Aty leaving WoW for now

After 6 months in F2P it have been an honor to play with you guys, it was real fun on Aerie Peak.

Now I'm leaving for SWTOR (in 1 hour queue to server atm) to struggle for more awesome adventures along with Medanx and others from F2P/Twinkinfo.

The last days in F2P I did some arenas to remember to good times and guess what, I'm releasing one video on my channel and one exclusive for Twinkinfo!

[Make sure to view them in 1080p HD]




I will still be on twinkinfo when I'm bored, probably never gonna leave this place atleast for awhile
You'll be back... They always come back...


Why would you want him back? focus focus focus .


Aty been waiting in queue for 3hours now lols:D


Oh yea im also leaving! .. Not that i play with any1 from here.. but just thought you should know

i will quote this from a vid i watched when Zybak quit wow.

"Hero's are remembered...but Legends never die"

i will quote this from a vid i watched when Zybak quit wow.

"Hero's are remembered...but Legends never die"

Zybak sux....

Aty well
We had some nice Arena Games^^ BUT LIKE Ark said already YOU'LL COME BACK SWTOR IS HYPED AND WILL DIE LIIKE ANY OTHER RPG! (except wow which is dying slowly lol)

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