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  1. WSG Graveyards.

    I played a few games today and found people dont really camp it, basically because there is no point. In order for spawned players to do anything useful (eg, defened) they have to jump down and run all the way around. Where as before all they had to do was run back into the flag room only a few...
  2. Hello 4.1 :)

    There is no 4.0.8 .. 4.1 is live :)
  3. Hello 4.1 :)

    Whos gonna rape the most now?
  4. server roll call

    Im on BlackRock which is one of the biggest realms worldwide, i have yet to come across another 19.
  5. Hit cap for 16 huntard!

    @Scissortwink: That's mainly the reason why I am making it 16 and not 19. Finally a respectable hunter !
  6. Neutral AH

    Thank you for this awesome post :)
  7. Hit cap for 16 huntard!

    You are going to hell for making a hunter. But good on you for going 16 atleast things will be balanced against other classes.
  8. <Twink Info> GUILD Recruiting!

    Hey guys :) whats your vent info? Im thinking about xferring . ty :D
  9. To the Horde.

    I actually went from horde to alliance , yeah ..
  10. hotbot usa update

    You do all that shit and still play wow?
  11. rogue ranged slot

    No way . Bow of ire all the way.
  12. Rogue Feet Enchant

    Dumb question. Minor speed increase no doubt. An 8% increase in speed is far better than 7 agility. Especially as a rogue getting kited is not the buzz...
  13. U.S 19 Dream team :)

    Wait till arenas come back then you'll know who true pros are
  14. Lucky fishing hat vs BoA Helm

    Haha nice. But still.. Lucky Fishing hat should be the best in my view.
  15. Lucky fishing hat vs BoA Helm

    Guys I think part of the reason we dislike boa helms is that we cbf grinding the rep. Well that's me anyway :P but blizzard needs to add extra stam or something to the hat just to balance things out.
  16. Lucky fishing hat vs BoA Helm

    Looks count too right?
  17. Lucky fishing hat vs BoA Helm

    Guess I better start grinding guild xp D:
  18. Lucky fishing hat vs BoA Helm

    To me , the icon for 19 twinks is the lucky fishing hat it's 15 stam bonus and total badass look has made it pure awesome . But now I'm checking these stats on the BoA helms and some of them actually aren't bad, in some cases probably better. What do you guys think ? Lucky fishing hat...
  19. WTB shadowfang-US

    I'm still interested in other sellers too
  20. WTB shadowfang-US

    Fair enough , Ok then id prefer to take them on horde(lightnininghoof ofc). Also how much gold were you looking for, for both or each?