent (1h) or rng-bursty (2h).

Also i find myself praying for rage a lot more when using a 2 hander; that might just be me being used to dual wielding though...
Nonsense said:
First: Alliance has more hit from quest rewards, if you pick the useable BiS items. -> 18 hit rating, horde gets 15.


I know you didn't take the eye-patch, but that's no reason to say horde gets more hit from blues.

The hat's a primary source of the excess hit on an alliance character. Horde gets +5 for boots for free without a stat tradeoff and an extra hit on bracers (alliance does get 2 str extra in the BiS bracer slot, though), but that closes out Ello's Band. Alliance can get +1 more from Keeshan's Bow - Item - World of Warcraft OR +3 from Bravo Company Signet - Item - World of Warcraft , not both. Completing that quest on alliance is never worth it, so those slots aren't applicable. That leaves just +4 hit from shoulders and +2 on bracers, which is enough to cap a fury warrior. The chest heirloom offers the biggest stat upgrade without hit cap sacrifice if the hat isn't obtained, which is exactly the point I was getting across.

As for dual wielding, I've noticed the exact opposite. I find 1H too rng-bursty and 2H consistent. There were more times where I've sat at 0 rage from auto-attack misses while dual-wielding than when I had the staff or the pickaxe, and that's with short weapon expertise for gnomes augmenting parries and dodges.
Why would an ally not use the eyepatch. Don't go generalizing alliance warriors BiS 'cause of your personal decisions...

Even with the "excessive" hit, the 8 agility is still better then the extra 4 stamina you would gain from LFH.

Then if you think the BoA chest is more of an upgrade from Mutant Scale Breastplate,

then the Boa shoulders are from the blue ones; you're wrong. 2 strength and 4 crit rating beat 7 crit rating anyday for a warrior.

Also, missing has nothing to do with weapon expertise.

And i won't go further into the 1h/2h discussion, since no one can present exact numbers.

Just try it for yourself, and see what gets you most satisfaction.
Nonsense said:
Don't go generalizing alliance warriors BiS 'cause of your personal decisions...

Even with the "excessive" hit, the 8 agility is still better then the extra 4 stamina you would gain from LFH.

Then if you think the BoA chest is more of an upgrade from Mutant Scale Breastplate,

then the Boa shoulders are from the blue ones; you're wrong. 2 strength and 4 crit rating beat 7 crit rating anyday for a warrior.

Considering you're on the side of dual wielding, it's strange that you'd ignore the +hit from the shoulders in that comparison as it does increase your white damage.

Shoulders: +90 armor, +1 stamina, +2 strength, (-4 hit, +4 crit)

Chest: +120 armor, +2 stamina, +7 crit

I'd take the bottom option first.

Nonsense said:
Also, missing has nothing to do with weapon expertise.

Evasion in general, whether it be from dodges, parries, or misses, add up when dual wielding. If you honestly thought I didn't understand the difference of expertise and hit... you're splitting hairs. That reply was posted directly at you, a fellow fury warrior, so I didn't think I'd have to clarify it for you.
Spryness said:
Evasion in general, whether it be from dodges, parries, or misses, add up when dual wielding. If you honestly thought I didn't understand the difference of expertise and hit... you're splitting hairs. That reply was posted directly at you, a fellow fury warrior, so I didn't think I'd have to clarify it for you.

I didn't know if you meant exactly what you said, downside of forum discussions i guess... My apologies :)

And as said before; i rarely have rage problems when dual wielding. Also, my white damage output is certainly on par, if not better then when equiping a 2h'er.

If i can get my hands on Demon Band, and maybe the BoA bow, i would consider my current setup BiS (horde side ofcourse) for dual wielding stat-balance wise (not talking about AGM/BoA trinket).

I really think that taking the BoA shoulders over the blue ones can easily be compensated by other gear, for both horde and alliance, without putting yourself at any disadvantage.

That being said, i think we can conclude that wether you take shoulders or chest first, it won't have a game breaking impact. No?

Ps; i<3u Spry
Regarding warrior BiS, this discussion is focused on the reasons for getting which BoAs in which order. Playstyle/gearing/faction choices are important in the reasoning behind getting certain pieces first. Although my choices are different from the average player, it's still an option that can be explored for those that are willing to even up the bracket.

I wish Blizzard would add a training dummy that acts as a target your own level or varying levels higher so lower levels could have an easier time determining which stats are best for overall DPS in the long term.

I did manage to get one Demon Band - Item - World of Warcraft , but I'd need 2 to cap to get rid of these shoulders. I'd be losing 1 stat point doing that by taking off the Band of Argas - Item - World of Warcraft so it's a hard call.

I still feel my playstyle and dual-wielders would prefer the chest first and the average two-handed users would benefit from the shoulders about the same. Not very gamebreaking which order they'd choose so long as they don't by the heirloom trinkets first or something.

I like these types of exchanges. <3 Nonsense.
I agree about this conversation being interesting and thought-provoking, as I've spent much more time as an endgame prot than I have (so far) as a F2P20 fury. These conversations are helpful.

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